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"Everett Jones, where the fuck have you been?! I was worried sick about you I -" Ava had her arms folded over her chest and a look of disappointment scrawled on her face. Definitely mother- potential.

"Ava, this is why I dont have friends over,"

"I don't care! Now explain to me, your best friend and mother-figure, what the fuck happened. Do I need to set another curfew?" She raises her eyebrow accordingly, her mousy hair draping over her forehead effortlessly.

"No please not another curfew, christ." I insist, taking a seat on the couch throwing my arms and legs out, only to receive a scold in return.

"Well, I was kinda hanging out with Andy Biersack..." I smirk.

"Why do you say that so casually? Is something going on with you two. In cahoots or something?"

"You wish! Nah, we're just... Good friends I guess," just to put it blankly. I'm still confused as to consider myself a friend or something more, or neither. In whatever way, I'll still have had a good withstanding relationship with him.

"Very well you're off the hook.. For now. Now go to your room for the night. I'm very disappointed in you, young lady." Ava sighs, pointing to the hallway where our rooms were. I held back a chuckle as I sheepishly drag my feet across the ground as I made the way to my room, which was still left partly open.

I'm glad we don't have visitors or our landlord checking on us continuously because my room is always a mess, "like a bomb went off" as Ava would say. Honestly don't know what I'd do without her.

I fling myself on my bed as my phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull it out to be bombarded with texts from none other than Andrew Dennis Biersack.

Andyy: hey Ever, just got to the airport. I'll call you when we land xx
Andyy: Everrr the guys won't stop annoying me pls help
Andyy: I can't. I can't fathom this. I can't live without coffeeee

Me: jfc you'll be fine. Talk soon x

Sometimes - most of the time - Andy can be a little melodramatic, but its all in good fun I guess. I still felt pretty shit out confronting Scout before, but I guess.. I don't know. No-one deserves to have their ex back even if you didn't officially break up.

I'm a hopeless lover, always living in the past wishing that things stayed the way they were. Though, sometimes back then and even now I wish I were dead. Maybe then people will notice and recognize me... But I could never leave Ava. It's like leaving your child in the car: I cant do it, I can't. It's like we're soulmates or something.

Whatever force brought us together - I'm glad it did.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2015 ⏰

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