Chapter 13

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A whole day passes, and still nothing is known about Josie. Moreover, their parents not only hide from Hope any information that can help her, but also hide from her in every possible way. But not only Hope is cut off from any information. Even Lizzie, with all her sisterly privileges, has no way to get to secret meetings and find out at least some details of Josie's disappearance.

Hope tries to talk to her parents, aunts and uncles hundreds of times, but the only thing she gets is an oath that they will tell her everything when they find out anything. Is it worth saying that all their words are lies?

But don't think that Hope isn't making any other attempts to find out Josie's location. Of course, she does it not once, but many, many times. She manages to achieve any success only twice.

In the grimoire of one of the dead witches of New Orleans, which Uncle Kol once gave her for her birthday, Hope finds a spell (to be honest, it's more like a ritual) that can help get into a person's consciousness, but only if you are already bonded with him. It doesn't matter if you are bound by a curse or other incomprehensible magical ties, it only works when two souls are mentally attached to each other. In general, Hope spends a lot of time trying to make at least minimal progress. Every time this stupid spell exhausts her so much that she even has to take energetics in order not to fall asleep from fatigue.

After all, Hope experimentally establishes that the best, or rather at least some progress in using these particular charms can be achieved only when the person you are trying to contact is in the rem sleep stage, preferably just before waking up. In this way, Hope manages to see Josie's face twice for a brief moment. For some reason, she never gets to talk to her. Hope blames her own fatigue and her difficult emotional state for this. If you follow the instructions, then in order to establish a connection, the witch must be at complete rest, which absolutely completely contradicts Hope's real state. Aunt Freya had once told her how useful yoga and meditation could be. Now Hope wishes she had listened to her advice earlier.

In addition to this spell, she also tries to create an astral projection, and this idea turns out to be a failure. Hope doesn't know what the reason is yet, but she can guess that it's probably Josie herself and her blocking charms.

The day after Josie's escape, Hope once again heads towards the headmaster's office. Over the past twenty-four hours, she has made this way so many times that it seems that now she can name the exact number of steps or calculate the time spent on the entire journey to the nearest seconds.

To her surprise, next to the principal's office, Hope finds Lizzie trying to siphon the barrier spell out of the door. She looks a little worse than usual. There are shadows around her eyes, her hair is pulled back into a hastily gathered bun, and instead of a classic school uniform, she is wearing ordinary black jeans and a gray T-shirt with long sleeves. Hope assumes that Lizzie spent the whole of last night and evening trying to magically calculate her sister's location.

In fact, Hope's own appearance is almost no different from Lizzie's current appearance. She probably looks even worse in her gray sweatpants with an elastic band and a black T-shirt. Hope's hair is still in the usual pigtail that her mother braided for her yesterday. In places, wavy brown hair is knocked out, which makes Hope's appearance even more sloppy.

However, who cares about their clothes or hairstyle at all now? There are much more serious problems.

"It's useless." Hope blurts out suddenly, even to herself.

Lizzie turns in her direction, glaring maliciously.

"Oh, Hope Mikaelson!" She says, pointing at Hope with her index finger. "I wouldn't have had to do this at all if you hadn't made my sister run away."

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