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And the day they all were waiting for is today! Graduation dayy!!!!! Everyone clicked pictures with their classmates, friends and professors, soon the ceremony will begin, How time ran away didn't get to know..... It feels like it was just yesterday when they were having their 1st lecture and today it's Graduation day!

Everyone are happy for their new journey and sad coz they'll miss this time when they had fun with their friends! Everyone will get busy in their careers life and family.....

Principal came and gave the certificates to students who came University 1st, class 1st and in other activities......
Pia and everyone got certificates too! Everyone's parents came and congratulates their child! They are taking family pictures but Pia was without family! But yeh! Kewin's parents treats her like their own daughter so Mr and Mrs D'Souza took family picture with her and they even brought bouquet for Pia and Kewin! On left Mr D'Souza and on right Mrs D'Souza and in between Pia and Kewin was stood and Ray clicked pic! Well Pia was too much emotional to have them and she is soooo happy that she is not alone at her own graduation day! And yeh! V's parents, Trésor's parents, Ash's parents and even Ray's took a picture with Pia as family pic! And she was crying *tears of Joy* as her friends family consider her their part of family too! So what Pia's family is not here....She is part of many families And that's when Min-hwa and Yeona came......

Annyong Pia-ah! Surprise!!!!!
Says Yeona and Min-hwa

Omo! Annyongggggg
Says Pia with tears and smile and they hug each other!
They clicked pictures with graduating Pia and one more surprise!!

Hey Big Bun! Congratulationsssssss!!!!!!!!!!
Says Aara and Phila together and it's over now! Pia ran towards them and hugged them and cry like anything!!

Omg! Why today everyone are showing soooo much love?! *Cries*

Becoz you deserves it Big Bun!
Says Phila and broke the hug and gave the bouquet they brought for Pia!!

Yey! Our Big bun is graduated!!
Says Aara with excitement!

How do you came by the way? And what about at house? Did they know I'm in France?? Or ho-

Shushhh!! Calm down! No overthinking today atleast!! Everything is fine and nobody knows where you are....so be calm big bun!
Says Phila making Pia calm!

Don't you think we three should click pic?
Says Aara and they nod

And Between Aara and Phila there stood Pia with huge smile, teary eyes and bouquet they brought and click~
They took a pic! Which came soooi cute ! This is best day of her life as the amount of love and affection she is getting from everyone is too much for her and she is soooo overwhelmed by getting these much love!

Ciaoooo!!! Mio cognata!!
Says Cyra and hold Pia in her huge hug!!

Congratulationssss!!! Mio cognataaa! I missed youuuu!

Omg! Thank you so much Cyraaa!! Ahem well I'm not able to breathe girl!
Says Pia while struggling and they broke the hug and everyone laughs at Cyra's cuteness....

Opps! Sorry, I get excited....
Says Cyra with crimson cheeks due to embarrassment.....

No problem, where is Aunty?!
Ask Pia and

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