Chapter 21. Part II

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Keeping secrets from Josie turns out to be harder for Hope than she expected. She should avoid any communication with her. And if she doesn't, then she probably won't be able to keep her tongue from wanting to tell the twins about the merge. But one day her patience comes to an end.

One evening, when she is about to go to bed, Josie suddenly appears in front of her right in the library. In a panic, Hope does the first thing that comes to her mind. She slams the stupid books and after a short conversation runs away from there like a real coward.

When she comes to her senses only in her room (fortunately her negligent roommate is not there), Hope immediately diales her mother's phone number and calls her.

"Mom, I can't do this anymore! I'll tell them both about the merge and the Triad's plans, and I don't care what Caroline and my dad think!" She babbles so fast that her own tongue begins to slur. She doesn't even bother to say hello properly, she is so eager to at least talk to someone.

Hope leans against the wall, waiting for an answer, but the phone is silent, as if someone on the other side doesn't hear her at all.

"Since when do you know about the merge and the Triad's plans?"

Hope freezes in place. Her heart beats in a clear rhythm, sending loud signals to her ears. The palms holding the phone become sweaty and cold at the same time, and the legs slightly buckle. It's not her mom talking to her on the phone at all.

"Dad?" She asks in a slightly hoarse voice. "Where's Mom?"

She tries to keep her composure, but a treacherous nervousness is evident in every sound she makes.

"Mom?" Hope knows that tone perfectly well. It's the tone her father uses to communicate with someone when he's very angry. "Your mom is very busy right now!" He speaks with an exaggerated nonchalance that only inflames Hope's fear. "But I'm free!"

"Dad, you just..."

"I'll be right there." He abruptly interrupts her and hangs up.

The call is interrupted, and Hope falls onto the bed with a groan.

It looks like she, her mother and aunts are in trouble.

Hope leaves the room. She runs only a couple of meters until she accidentally bumps into someone. From a strong blow, she is immediately thrown back. She lands on her back and groans in pain.

"Hope, are you okay?"

Hope looks up. Aunt Rebekah is standing in front of her. Without thinking about anything but her father and his speedy arrival, the red-haired girl immediately gets to her feet.

"Aunt Rebekah, I think I've done something really stupid!" The original vampire arches an eyebrow questioningly. "Dad knows everything!"

Rebekah's eyes grow to the size of a volcano crater. She grabs her niece by the elbow and drags her in the opposite direction from Hope's room.

"How did he know?" She drags the girl past festively dressed students who look at them with a strange mixture of surprise and fear.

Hope tries to smile at them, but the sight of her aunt dragging her by the elbow somewhere in an unknown direction only confuses the unfortunate students even more.

"I swear it happened by accident!" But the vampire doesn't let up. "I called mom, but dad picked up the phone."

Rebekah stops and turns Hope to face her. The girl's face, red with embarrassment, drops guiltily down.

"How could you accidentally mix them up? Can't you see the difference between your father's and mother's voices?" Rebekah's face is also red, but unlike Hope's, it looks threatening and angry.

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