𝟱 𝗱𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗹...

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I needed a shower. I needed new clothes. I needed my parents. I needed to be back home.

Strong arms were wrapped around me, Emerson was laying behind me on the small bed.

My eyes were swollen from crying. The old oval clock on the nightstand, showed that it was 5:19am.

Last night we got to bed pretty early since my eyes were closing on their own and i badly needed a rest.

Car lights broke through the window and an engine was heard. Who could it be this early? I quietly removed Emerson's hands around me and got up from the bed. Tip toeing i walked to the window.

It was an old black car with red line that went across the side of the doors. I couldn't clearly see who was inside.

There were two people in the front but it was to dark to recognize anyone.

I pushed the curtains to the side, enough to look what was happening. My hands trembled, i felt cold covering my body. It inched from my finger tips to my heart.

What if it was them?

Closing the curtains, i went back to the bed and shook Emerson's shoulders. "Hey, wake up." I whisper yelled.

"Please, get up. Someone's outside." He slowly opened his eyes and tried to register what was happening.

I pulled his hand and made him stand up. "Hurry up, there's a car parked there." Again i opened the curtains and pointed outside. The room was dark so we probably were visible from outside.

"There." He narrowed his eyes and wandered his look around the parking lot.

The car was still there. After about a minute the drivers door opened. A light hair appeared and an elderly man walked out. He was dressed in wrinkled clothes and had a small bag in his hand. The other door opened and revealed an elderly lady, smiling at him. She walked towards him and they held their hands together and walked towards the entrance.

"It's just a couple looking for a place to sleep, Maeve." A relief washed over me and i slide down the wall. I held my knees close to me and wrapped my hands around me.

I rocked back and forth, my breathing was getting short and tears fell down my cheeks.

"Shh, i'm here." He crouched down and held me closer to him. I buried my face in his chest and cried.

"I can't, Em. It's too much. I can't take it anymore. Please just help me." I never felt so helpless before.

My stomach clenched with each sharp breath i took, my nails were digging in his arms probably creating brushes. He held me close to him. I missed this, i missed him.

I calmed after half hour. My throat burned, my eyes pinched every time i closed them. I wiped the tears with the sleeves of the sweater.

"Okay, breath. You're fine." He kissed my forehead and caressed my hair. He pushed few strands out of my face.

"You have no idea how much it means that you've here." He gave me a crooked smile and rolled his eyes. "Of course i'll be here. I'll always be here. Even if something happens I'll always be there for you Maeve."

"Now lets clean up." We stood up and walked towards the small bathroom that barely fit two people.

I washed my face and finally looked at the mirror. My eyes were blood red and puffy, my nose was pink and my cheeks were stained from all the crying i did. My lips were dry and swollen.

"I should take a shower." I said to him, nodding his head he left the bathroom.

I took of my clothes and stepped into the shower. The water was lukewarm and the small shampoo bottle was half empty, leaving enough to wash my hair and body. It didn't have any smell to it.

As i stepped out, i dried my body with the towel and then wrapped my hair in the same one. With disgust i put the same clothes on and opened the door.

The cold of the room immediately chilled my body.

Emerson was smoking a cigarette close by the window. Even after so many hours of driving and surviving he still looked flawless.

The smoke was coming out of his nose and turning his head to me he winked.

"You good?" I blushed and nodded my head twice.

"We have to figure out who could be after you." Throwing the rest of the cigarette out of the window he made his way towards me.

He sat on the edge of the bed and placed his hand on my knee.

"I don't know that many people who would hate me or want to harm me." There was no one that would come to my mind from school or anywhere.

"What about Charlotte?" Emerson questioned. I shook my head. It couldn't be here. The fight happened two years ago, i doubt she would hold a grudge for that long.

"Stay away from him." She pushed her finger to my chest. Her long nails pierced into my skin.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." She smirked. The lights were tripping in the school bathroom. The blue tiles were covered with different words and arts.

"Oh, you exactly know what I'm talking about. He's my boyfriend. My boyfriend." So she was talking about Parker. Ughh i hated him. He fooled around with every girl in the school.

"Nothing's going on between me and him." I defended myself. I would never even go close to him.

"I see the way he looks at you." Her snake like voice, spat the words like venom.

"It's not my problem he looks at..." Before i could finish my sentence she grabbed me by my hair and hit my head on the wall.

"If i see you close to him, or him looking at you, i'll kill you." She pushed me on the floor and walked away with her friends.

"I don't think she's capable of doing that." I leaned back on the headboard.

"I mean Parker was pretty obsessed with you." That he was. He would follow me around and stalk my every move. He would drive past my house every day. After i rejected him, he went  crazy and him and Emerson got into a fight because of that.

He even had the guts to ask me out when he was in a relationship with Charlotte. We were literally fifteen, what was wrong with him.

"When was the last time you saw him?"

"I don't know about a month ago." Maybe, i didn't know exactly.

"How did he act?" Emerson was trying to get something out of me. Trying to help me figure it out.

"Like always. He said some stupid stuff and left." I stood up and took the towel off of my hair.

"What did he say?"

"That he was not letting me go. And that he was going to take care of me. Whatever that meant." He was just weird. Saying weird stuff all the time.

"Do you think maybe someone was after your parents?"

"Definitely no. They would never do anything to anyone. And also all of it happened after they left the house. It was like someone was waiting for them to leave." They were going to a dinner with their friends. Mom was skeptical about leaving me alone at home, but dad reassured her that it was okay for them to do so. That i needed to start being responsible again.

"Then think. Think who could be your worst enemy." Emerson said, furrowing his eyes.

My head hurt, i was staring to feel dizzy. I brought my arms to my head to massage my temples. Trying to get my brain to work. It seemed like my mind was playing with me on purpose.

"Your worst enemy, Maeve." And it clicked.

I opened my eyes and looked straight into his. They were blank and held different emotions almost mirroring mine.

I knew exactly who my worst enemy was.

Any theories who could that be?🧐

𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐂𝐀𝐍 ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن