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"Back to University!" *sighs*

I sighs, as I am anxious about my assignments and today is the 1st day of university after a long time, I was lost in my thoughts and that's when I feel tap on my shoulder and look to see who tapped? Oh it's Ash! she greets me and I greet her too.....

Good morning Pia

Hey, Ash! Very Goodmorning!

After greeting, we both walk to our lockers together and we talked about our classes and all on the way. To our surprise her locker was next to mine and I never noticed her, I feel bad but now we are very good friends so no worries right?

And we checked our schedule but to increase my anxiety it's English lecture and we had to submit our assignments to new Professor named professor Lucifer, I am really nervous to meet new professor as introvert I am really bad at socialising. I really wish professor should be good.

I came out of my thoughts when I heared bell rang that means it's time to go to class, Ash and I were walking towards class while talking about how anxious and nervous I am but as a really very good friend she told me no need to worry as she is with me, oh my goodness I just meet her but I don't feel strange but it feels like we are friends from very long time.

As we entered the classroom, I saw Ray, Kevin, V and Trésor are already there talking about something, Ray noticed us and call us to sit with them, as always I sat beside Win and Ash sat beside Ray, we all were talking about assignments and how few of us are nervous and that's when someone entre the class, he stood in centre and he looked at us! And his eyes roam around then he spoke

Good morning everyone! I am your new English professor, Professor Lucifer. I hope you all had completed the assignment!

Oh my god, he really seems so strict. His stern voice already gave me chills, well he is tall and maybe in his late 30s. I came back to reality when he says

Everyone introduce yourself then we will began the class.

Thank god, I am not sitting in front row wuff! Those students from 1st row began to introduce themselves and that's when it time to introduce the students who are siting in 4th row that means my turn, I stand up and introduce myself

Good morning sir, I am Pia and I m Bsc-micro student.

He nod and I sat down, then everyone introduce themselves, after introduction, professor directly called us 6 together with our assignments and we were like wtf?

We submitted our assignments and sat back to our respective seats, then everyone submitted and after submitting class begins

#time skips

So that was one of William Shakespeare's wonderful creation, and with that today's class ends!

And finally! Lecture ends but he teaches really good. Just when we were going to stand he spoke ~

Students! Your today's work is to bring a quote or poem by William Shakespeare.

And with that he leaved the class and we all groan due to this work! Who gives work at the 1st day *sighs*

#time skips to Lunch break

It was really tiring day! I submitted my all assignments and those notes *sighs* really hectic day! Finally its lunch time and there everyone is already gathered, I also join them with my lunch, we all were talking about our hectic day while munching on our food, at 1st day only we all are tired af! Just then we check our schedule and woohooo!! After lunch we all have last class and after that we can go! So we decided to meet at library for English work, it will be like study date hehe, and we all have our respective subjects work too.

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