CHAPTER 2: The Offer

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{Author's POV}

It's been 11 years already and you were almost 18. Just like you predicted, Tanjuro died last year, because of his sickness. You continued living with your family and helping them. You had your mother, Kie, alongside your 4 younger brothers and 2 younger sisters.

Without your family's knowledge, you would kill the demons that would be lurking at the mountain near your house. You would trap them, knock them out and then tie them up to a tree, leaving them until the sunset.

Right now, it was almost midnight. You were sitting in the living room, while the rest of your family were peacefully sleeping.

"Y/N?" You turned around, only to see your mother standing in the doorway. She then went closer and sat down next to you.

"You should be resting, Oka-san." You said quietly.

"So should you, son. After your father's death, you started working so hard for our family. I'm worried about you and your health." Kie said with a worried expression.

"You don't need to worry neither about me or my health. Plus, you already know that it's really difficult for me to get sick and I did promise to Oto-san to take care of you and our family. So don't worry, Oka-san." You answered to your mother while looking at her.

Before Kie could say anything else, there was a knock on the door. You could clearly feel someone's presence, but it was a gentle presence, so you weren't worried about the stranger harming you and your family.

"Dear...." Kie said in a distraught tone, worried about the person being an intruder.

"Don't worry, Oka-san. She won't hurt us." You said to her, before standing up and opening the door, while your mother was looking at you, confused.

There at the door stood a beautiful woman with white hair and lavender eyes.

"I deeply apologize for coming here in this kind of time, but does Kamado Y/N live here by any chances?" The woman asked.

"That would be me." You answered to the woman.

"Oh please, come in. You must be freezing. I'll make some tea." Kie said, quickly standing up and leading the woman inside, while you were closing the door behind them.

All of you sat down on the kitchen's floor with the tea ready. You had to get up and get your youngest brother, Rokuta, who woke up from a nightmare.

"I should probably introduce myself first. My name is Ubuyashiki Amane." Amane said before bowing to you and Kie, who held her 1 year old Rokuta in her arms, peacefully sleeping after you calmed him down.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Kie said, before you both bowed down to her.

"Is there a specific reason why you came all the way here to find my son?" Kie then asked.

"Actually yes, I came here to find him and offer him a job. Although, I do prefer to talk to him in private. If you don't mind of course." Amane answered to Kie.

"I don't mind at all. Take your time." Kie said, before leaving the kitchen with Rokuta.

"Y/N?" Amane asked, getting your attention as you looked at her.

"Do you know what demons are?" Amane asked, only for you to nod.

"So that means that you also know what Demon Slayers are, right?" Amane then asked and you nodded again.

"You see, my husband and I were informed about you killing demons lurking around here, despite not being a Demon Slayer. Is that true?" Amane asked and you nodded once again.

"The reason why I came all the way here, is because my husband and the current Master of the Demon Slayers Corps has an offer for you. Do you accept the offer of becoming a Demon Slayer? Amane asked, hoping that you will accept the offer.

"How do I become a Demon Slayer?" You asked her.

"All you need to do is pass the Final Selection, which is an entrance exam where examinees must survive for 7 days on a mountain top infested with demons solely through the skills they have developed in training. And to let you know, the Master has already decided that if you accept the offer, you will train under a current Hashira, until the time for the Final Selection arrives, which will be in 2 years." Amane answered.

There was silence for a few minutes, until you finally spoke.

"I will accept the offer, but with 2 conditions." You told her.

"I'm listening." Amane said.

"I will train by myself, without a Hashira's help, and you will allow me to stay with my family. That's all I ask for." You told her.

Amane looked at you with a surprised expression. She was honestly surprised that you wanted to train by yourself with no help. After all, her husband already decided that, if you agree, you will be trained under the Flame Hashira, since your family works with fire.

"I'll inform my husband about your conditions, even though I'm sure that he won't mind. We'll inform you in a few days about his final decision." Amane said with a gentle smile, before you both bowed down to each other and Amane left.

After closing the door, you entered your room, with your mother already there, waiting for you.

"So? Did it go well? What kind of job did she offered?" Kie asked you, while preparing your futon.

"It went well. The job is something similar to a Night Guard. They will also inform their final decision in a few days." Y/N answered.

"I see." Kie answered, looking down a bit.

"Oka-san?" You asked, seeing your mother's face expression.

"I'm just..... so proud of you. And I'm sure that your father would also be proud. The way you kept your father's promise by always keeping us safe from any danger... And working so hard to help our family in any way possible... I'm so proud of you, my son." Kie said with happy tears in her eyes.

You then walked towards her and hugged her as tight as possible, not wanting to let go, with her returning the hug.

"Keeping you and my siblings safe is what matters more to me. If something bad happens to any of you or if I lose any of you... I don't know what I'm going to do." You said, still hugging your crying mother that was hugging you tight enough.

You will do anything that it takes to protect your loved ones.

Even if you'll have to lose your life for that.

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