chapter ?

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Yesteryday Macau, Me, and Tay enjoyed our day but it was fully ruined by p'Kim. He keeps on bothering me while i'm with Macau and Tay. He calls on my number nonstop. I wanna kill him.

My morning is ruined again by p'kim, what is his problem? I just want to prepare to go to school. Someone is knockingon the door and I thought it was p'Apo because he told me he eill pick me up here and I was too excited but annoyed in the same time because it keeps knocking.I ran to the door and my forehead frowned when I saw p'kim and starled. When I'm. Abaout to close the door he suddenly stops me (oh god this is a big struggle) my mind said. "Chay, my love, let's talk" he said in a calm tone "talk? About what?" I said in a mad tone "Chay, I want to explain everything" he said "we still can fix this, let me explain, Chay" He said to me after. I felt my tears fall from my eyes and he noticed it and wiped it using my hands. "Chay don't cry, let's talk" "A-ABOUT W-WHAT?!" i said shoulting all the emotions are in my mind. "our relationship, Chay" -kim "we're not together anymore, kim" -chay "still chay i wanna fix it with you, my love"- kim "stop, i already moved on kim stop it" -chay "i cant move on chay"-kim "its not my problem anyways so please stop bothering me everyday its annoying kimhan."-chay

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