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warm.  jisung was warm. he never woke up warm, opting to kick the covers off sometime during the night. he shifted and felt the soft weight of someone's arm around him. minho. he slowly opened his eyes to see the sleeping male next to him.

jisung let his eyes rove over minhos sleeping form. his hair was spilled over the pillow under him, his arms wrapped around jisung lightly. there was a light snore emitting from his nose but that didn't worry the younger.

jisung grinned lazily, leaning in to press a soft kiss to the olders nose before loosening himself from minho's grip and slipping out of bed. his feet thudded softly against the floor as he made his way to the bathroom. he silently stepped inside, closing the door behind him.

he used the bathroom quickly, looking into the mirror at himself once he was done. he washed his hands under the sink and then turned the water back off. the flush of the toilet and the sound of the running water must've woken minho because there's a soft snort from the bed and then the sound of shifting.

"sungie? baby? you in the bathroom?"

jisung swoons at how different minhos morning voice is, usually coming out in a soft purr and not raspy and low like it is now.

"yeah, i'll be out in a minute," jisung calls before looking back at himself. there's a short pause and then the bathroom door is being opened and a sleepy minho is poking his head in, reaching out for his hand.

"come back to bed, baby. m'cold without you."

jisung huffed and let himself be pulled back to his head. he fell into bed softly after minho had, shuffling back into his arms after they were snug under the covers. jisung swung a leg over minhos and an arm around his middle as minho kissed the crown of his head.

"sleep good?"

"mhm. you're warm and smell good."

minho let out a raspy chuckle, hand stroking over jisungs thigh softly and radiating warmth throughout his entire body. jisung hummed and looked up at minho through his lashes, surprised to see minho already looking at him.

"did you sleep good min?"

" i did. i always do when i'm here," minho mumbled while still stroking that hand over jisungs thigh, his glaze flickering between jisungs eyes and lips, his own etched into a little frown. jisung gave him a small smile before reaching a hand up to cup his face.

he pulled minho down until his lips were flush against his own. he lets his fingers trace minhos jaw before he felt minho grip his thigh harshly. he let out a gasp into minhos mouth, letting the older lick into his mouth.

jisung felt his body shifting, letting out a groan when he felt minhos hands fall onto his ass. he was straddling minho, he now realized. minho hummed into his mouth before pulling away to look up at him, his lips swollen and red from the slow kissing. his eyes were glazed over with want.

"i'm hungry, you gonna make somethin' for me?"

jisung scoffs and knocks his forehead against minhos, pulling away when minho pressed a soft kiss to his lips.

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