Skinny Love.

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Ever's Point Of View 

"Ever! It's the concert today!" Shouts my friend, Avia, enthusiastically making as much noise as possible in our apartment that we shared. "Yeah, yeah okay I've got the idea." I reply with a yawn, stretching my arms before I slip out of my bed and walk out into our small living area, only to be bombarded with the excited figure of Avia. She's already decked out in her Black Veil Brides merch and her concert attire, since we live in LA and we aren't that far from the venue usually we don't bother with getting ready hours before they even do sound check let alone open the doors. 

"Calm down girly, we have like, 6 hours before it starts." 

"Yes, but c'mon Ever! What if we're lucky enough to meet them!" Avia squeals with an excited grin, I roll my eyes.

"Oh fine, I'll be ready in 10." I turn around to head back into my room

"5!" Avia shouts, I laugh walking into my room and shutting the door. I'm glad she's my friend, she's insane and crazy but overall, a goodhearted person. I shuffle over to my wardrobe and pick out my clothes for today, and of course my Black Veil Brides shirt along with the leather jacket I received as a present from an unknown sender. 

I change into my concert attire and slip on a pair of converses, styling my hair up in a messy bun since we've got barrier and I've decided that I might be moshing. I don't bother with makeup, because screw it, it'll just come off in the heat of the venue anyway. I walk back into the living area, Avia stands at the door swinging her keys on her finger, waiting impatiently tapping her foot on the floorboards. 

"Oh finally," She scoffs playfully. I smile, shaking my head approaching the front door.

"Wait, have you go the tickets?" I question, Avia immediately pulls out two tickets from her back pocket.

"Oh thank god, I thought we were gonna have to have sex with one of them to get in the show." I joke, knowing that Avia would gladly take any opportunity to one a member of Black Veil Brides.

"Funny," She rolls her eyes, pushing me out the door.

We walk out of our apartment complex onto the busy street, we decide to waste time and go to Starbucks. What could possibly go wrong there? We walk in, I take a table for the both of us as Avia goes ahead and orders our food, she walks back and sits down just as a group of men dressed in black walk in. My heart almost stops.

Yep, you can probably guess who exactly they were. 

Avia's eyes grow wide as she sits up to get a better view. "Get down!" I hiss, covering one side of my face as the group walk past us and take a table, right behind Avia. Avia laughs nervously "Holy crap." She whispers, as Ashley Purdy sits behind her. The tall one, sits opposite Ashley, with a girl by his side. Jake and Jinxx fill in the empty gaps, CC (Sandra's replacement) must be ordering their stuff. 

"Ever and Avia!" Calls out a cashier, from the corner of my eye I see the tall one's blue eyes grow wide. Wait, blue eyes, tall.. no. It couldn't be... Andy? "Let's go," Avia hisses, dragging me over to the counter to receive our drinks. As we leave, I can't stop thinking about him, Andy Andy Andy Andy Andy. My Andy. 

"Holy shit!" Avia exclaims, holding her chest clutching her latte.

"I know!" I reply, taking a sip of my cappuccino, Avia doesn't understand and she probably didn't notice the way Andy was looking at me.... Did he forget me? Or does he remember me? Did he think i was somebody else and not his Ever? Obviously he's moved on... but does he remember me?

"Let's go and chill somewhere and wait for time to pass by," Avia suggests, I shrug following her through various paths until we end up at a park, filled with children shrieking at the top of their lungs. Ugh, I'm so glad I'm not a parent and I'm not going to be one either, Children are annoying little brats. 

 "I can't believe that, was that really them?!" Avia exclaims with awe, I nod slowly downing the rest of my drink. All I can think about is Andy, and he's with that girl. Huh, should've known he would've forgotten me, even though he promised. Whatever I guess, might as well let his pursue his dreams or whatever, he seems happier with the other girl anyway.

"Ever, you okay? You seem... angry?" Avia looks at me cautiously, "Is everything okay?" 

Oh, I remember, She doesn't know about my past with Andy. There's no point in telling her, we're history. 

"Yeah, I'm alright." I take a deep breath, "Let's go play on the playgym!" I suggest wanting to get Avia off my back. She races me to the large playgym, clambering over all the tiny pieces of bark as we touch the metal interior. 

We spend, god knows how long climbing over the children's playgym before we grab something to eat and make our way to the venue. 

We're one of the first hundred to arrive at the venue and claim our spot in the line, which isn't that far from the door. Avia holds the tickets in her hands, shaking and fangirling. This is her first concert, with me, or ever. "Avia, it's gonna be fine." I smile at her, catching up the line when it shuffles forward and before we know it, we're in the large venue and making our way to the stage barrier. 

The venue soon fills up with screaming fans, commonly known as the BVBarmy. A local band hops out and plays a few songs, before shuffling off stage. Let the screaming commence. Andy, and the rest of the band come out on stage, bringing a lot of energy with them. 

Ashley does his thing, where he jumps and twirls. It's so cute and feminine, it suits Ashley. He then, proceeds to crouch down and lick the head of his guitar, making everyone go insane. I mean, it's Ashley Purdy being incredible hot, licking his guitar. Dear lord, I'd want him to do sacrilegious things to me.

Avia and I jump around, and scream loudly when Andy crouches down in front of us. He looks directly at me and mouths something, I nod scarcely before he stands up and continues singing. "This is our sweet blasphemy," He sings melodically, before stretching his arm outwards towards the crowd holding the microphone tightly.

The entire audience sings the next stanza, sounding beautiful and in time with each other. Before we knew it, the show came to a close and standing outside. 

"Avia, I'll meet you at the apartment okay? There's some loose ends I need to tie up." I tell her as Andy makes an appearance from out of the venue, Avia nods without any question and walks away from me. My eyes follow her until she stops, waves back at me and turns the corner. Andy's large figure blocks my line of sight. 

"Ever, is this really you?" 

I nod slowly, mesmerized by his blue orbs like I was once before; when we fell head over heels for each others. 

"Yes Andy, it is me. I'm sorry, so sorry about leaving," I tell him, my voice cracked and torn. 

"Andy? Whose's she?!" 

There, behind Andy, is the figure of his girlfriend. with her hands on her hips. 

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