Chapter 11: The Smut Chapter

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Eren moved closer, "Is this really happening?"

"I... think so..?" Floch said, flustered.

Floch moved in closer to Eren as he pulled him in with his meaty horse arms. He closed his eyes as his lips met Eren's and they slowly melted together.

Eren slid his hand down Floch's horse waist and pressed his body against his chest, both their faces glowing as bright as Floch's hair. He opened his lips and let Floch slip his tongue in, gliding along his teeth. "You taste like freedom, tatakae," Eren whispered in between breaks.

Floch whimpered and wrapped his front hooves around Eren's torso, pulling him on top of him. "That's how I roll, baby," Floch replied breathily.

"Stop talking."

"Yes sir."

"I'm gonna need viagra," Eren remarked.

[The rest of this chapter will not be published here bc the authors were not OK with leaving this kind of digital footprint. If this gets really famous they might release it as a secret bonus chapter in a few years]🩷🩵

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