Part I

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Through the window, outside looked dark and chilly, a perfect match to his glowering mood.

Edmund shoved his sandwich into his satchel, grumbling as he closed it. He crammed his hat onto his head much too forcefully, his fury mounting. He could handle both school and work while having fun too. Peter didn't need to revoke his privileges. He didn't need his life run by "dad."

Ed grabbed his scarf aggressively, tossing it around his neck. He purposely looked right, avoiding Peter's face. He wouldn't acknowledge his aggravating elder brother.

Edmund tripped over a small table by the door, scattering everything on the floor in his attempt to ignore Peter. Now he felt like a fool- and Peter's eyes confirmed he thought just the same. Edmund stood snarling, and he ran out the door into the chilly air. Work awaited.

Never mind that he had neglected to tell Pete about Mr. Bookers request to meet with the two of them after school today. Edmund was a little forgetful, no one could blame him for that- could they? Of course, it was forgotten a little on purpose, but it was essentially the same thing. Then again, no one would believe he'd forgotten by accident, which really only furthered Edmunds point that everyone disliked him and only ever looked for the worst in what he did, regardless that the worst was usually the truth.

In Peter, people always saw the best, overlooked the bad, painted his mistakes over with excuses; with praises. Not Edmund. He messed up, and the world ended. He looked left, and suddenly, it was illegal. At times, Ed was certain he was here to complete Peter's life- as the other end of the 'be this not that' scale.

It was always "be like Peter. Look at perfect Peter." And then "Don't be like Edmund. You don't want to end up like the younger Pevensie boy." He was sure they didn't mean to be rude, but it was difficult to take that any other way. Edmund was tired of being second best, because that's what he was. The less than perfect extra child.

Peter was the oldest- the greatest. High King Peter the Magnificent.

Susan was the oldest girl- the most beautiful. Everyone loved Susan.

Lucy was the youngest- bright, happy, and full of sunshine. The young, innocent child.

And what was Ed? Everyone's problem. Timothy thought that was the greatest thing ever.

Edmund Pevensie.

E. P.

Everyone's problem.

Edmund growled at the thought. He could be that if they wanted. Did he really want it? No. But he refused to give in to Peter. That stuck up show off! He kicked an old can in the street. He was growing tired of being treated this way.

All. The. Time!

The air felt strangely static, and chills ran up his arms. Edmund rubbed them, shivering, not from cold but of nerves. A flash exploded into the air. Ed blinked. That couldn't have been lightning, it was too close- and it wasn't even stormy.

The air still felt weird, and Edmund glanced around, searching for anyone else who might be sharing in this experience. No one seemed to be nearby. He couldn't be going to Narnia- could he? It seemed strange that he would be all alone for that.

He glanced around again, nervously. This time he spotted a man staring curiously at the building ahead of him, head cocked. His hair fell down his neck, almost to his shoulders. It was brushed back, but not held with anything. The outfit he wore made Edmund wish there was a circus in town- that would certainly explain his odd dress. Of course, there wasn't.

Edmund had stopped, maybe that meeting with Mr. Booker had suddenly been remembered, and he needed to tell Peter right away. Something about this seemed strange, and Edmund really wanted to get home now.

The man turned, staring intensely at Ed with wild blue eyes, his features sharp and menacing. He looked cold and calculating. Edmund stepped back. In a flash, quite literally, the man's face changed. His eyes rounded out innocently, a quiet smile falling over his harsh face, creating a pleasant person in place of what Ed had just seen. Edmund shifted uncomfortably, fixing his scarf.

"Hello young friend." The man waved, slowly stepping towards Edmund.

"Can I help you?" Edmund grunted, hoping to appear unfriendly and a good ten years older. He tried to stand taller, make his coat look fuller.

"No, no." He moved closer until he stood just beside Edmund. He extended a hand.

Edmund took it. In less then a second Edmund felt as if every memory he had flashed before him, jumping up from places he usually kept them hidden within. What an odd time to remember all this.

He blinked, shaking his head, looking back towards the man he was currently shaking hands with. He still appeared pleasant, as well he should, Edmunds mind wasn't a movie. He hadn't seen that for the few seconds it had lasted. But there was a new glint in his eyes, a malicious gleam. A smile crept onto his face, not quite friendly, but understanding. Why did he look like he knew something?

He dropped Ed's hand.
"Perhaps though, I could help you."

Edmund cocked his head, stepping back. How could he help Edmund? Who even was he? Ed shoved his hands into his pockets.

"How could you help me? Who are you?" He narrowed his eyes defiantly, still hoping he appeared older; tougher.

The man laughed, mischief dancing in his eyes. He tightened his own scarf around his neck. Edmund started, biting down his alarm. He hadn't been wearing a scarf mere moments ago, in fact, his whole outfit had changed. Ed again looked at the man's face, awaiting answers. He grinned back yet again, seemingly enjoying himself.

"I am Loki. Odinson. Laufeyson." His eyes darkened. "No one's son." He laid a hand on Edmunds shoulder.

"And I understand you, Edmund Pevensie. You and your perfect brother. Everything he takes from you while pretending he knows not what he does. How much he ruins your life, gaining endless praise for perfection, while you're living in his shadow." He paused, pain flashing behind his eyes as if remembering something. The most realistic emotion he'd shown this whole time.

He turned his piercing gaze directly back onto Edmund, hardness filling his eyes again.

"And I want to help you."

Overshadowed (Thor/Narnia Crossover)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang