Chapter 17

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It's been three weeks since Josie came home. For some reason, on the day it happened, Josie thought that as soon as she returned, everything would magically change. And although magic is not at all alien to their world, a wonderful happy ending, as well as a quick healing, still don't exist here.

Josie perfectly remembers the look her mother gave her when she first saw her emaciated body. Without a doubt, she immediately smelled someone else's blood on her skin. Josie was also acutely aware of Aunt Bonnie's concern when she involuntarily touched her hand. Traces of the dark magic that once saved her niece from a gang of vampires that day made the witch shudder with fear.

Now the memories of that evening seem so vivid and at the same time distant that Josie can hardly put together a complete picture in her head. There were too many people and too many emotions. At that moment, it was so strange for Josie to see her mom, Aunt Bonnie and the Mikaelsons together in a rundown motel in some abandoned town that her brain willy-nilly periodically turned off.

Today she can only recall fragmentary moments of their journey home.

They were driving, I think, in her mother's black Mercedes. Or maybe it was her father's SUV? Josie doesn't remember exactly. The only thing she knows for sure is that Hope wasn't there for her.

Josie is sitting in the backseat. Her mother's eternally pale arms embrace her all the way. She seems to be saying something about a psychologist, about a new training program, but Josie hardly listens to her. At some point, Caroline realizes this and falls silent, reserving the right to hug and stroke her daughter on the head the rest of the way.

They've been driving for what seems like forever. Bright headlights of oncoming cars hurt Josie's eyes, forcing her to squint and only burrow deeper into the pleasant soft fabric of her mother's jacket.

It seems that she is falling asleep, because the next second the car stops abruptly, and from somewhere in the distance someone's loud voices are heard.

Josie lifts her head. Her mom is still gently stroking her head while talking to someone on the phone. Noticing Josie's sleepy look, she gently says.

"Sleep, dear."

Josie lowers her head again. Through the murky backseat window, she notices familiar blue eyes watching her right through the door of another car.

Josie stares at them for a second before her consciousness shuts down again.

The next time she wakes up in the dead of night. Through the fogged window, she can barely make out the outlines of her home school. Nearby, someone is talking quietly. The seat next to Josie creaks, and the car door opens a crack.

"How long did I sleep?" Josie asks, wiping her sleepy eyes with sweat–soaked hands.

Only now does she realize how hot and stuffy it's in the car. The cool autumn wind pleasantly chills the skin, but even this is not enough. She urgently needs to get out into the fresh air!

"Not so long. We arrived quickly." Her mother replies, helping her out of the car.

The cool autumn breeze makes Josie's skin crawl. She winces slightly.

The second car stops nearby. Josie catches Hope Mikaelson looking at her uncertainly. She holds a small packet of juice in her hand and awkwardly shifts from one foot to the other, as if not daring to come closer.

As soon as Josie is about to say something, she immediately feels someone's warm palm on her lower back.

"Shall we go?" Mom's hesitant voice comes from behind her.

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