Chapter Twelve

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"So this is your place." Trina examined the two-story building that Jasper calls his home. The male nodded as he rested his hospital bag in the corridor closet.

It's been eight days since Jasper was admitted to the hospital. He was finally cleared and released from the hospital today.

"Thank you for everything." he smiled softly at Trina as he approached her to embrace her.  "No problem, you are my boyfriend.." her words faded as the memory of Spencer planting a kiss on her cheek resurfaced.

They spent the next three hours together, watching a movie before they were interrupted.

They both flinched at the slam of the door. "Jasper Lorenzo Alcazar!" Trina heard a screech from a female. "fucking hell." he groaned as he rolled his eyes.

A tall blonde, blue-eyed lady stormed into the home and beelined her way to Jasper. She gasped at the sight of him. "WHO DID THIS!?" She screamed; her aggression made Trina a bit timid.

"Mom, it's fine --" she interrupted him. "I told Damien to resolve shit he started! It would help if you didn't have --" she stopped as she finally noticed another presence.

She stared at Trina with wide eyes. The atmosphere shifted.

The air suddenly felt thick; Trina could not understand why the atmosphere veered. She internally convinced herself that they were caught off guard and she was intruding on a family affair.

"Mom," Jasper growled as he noticed Trina cower back to herself.

"Jasper, this seems important, and I'm going to go. I'll see you later, okay?" He shrugged off his mother to approach Trina. "I'm sorry about her; she does too much." Trina smiled softly. "She's just concerned. I understand that."

He kissed her softly before hugging her again. "I'll call you."

Trina nodded as she collected her things and left the house.

Trina sat in her car, paranoid about the weird encounter. She pulled out her phone, texting Spencer before driving from Jasper's home, unaware of the car tailgating her three cars behind.


Jasper turned to his mother with a glare. "You didn't tell me you got yourself a girlfriend," she stated. He scoffed. "When do I tell you anything, Mother."

She laughed at the disgust he spat at her. "Oh, my child, my baby. You never changed." Her hands rested on his face before digging her nails into it. Jasper shook his head and removed her grasp before asking, "What are you doing here? How did you get in my house?"

She held up a key, "My good son provided me access."  "fucking Damien," he mumbled to himself.

"Tell me about your girlfriend." She sat in the spot on the couch that Trina once occupied. "You didn't come here for that; why are you here?" he asked again.

"I came to check on you. You're fine, now come on, let's catch up. Who's Trina?" He caught the mischievous smile on her face as she queried him about his girlfriend. "What are you up to, Mother?" he asked straight-faced. Her smile dropped at his deflection.

"We'll come back to this conversation." She commented before texting someone. "What happened to you? Damien told me you were stabbed?" She continued; Jasper nodded in reply. "Guza stabbed me, PJ shot him, and the whole shit blew up."

His mother stared at him, confused. "Why would Guza target you?" 

Jasper glared at his mother. "Ask your eldest."


"Ugh, I'm sorry." Trina groaned at the impact between her and the other person.

"Trina? Am I right?"

Trina looked up. "Damien." He nodded with a smile—an empty one, as she would describe.

"I saw you from across the street; I just wanted to say hello."

She got a weird feeling from him. "Hello," she awkwardly gestured her hand in a short wave before Spencer came out of Kelly's.

"Ok, I got our orders and saw they had chocolate cake today, so I got you a slice." He spoke to her as Damien looked on.

"Hello." Spencer greeted coldly, clearly aware of who stood before him.

"Cassadine," Damien kept the smile as he greeted Spencer. "You seem all healed." Damien's eyebrows jumped at the subtle aggression.

"Port Charles has some of the best doctors," He began before Spencer shut him down. "Yeah, I know. That's common knowledge."

Trina placed her hand on Spencer's tricep as his jaw clenched.

"I'll see you around, Trina." Damien's smile dropped into a smirk as he and Spencer had a stare-off during his departure.

"I would've scolded you, but something isn't sitting well with me regarding him and his mother," Trina told Spencer as he looked at her. "So you've met the parents," he mumbled.

Trina giggled at his jealousy, "I met Jasper's mother unintentionally."

Spencer sat on the bench as she explained.

"During my evening visit to Jasper, the doctor discharged him. So, we agreed that I take him home. We were chilling, eating, and watching a movie, and his mother burst through the door. Like storming in, demanding answers about his injuries."

Trina took a breath.

"It took her a minute, but she noticed me, and from that moment, it became uneasy." Tfina continued to explain before Spencer asked, "What do you mean, uneasy?" she swallowed.

"Like she just -- just stared, and it wasn't a 'why are you here' stare. More of an 'oh shit.' stare; disbelief is the closest word to mind to describe her expression." Trina explains.

"It made me paranoid, I almost thought someone was following me." she continued making Spencer hold her hand in comfort.

Spencer began to think of any indication of who Jasper's mother was.

"No one ever mentioned her, almost like she never existed," Spencer commented, making Trina stare at him. "That's true. Jasper always spoke about his father to me but never his mother." she realized. "Would your uncle know?" she asked.

"Uncle Sonny?" Trina nodded rapidly. "I'm not sure, but it won't hurt to ask." she smiled before hugging him.


Damien stayed statued in the blind-spotted are listening in to their conversation. He pulled out his phone, texting someone. "Code Red."

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