Chapter 08

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"He's a walking red flag. I get that he hates you and I get that you did something that he dislikes but he didn't have to go that far and slap you. He could've at least give you a warning! Ugh, duh." Ara rolled her eyes as she crossed both her arms, irritated.

"Honestly, even I would do the same. I'd go into that room and check." She added.

"But Ara.."


"The notebook that I read.. Nah, forget it." She shook her head.

"It's best if you stop thinking about it. If you're gonna keep on being curious about it, you might end up going to that room again." Ara said while rubbing Sehui's back.

"You're right about that."

Once the class ended, both Sehui and Ara parted their ways. Sehui decided to go to the convenience store and buy ramyeon since she've been craving for it for a very long time.

She's alone at home. Every saturday morning both the housemaids and the gardener have their rest days and will return back to Wonwoo's house on monday morning.

Arriving home, Sehui changed to comfy clothes before she cook ramyeon. The house is big and when it's only her in the house, it really feels empty. Only silence are surrounding her.

"It's finally cooked! I'm so hungry."

Sehui was about to eat when suddenly her phone rang.

"Hi dad, how are you?" Sehui asked as she answered the call.

"I'm doing fine. What about you? Are you okay there? Please tell me if anything bad is happening to you. I'm really worried and I know what kind of a person Wonwoo is." Sehui heard how concerned her dad's voice sounded just now.

"Don't worry about me dad, I'm doing fine."

That's when she heard someone knocking.

"Huh? Wonwoo?" She frowned.

"Hey dad, I'll call you later okay. Love you." She ended the call, put her phone on the table and went to the main door.

She opened the door revealing a guy, he looks like he's somewhere Wonwoo's age.

The guy was surprised to see her.

"Who are you?"

"I.. I'm Wonwoo's wife..?" She furrowed her eyebrows, unsure.

"Wife? When did he got married?"

"Ah, well, that's not important now. You're a better bait." The guy smirked and there Sehui stood while frowning, not understanding what this guy means at all.

"Bait? What-"

And when he sprayed something to her face, Sehui passed out.


The moment Wonwoo opened the door of his house, he's really ready to throw a fit at Sehui for letting the door unlocked when it's only her alone in the house.

"Sehui! Sehui!" He called for her name numerous of times but he didn't get any reply.

He stopped when he saw her phone on the table and the uneaten ramyeon.

"Really? You're not gonna clean after you eat?"

His eyebrows furrowed, he clicked the home button of her phone and saw that her dad missed calls her for six times.

"Where the fuck is she."

Soon, his phone rings. He checked who the dialer is and that's when a groan escaped his lips.

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