"Glad we sorted it out"

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⚠️WARNING⚠️ Weed Uses
I think that's it but if it's not please call me out on it so i can put it here for other readers. Thank you.

Amelia's POV:

"Hey Gracie" I say with relief in my voice.

"Hey Amelia, why do you sound so happy to talk to me." She sounds really surprised. Probably because everytime she calls it's always a rejection from an audition.

"You just saved me from the most awkward conversation." I say.

"Oh well i just wanted to let you know that you got the part in the new movie!" She says with excitement.

"OMG NO FUCKING WAYYYY!!!" I squeal. I am finally gonna start work again. I love the atmosphere of working on set. Making new friends, doing the thing i love.

"Yes way, the team are gonna send you an email about the dates, place and times and also the start of the script." She states.

"Okay thank you, i'm so happy right now. I'm gonna celebrate tonight! Woop Woop!" I say.

"Okay have a good night, don't go anything stupid Amelia. I mean it." She says.

"Okay okay i won't byee." I say as i hang up the phone not letting Gracie say bye.

Im buzzing with excitement. Ah shit i forgot i'm having a conversation with Bella. Fuck. I hear my phone go off and it's Gracie.

Manager😎- Gracie
Student🧐- Amelia

Do not tell anyone Amelia.

I won't i promise💔

Your some weird girl😭

wow thanks Gracie
i'm very heartbroken

Manager 😎
This just proves my point😀
Anyway gotta go, speak later.

wow your gonna leave me
to have a really awkward
conversation 💔💔💔

Read at 6:52

Wow she really just left me to have this awkward conversation. Great now i gotta go up to her and lie.

"Urm sorry about that my manager called." I mumble.

"Oh it's fine." They say.

"So what you said earlier about what my sister told you it's not true by the way. Never listen to my sister all she does it lie." I say with a stern voice.

"Oh right glad we got that cleared up then." She says with a smile.

"Yh also can you tell my sister i will probs be back tomorrow or somet cuz i'm going out partying." I say with a straight face.

"Okay." She says still smiling.

She just smiles at me and i roll my eyes. I meant to do it playfully but i ended up doing it with a really big dirty look. Shit.

"You know if you don't like me you can just tell me." She says and just walks away with out letting me speak.

Well that went great didn't it Amelia. I just roll my eyes again and walk to my bike. I put my helmet and jacket on and start my bike up.

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