CHAPTER 5: First Mission

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{Author's POV}

Today was your first mission. Uta came back this morning after a few days and told you about a demon that terrorises the villagers in a specific village. You were already wearing your uniform that your mother made for you and put your sword in its' sheath.

 You were already wearing your uniform that your mother made for you and put your sword in its' sheath

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"Be careful, sweetie." Your mother said with a worried tone.

"Don't worry, Oka-san. I'll promise to be back early in the morning, while all of you will still be sleeping." You said, before hugging her and each of your siblings. You then opened the door and left for your mission.

-Time Skip-

Arriving at the right village, you remembered Uta telling you that every night children would go missing. You decided to ask a few villagers about this situation and they confirmed that it was true. According to those parents, whose children went missing, they would wake up at the night, hearing their children screams from their bedrooms. And when they ran to see what happened, their children would be gone, but there would always be a giant hole under their children's bed. Hearing the last part, you came up with a very risky idea.

"Do you know any family whose children still did not go missing?" You were asking a seller.

"We do actually. There is only one family left, who still did not lose their 2 children." He answered.

"Where can I find them?" You asked him and he explained to you the destination.

-Mini Time Skip-

You finally arrived at the house and knocked on the door. A few seconds later, 2 little twins, a boy and a girl, opened the door a little bit, but not fully.

"Are your parents home? May I talk to them?" You asked them with a gentle tone, so they won't be scared of you.

They both slowly nodded, before the boy went inside to call for their parents. Minutes later, they had let you in. You sat in the kitchen with the parents, while the children went to their shared bedroom.

"So, you're here to stop whoever is kidnapping the poor children?" The father asked and you nodded, while drinking the tea that the mother offered you. Their names were Daichi and Fumiko, while their children were named Hinata and Hina.

"According to the information that I got, all of the missing children were sleeping in their bedrooms. Although, something tells me that your children are not. Am I right?" You asked, while looking at them. They looked at each other and then back to you, before sighing.

"It's true. You see, when the first kidnapping happened, me and my husband agreed that it's better if the kids sleep with us in our room rather than in their shared bedroom. Plus, our bed is big enough for the 4 of us." Fumiko said and you nodded.

"How are you planning on catching the kidnapper?" Daichi asked you.

"I do have a plan, but it's a risky one and you might not going to like it." You told them, which they looked at you with a worried face expression.

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