Chapter 12

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Autumn, which has come too quickly, seems to threaten in all its splendor to fall on nature, which has not yet fully recovered from the sultry and hot summer. Josie had not noticed the slightly yellowed trees before, nor the frequent, incessant rain that left huge puddles in the path of every random traveler, nor the strange smell that beat into her nostrils with every breath, nor even the slightly haggard people, who rarely looked cheerful at this time. Now Josie can regretfully conclude that autumn, dull, mysterious and frightening, has really come.

She burrows deeper into her gray coat, involuntarily groping in the inner pocket for securely hidden money and a couple of forged documents. The next chair by the window is empty, so Josie puts her blue backpack on it. In the morning rush, she managed to take with her only a few sweatshirts and jeans. She hopes that this will be enough for her little trip. After all, she doesn't plan on hiding for long. She just needs to get to a small town in Tennessee, and everything will sort itself out.

The decision to run away from home was not made immediately by Josie. All night she did nothing but think whether she really should give up everything and leave. After all, even the idea of it was driving her crazy. But, unfortunately or fortunately, she still made her choice.

At first, she thought she should leave at dawn. But in this scenario, her disappearance could have been noticed early in the morning, and then she would hardly have been able to sneak out of Mystic Falls with a big time advantage.

When her mom brought her to school, Josie pretended to go inside. In the first toilet she came across, she changed her appearance with a spell that she had found a long time ago in the grimoires stored at school. Josie looks a little different now. Her hair has become a little shorter, and its color has changed from rich black to the same light blonde as Lizzie's. Her features sharpened. She looks a little more mature than usual.

When she got to the bus stop, she barely managed to jump on the bus. In fact, she was very lucky that it was a little behind schedule. If it hadn't been for that, Josie would have had to wait another hour and a half. And in her case, an extra hour and a half can be expensive.

Of course, Josie couldn't just run away. Although she was angry at her parents, she didn't want to bother them. Josie knew they'd be worried anyway, but at least if she left a letter, they wouldn't think someone had kidnapped and killed her.

She wrote Hope a note, and then asked Pedro to give mom, dad and Lizzie a letter. Josie felt guilty that she had to deceive Lizzie. She had nothing to do with it. Besides, Josie stole their shared money. She hoped that her sister would understand her action. After all, she did it for good reasons.

Mom's credit card is peacefully resting in the inside pocket of her coat. Josie isn't going to use it without a special purpose. She stole it in case something serious happened.

Exhausted and barely sleeping all night, Josie immediately falls asleep as soon as her body lands on the soft seat of the bus.

The next time Josie wakes up, someone shakes her shoulder. Reluctantly opening her eyes, Josie doesn't immediately understand what is wrong. Her head hurts terribly. And for some reason, Hope's face is in front of her eyes. Josie doesn't remember exactly what she dreamed before waking up, but it seems to have something to do with her so-called soul mate.

Still half asleep, she turns to the side, noticing a tall man anxiously looking at her.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks and frowns suspiciously.

Josie instantly straightens up, noticing her right hand tightly clutching the backpack resting on the seat next to her. Relaxing her fingers, Josie turns back to the man.

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