Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

(Deku's pov)

"In other words, your scars just show how good of a hero you are, Izuku."

"Kacchan I-" I bit my lip. Tears formed in the corner of my eyes as a large knot formed in my throat.

"Don't cry stupid," he muttered, walking towards me. He held out his arms, signalling for me to hug him. I burst into his arms, gripping onto his shirt as I burrowed my face into his shoulder.

It's been ages since I hugged Kacchan. It's been years.

The hug didn't last long though. I felt him pat my back telling me to get off. I chuckled pulling off. Kacchan's never been the sappy type: so for him to say and do all of this means he's really trying, for me.

He reached for the concealer I had previously given him, applying some to his neck.

He then used his palm to rub it into his skin but got frustrated when it rubbed off. "The fuck?" He grunted.

I smiled and rolled my eyes before taking the concealer from him. I reapplied it and used my finger to blend it. Once I was done, he looked in the mirror, seeing it was now unnoticeable.

"Whatever," he mumbled, making me chuckle.

"Why did you bring concealer with you anyway?" He asked.

"I just have it on me at all times," I answered.

"Hm," he replied.


That evening, me and Kacchan returned to our own rooms, until the whole of class 1A decided to have a games night.

"What game are we playing then?" Mina asked.

"First we should decide what type of game. A board game, a video game-"

"We should totally play would you rather!" Hagakure exclaimed, cutting of Iida.

Iida scowled as the rest of the class agreed with Hagakure, ignoring his previous suggestion. From there, they began playing: picking people at random to answer questions.

"Okay, okay. Ururaka, would you rather go out with Midoriya or Iida," Mina smirked.

The three people mentioned all immediately turned a deep shade of red whilst awkwardly looking at one another.

"Wh-what type of question is that!" Ururaka squealed, throwing a pillow at Mina.

"You gotta answer," Mina grinned, catching the pillow Ururaka chucked.

"I guess.. Deku. I just relate to him more. No offence Iida."

"Non taken!" Iida replied.

Her response surprised me. I was certain she would've picked Iida, she's more laid back around him. She always seems to be on edge whenever she's around me.

(Third person)

"Denki would you rather do 100 sit ups or 100 push ups," Kirishima asked.

"Man that's a lame question, give me another one!" Denki commanded.

"Whadya' mean lame. It's a manly question!" Kirishima replied defensively.

Denki rolled his eyes before looking over at Sero -who sat next to him. Sero had his phone pulled out and seemed to be typing something.

"What ya' doing?" Denki asked.

"Finding some decent questions to ask," Sero smirked "for now on, I'll be asking the questions."

"Awh come on!" Kirishima whined, making the others giggle.

Sero continued scrolling on his phone till he finally paused, a smirk rising to his lips. "Alright, Denki Would you rather only have very loud sex OR totally silent sex?" Sero asked.

The room went silent.

"I know Kirishima's question was bad but what the fuck is this?" Denki questioned.

"Language!" Iida interjected.

"Well when you think about it.. these types of questions will definitely be more entertaining to answer," Mina replied.

"I guess," Denki sighed "okay then.. loud sex. Imagine how awkward it would be if it was silent."

"Agreed," a few people nodded.

"Momo, Would you rather pee a ping-pong ball OR poop a bowling ball?" Sero asked.

Momos mouth dropped open. "I'm not participating in this," she mumbled whilst shaking her head.

"Anyone else backing out?" Bakugou sighed.

"Don't feel pressured to play if you don't want to! On that note, I'd rather just watch that play myself," Iida told the class.

Most of the class decided to just watch while a few still remained in game. Deku, Denki, Kirishima, Mina and Bakugou decided to continue. "Kirishima," Sero began "Would you rather have your parents walk in on you having sex in their bed OR show your parents your entire porn search history?"

"Search history, all I look at are work outs," he shrugged.

"Of course you do," Mina said, rolling her eyes.

"Mina, Would you rather have sex in an extremely haunted place OR have sex in an extremely dirty place?"

Mina shivered dramatically "Haunted!"

Sero smiled but that smile soon turned into a smirk when he looked at Deku. "Midoriya.. Would you rather always finish in someone's mouth OR on their face?"

Deku's jaw dropped.

He tried his hardest to avoid all eye contact with Bakugou when Sero asked that. "Uh.. I guess m-mouth," he answered.

Denki whistled as if he were cat-calling him but cried when Iida slapped the back of his head.

"Mirdoriya~ the way you answered that makes me makes me feel like you've gotten a blowjob before," Mina grinned, resting her face on her arm.


"Bakugou Would you rather give up sex for a year OR give up masturbating for a year?"

"Would it count as masturbating if someone else jerked me off?" Bakugou asked casually.

"Doesn't specify so I guess not," Sero answered.

"Then I'd give up masturbating," Bakugou replied, not phased at all.

"YOU TOO?" Kirishima excalimed.

The rest of the class seemed pretty shocked, hearing about Bakugou getting handjobs from another person. Deku (on the other hand) was shaking in his own shoes, scared incase someone figured out his and Bakugou's secret.

"Wait, wait so Midoriya's getting blow job AND Bakugou's getting hand jobs! That's so unfair!" Mineta argued.

"Well it's not liked you'd be able to get one ever. No one likes you," Tsu told Mineta.

(Bakugou's pov)

"Who is it? Is it a girl from this school?" Denki asked.

"Non of your business sparky," I grunted.

"Midoriya?" Denki asked desperately, wanting the details.

"I uh- I'd rather keep it private," Deku stuttered, scratching his neck, glancing quickly at me.


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