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So it's been week they came back from Seoul! About Pia's birthday, on next day, They celebrate her birthday at Yeona's house.

Her friends planned a surprise party for her. Kewin and Pia went for their hangout as Pia needs to stay out of home so what they can decorate....

Pia took him to her Favourite place, and around evening they came and when they enter, boom! Everyone screamed and started to sing


Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you Piaaa,
Happy birthday to you....

The room was decorated so pretty! And everyone was singing for her but her eyes was stopped at her love Arthur
Who was wearing white shirt with rolled up sleeves. He smiled at her and gesture her come inside

She was shocked! The decoration, her brother Winieee, her other favourite hoomans, the love they're showering, everything was overwhelming and this was the exact decoration she used to imagine when she was child to celebrate it with her twin Bella!
She hates her birthday! Coz she hates to celebrate it withoit Bella! Whenever her birthday comes, she misses Bella more, She cries on her every birthday coz Bella is not with her and she hates that she is still alive and having happy life, She blame herself for Bella's death....

Thank you sooooooo much guys *cries*

Aww, don't cry bish
Says Trésor while hugging her

And that turned out in group hug! Yes everyone hugged her more like crashed her

Gu...guys... I'm...

Heyyy! Leave my owl! She's is not to able to breath

And everyone broke the hug and laughs!

Here comes the Chocolate cake! yours and Bella's favourite
Says V while bringing the cake which made Pia cry more and Arthur was creasing her back to calm her down!

H..how? How you know??

Arthur told us
Says V, smiling at Pia

Let's cut the cake....
And have funnnnnnn!
Says Ash

But I ha-

You hate your birthday we know!
Says Yeona

Here you go...
Arthur gave her something which is wrapped in gift package

What is that?

Open it... you'll love it

And Pia opened it, and there she sat on ground crying badly! Because it was a photo frame of her and Bella's childhood pic with their Edited Pic showing Bella and Pia on the beach laughing and playing with water


It was Arthur, he went to London before coming to Italy, there he tried to find any picture of you with your sister but was failed but then She meet an old lady who shows him your old house's store room and there was this pic! Only this pic was remaining as that asshole burned everything related to you both....
Explains Trésor and Pia is crying like anything.....

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