{Chapter 1 - the new alliance}

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Cori's eye twitched in annoyance as Lance purposefully jostled the cabin.

"Ugh... Lance, can you keep this thing straight?" Hunk asked, looking queasy.

"Relax, Hunk. I'm just getting a feel for the stick." Lance said coolly. "I mean- it's not like I did this."

The simulator shook again, and Cori looked up to give Lance an indignant glare.

"Or this!" Lance said gleefully, twisting the simulated ship again. Hunk was beginning to look like he was going to puke.

"Stop tilting the bridge, or I'll tilt you." Cori snapped.

"Okay..." Hunk groaned. "Unless you want to wipe beef stroganoff out of all the nooks and crannies in this thing, you better KNOCK IT OFF, MAN."

"We've Picked up a distress beacon!" Pidge called from his seat. He was the team's communications specialist.

"Alright. Focus, team! Pidge, track those coordinates. Lance, try not to crash this thing for the fiftieth time." Cori instructed.

"Copy" Pidge affirmed.

The simulator started rumbling again with alarms blaring, and Cori shot daggers at Lance.

"Knock it off, Lance. Please!" Hunk begged, looking more ill by the second.

"Oh, this one is on you buddy. We have a hydraulic stabilizer out." Lance said, glancing back at Hunk.

Hunk gulped, and Cori turned to him.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Fix it, mechanic." Cori snapped, hurriedly typing things on her holographic monitor, trying to determine a fit flight path for the ship.

"I lost contact. The shaking is interfering with our sensors!" Pidge said, beginning to panic.

Cori groaned in frustration, as the thrown-off sensors were unable to determine a suitable path. She tried to run diagnostics, but that wasn't working either.

"Good luck flying, Lance. without the sensors, you're going to need to eyeball a path."

"Come on, Hunk!" Lance exclaimed.

"It's not responding. Uhg..." Hunk sighed, unbuckling and getting out of his seat, and began fiddling with the wiring.

"Nevermind, fellas. Preparing for approach on visual." Lance said as if nothing was wrong.

"I don't think that's advisable with our current mechanical, Sensory, and... gastrointestinal issues." Pidge chimed in.

"Agreed." Hunk nodded, looking worse for wear.

"Stop worrying. This baby can take it. Cantcha, champ." Lance said, patting the ship emulator.

As if in response to him, the ship shook fiercely.

"Ah- see? She was- she was nodding," he said, looking nervous as he scrambled for words. "Pidge, yield to them and let them know their ride is here."

"No, Lance. Land this thing immediately." Cori hissed. "We can't continue the mission like this."

However, Lance just ignored her.

Pidge stood up and took the comm off of the wall.

"Attention lunar vesse-wHAA-" Pidge grunted after being flung to the floor.

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