Chapter 5

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Standing motionless at the door, Hope continues to stare in fascination at the crumpled yellowed note and the bloody diary in her hands.

Josie wants to break their bond. That's why she tried so hard to hide their marks. She wasn't even going to tell anyone about anything.

Hope wants so badly to yell at her, to blame her for everything that has happened in the last two weeks. Josie used dark magic. She didn't even think about how it would affect Hope.

But a moment later, the thought of her own well-being leaves her mind. If she felt so bad herself, if she had been living like hell every day for the past two weeks, then how did Josie feel, what kind of suffering did she go through in an attempt to push Hope away from herself?

A pang of guilt pierces her chest again. Her soulmate, the person destined for her by fate, doesn't want to share her fate so much that she is ready to finally break their bond.

Continuing to stare stubbornly at the crumpled piece of paper in her hands, she doesn't even notice how Lizzie approaches her. The blonde witch looks both tired and furious. Her hair, once neatly gathered into a ponytail, now hangs from her head in sweat-soaked shreds. Her naturally pale skin seems to have become even paler after their successful attempt to siphon the cloaking charms out of the tribrid. Against this background, cheeks and neck reddened from anger look especially expressive.

Lizzie instantly snatches Josie's diary out of Hope's hands.

"Don't you dare touch my sister's things!" She growls and reaches for a piece of paper with her other hand. "And this doesn't belong to you either!"

The blonde walks away from her, shoving the diary and note into her bag on the go.

Hope looks after her in confusion, not even trying to figure out what to do next.

Suddenly, the door behind her opens, letting in two women talking cheerfully about something. In some distant, still functioning part of her brain, the redhead recognizes their voices as the voices of her aunts.

"These kids at your school are so weird!" Rebekah blurts out, letting Freya in. "Even my fangs don't work for them."

"Nothing works for them." The witch grins at her, going inside. "By the way, Ric, there are no books and letters about kindred spirits in the cache. And in general, there is a very large concentration of dark magic. Did someone take them away?" She asks, awkwardly looking around the assembled company.

There is a silence in the office, accompanied only by the sound of a bag being zipped, which apparently comes from Lizzie.

"Oh, we already know who took them!" She replies, snorting.

"And who took them?" Freya turns her attention to the blonde witch.

"Ask your niece!" Lizzie walks past Hope, glaring angrily in her direction. "You'll learn a lot of new things!" She turns to the witch, arching an eyebrow mockingly.

Hope seems to have just come out of her trance. She looks around the office uncertainly, afraid of bumping into her parents again. Her whole family is staring straight at her with wide-open eyes, obviously waiting for some kind of answer. However, Hope has nothing to answer them.

"Hope, what's going on?" Rebekah pats her back soothingly.

The redhead feels that she is slowly but surely drowning. Her legs become unbearably heavy. She can't help but wonder if this is due to the fact that a lot of magic was siphon out of her, or to the fact that by a strange coincidence she was trapped in her own stupidity and lies?

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