Secret Valentine.

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Ever and I are inseparable, we are always hanging out with each other whether it be the park or at my house. Ever hasn't fully explained her home situation to me, all I know is that her Dad isn't really a good Dad and doesn't like when Ever invites people over. Even so, no matter what, Ever always has a bright smile on her face. Though, lately, she's been fidgeting and always makes sure she's home by a certain time, even if it's five thirty. Whenever I attempt to ask her what's wrong, she tenses up and shakes her head, saying it's nothing to worry about. 

 "Andy?" Ever pipes up, looking up at me with her brown eyes, our fingers locked as she lays on my chest.


"Have you ever wanted to, you know, run away from your problems?" She questions, looking down at our hands. I take a breath, yes, many times I've wanted to run away but I know I can't do that to my parents.

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"Just curious," Ever sighs in response, I place a kiss on her cheek, hoping this will make her feel a little better. Normally, I can read her like one can read a book but lately, she's been heard to understand but I don't want to upset her any further than she obviously is. When she wants to talk about it, we'll talk about it but I'll wait until then.

"Love you Ever," I tell her, kissing the top of her head. 

"Love you too Andy," She looks up at me and kisses me directly on the lips, her hands cupping my cheekbones. 

We sit in silence for a moment, I close my eyes watching Ever's chest rise and go down. When I close my eyes, it's just Ever and I, except it's world where she's happy and free of all her problems and smiling like her old self, laughing too. 

I open my eyes and smile, looking down at Ever. She has her eyes closed, squeezing my fingers gently, she looks so peaceful.

"Why don't you stay here the night? I'm sure your Dad won't mind." I suggest, maybe being away from home is what she needs.

"Oh no no, I couldn't." She insists frantically, opening her eyes. 

"Ever, it's not a problem, really. My parents adore you." I tell her, I'm not lying either. Mom and Dad love Ever as much as I do. Ever's impossible not to love.

She takes a moment to consider this, "Okay I guess," 

"Don't worry about your Dad, I'm sure he'll be fine for one night." I tell her. The thing about Ever is, that she always thinks about others before herself, and that's something I've always admired about her. She wasn't selfish, and nor is she stuck up. 

Ever takes a breath and nods, "Yeah, he'll be fine." She repeats, with a weak smile.

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