Part III

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Edmund still felt uncertain about this lunatic of a man. Trusting anything he said seemed a bit niave and stupid. But would it hurt to tell him something- just a little? What could he do with stories of Edmunds life? Not much. Edmund bit back his hesitancy. Besides, the man had gotten him in here and masked his appearance. What else could he do? This was all pretty impressive, and Edmund was curious.

He tasted his drink again, feeling reckless and quite grown up. Edmund did enjoy pushing limits, and Peter would probably never know about all this anyway. He took a breath, looking up at the cold blue eyes of Loki.

Loki smiled encouragingly, his eyes once more rounding out to bring an innocence to his face. Edmund didn't really think he believed the innocent act, but he admired the effectiveness. How often had he tried the same but to no avail? Maybe if he shared some information, Loki to, would share.

Edmund began to tell of his life, how he felt, the way he was always the problem. His story held some truth, but it was a bit influenced by his one-sided view- and some parts were better with a bit more drama. Loki watched him tell the story, an unidentifiable glint lighting his eyes. Not pity- which was fine, Edmund didn't want that- but not necessarily kindness.

The expression reminded him of an animal cornering its prey, which, if he was being honest, was a little unsettling. He felt as if he were being trapped but was somehow unaware. He tried to shake away the feeling. Maybe if he switched the conversation to talk about Loki, it would feel safer.

"You understand all this how?" Edmund questioned him, trying not to squirm under his sharp gaze.

Keeping true to his deranged nature, Loki looked unnecessarily amused, barking out a short laugh.

"I was like you once, my boy, under a perfect brother. Second. Always made out to be the villain in stories I had no say in. Assumed the worst of for so long, that I stopped trying and agreed with them." Loki maintained his intense eye contact, feeling almost every word he spoke- and the ones he did not.

"We're the same, you and I, in the fact that we are part of families that already had a hero when we appeared. And a hero cannot be without a villain." Loki scowled. "We were given our position, as they were given theirs, but it won't be admitted. They say it isn't so, but it is. A hero needs a bad guy so they can be good. Without us, they wouldn't be loved."

Edmund cocked his head, listening.

Loki continued. "The story is always the same. They win. They are loved. Perfect. We're here to further that. To be the reason they succeed. We fail, so they don't have to. We look bad, so they look good. We exist as something we had no choice in, and we can't change what they believe we are. Even if we are not."

Edmund frowned. Loki was right. This was how Edmund did feel. Most of the time anyway. Maybe a bit more on the extreme side of things, but still a valid assessment.

Edmund bit his lip, still thinking. "And how could you help me, even if you do understand?"

Loki flashed a blinding smile, his eyes full of what came across as joy, but was really something entirely different. Was it triumph? Was it madness? Honestly, Edmund couldn't say.

"Of course. You don't see any heroic elder brother hanging over me now, do you? I have the freedom to go where I like and take just the same. I will demand respect- to rule- as should have been my right but was my brothers." The wild gleam under Loki's piercing eyes seemed brighter.

In a brief pause, he seemed to be calculating his next words- lie, perhaps?- carefully. "Why shouldn't you rule the same as me? Below no one. No All Father, no High King. No one to best you. Humiliate you." He seemed to be waiting, watching Edmund.

Edmund shrugged. "I don't want anyone getting hurt-"

"But you allow your feelings to be?" Loki cut in so fast it was as if he'd been awaiting this.

Edmund blinked at him startled. "Well, I guess so. That's just the way it is. I'm younger, naturally less important. Peter will always be better; perfect. It just is. I've accepted my position as a problem."

Edmund looked away, feeling a little sorry for himself. A little defeated. And maybe a little bad, he might be making it sound a little worse than it really was.

Lokis eyes flashed excitedly. "While I must admire your dedication to humor them and persist as a 'problem', I also must point out that you are wrong."

Edmund scrunched up his nose. He didn't see how. Peter was perfect. He was High King. He held more power than Ed, but did Loki hold more? Loki leaned back in his chair a bit.

"There is a way it is, a way it should be, and then, there's a way you change it to be. I've done so. You could too." He looked at Edmund sincerely. "No one will die."

It was probably wrong, Peter and Susan would say so, but it was enticing to Edmund. To hold the most power, rule a kingdom on his own. Take orders from no one, instead giving them to everyone. He could act as he wished, not as he was expected.

"What would we do?" His words sounded stupidly cautious.

Loki's eyebrows raised, a grin settling over his features. The kind that made Edmund rethink his choices since entering this building. Just as quickly, Loki's face gentled, and even Edmund wasn't a hundred percent certain he'd seen any different.

"Does this mean you'll join me?" Loki's voice was a hint hopeful.

"Will you change me back?" Edmund still wanted to be sure he could return to his normal self.

A huge smile fell on to Loki's face, merriment alight in his eyes. He looked kinder, joyful, and amusing. Friendly even.

"Absolutely. Once we leave here, you'll be the same as you've always been." Loki threw his cup onto the floor with a shout. "Another!"

Edmund jumped, startled. What on earth was that about? That was awfully demanding and completely unnecessary. Then again, Loki did seem the type to do that sort of thing. The other people scattered throughout the room all seemed to think Loki should indeed not have another, judging by their expressions at least, and Edmund was more than likely to agree. The bartender brought over a new cup uncertainly. With a smile, Loki held up his cup. Edmund raised his in return.

"To our conquest of this Midgard! To our power!"

Loki drank as Edmund returned his cup to the counter. He hadn't actually agreed to anything, but Loki didn't seem to notice. Edmund felt a hint of pride. Loki appeared an excellent trickster. Better than any Edmund had ever seen, and it didn't mean much, wouldn't help him with anything, but Edmund had just out tricked the trickster.

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