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minho felt like his head was spinning. there was rain falling hard from the sky and the trains had stopped running ten minutes earlier. why was the world deciding to act up today of all days for him?

his heart almost jumped out of his chest when he felt jisung's small hands on his, pulling it away from the door handle in front of him.

"you can stay the night with me? it'll be horrible if you have to walk in this weather."

"no, i can't. i've intruded enough. i'll be fine."

minho's eyes widen when he feels jisung wrap his fingers around his wrist and begins to tug him back towards the elevator.

"jisung, stop. i don't wanna bother you with this."

"you're not bothering me idiot. i'm offering and you're going to accept it. i'm not taking no."

minho sighed in defeat and allowed jisung to keep his grip on the boy's wrist. even when the elevator came jisung didn't let go, probably to keep the older from running away from him.

"do you really need to hold my wrist the whole time?"

"yes. now shut up."

minho stiffled a chuckle as he let jisung pull him to his door. he dropped the olders wrist in favor of unlocking the door and pushing it open. he pushed minho inside and directed him to the couch before turning away.

"just stay here while i get you some clothes."

minho watched the boy disappear into his room before silently getting up to the door. he had only made it 2 steps before he heard a cough behind him. he turned his head softly to see the said boy walking towards him, clothes in hand.

"i thought i told you to stay here?" jisung sighed as he looked up at minho.

"i don't know why you think you're "intruding" when i'm offering to let you stay the night. just accept my fucking offer and stay so your dumbass doesn't get sick!"

jisung glared at minho before throwing the clothes at him and plopping on the couch, his arms crossed over his chest.

" the bathroom is in my room. hurry up and get changed and come back here."

minho shuddered at the sternly sound of jisung's voice before walking to the boys room. he figured just getting ready in the boys bedroom so that's just what he did. after he had changed completely, he made his way to the bathroom.

while waiting for minho to come back, he had decided it was time that he figured out which one of those walking idiots had given his personal info away.

jisung's whores


which one of you loud mouth idiots
gave my address to minho


confess now and i'll spare your
useless life


𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now