Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

(Deku's pov)

It's been a week since Kacchan accidentally came out to the class and accidentally made our relationship public. Since then, we've been showered with support from all our friends.

Ururaka has been my biggest supporter -which was surprising after realising she's had feelings for me! However, I'm forever grateful for her and her support. I hope she finds the right guy that loves her back.

Since that day, me and Kacchan have been doing great. As well as that, I've seen a massive improvement in Kacchan's social skills. Now that our relationship is public, he's been more open -considering the amount of questions he's asked on a daily basis.


"Do you think you's would ever get married?" Mina asked, stretching out her arms.

"Hah? Married? And you fuckers wonder why I didn't want to tell you about our relationship," Kacchan snarled.

"What's wrong with marrying me?" I whined.

"Yeah, what's wrong with marrying Midoriya?" Mina teased.

"Nothing fuckers! But we're no where close to even graduating, why the fuck would I think about get married -now?" Kacchan defended himself.

(Third person)

"How do same sex weddings work?" Denki asked "like, do you have bridesmaids? Who chooses the bridesmaids?"

"I hate this class," Bakugou mumbled.

"Aww you know you love us," Mina hummed, pulling him into a hug. However, Bakugou immediately sent her a death stare as she came into contact with him.

"Get off, I'll kill you," he huffed, gritting his teach.

Mina sighed dramatically as she pulled off him. "Saving all the hugs for Midoriya I see," she teased, smirking: that immediately made Deku flush a deep red and made Bakugou almost light a fuse.

Bakugou arose from where he sat (on the couch) and bolted for the dorm rooms.

"Bakugou! Where you running off tooooo," Denki groaned.

"My fucking dorm. I'll be back once you shitfaces stop being so nosy. Go bother Deku!" He shouted back, before leaving.

"Heh, he doesn't mean it. I don't think," Deku chuckled nervously.

The students surrounding the couches all rolled their eyes, playfully, and exchanged smirks.

"Go on then," Mina sighed, clicking her fingers "we all know you want to."

Deku smiled, sheepishly whilst nodding. He then got up and made his way to the dorms -well, made his way to Bakugou's dorm.

Once he arrived, he knocked on the door -until it finally swung open. He stood opposite Bakugou, the same stupid, sheepish smile printed over his lips as he exchanged glances with him.

"You just gonna stand there or are you gonna get in here and fuck me, nerd," Bakugou snarled.

Deku bit his lip, shifting into the room, closing the door behind him. Bakugou immediately pranced at him, throwing him on the bed as he straddled himself onto his lap. Deku reached into his pocket, pulling out a condom as he also pulled down his boxers.

However, before Deku was able to rip open the condom packet, it was slapped out of his hand by Bakugou.

"Kacchan?" Deku questioned.

"Stop with the fucking condoms, just do it raw," Bakugou comanded.

"Kacchan," Deku repeated.

"Izuku," Bakugou teased.

Deku rolled his eyes, placing his hands on Bakugou's waist, pulling him towards him.
"Have you already prepped?" Deku asked.

"I'm always prepared, stupid," Bakugou smirked, inserting Deku into himself.

"I w-was thinking.. maybe I can- oh! P-prep you sometime," Deku suggested, wincing his eyes as he thrusted himself into Bakugou's ass.

"Sure if you finish fucking me," he moaned, twitching against his boyfriend's grasp.

Deku's hands traveled around the blonde's body -subtly encouraging him to move his body to his rhythm. His left hand grazed over a small scar (engraved into Kacchan's neck), as his other traveled down to his dick.

"Kacchan, I wanna s-switch positions," Deku breathed, gazing up at Bakugou.

"Do whatever 'Zuku," he replied.

With that confirmation, Deku leaned in to kiss Bakugou, before carefully repositioning him: he laid Bakugou onto the bed and repositioned himself  between his legs. "I'm going to start moving," Deku warned.

Deku slowly began to thrust himself into Bakugou, moving at a steady pace. Bakugou whined and grasped at the sheets behind him, overwhelmed by the pleasure he felt as Deku pounded against his prostate.

"D-Deku," Bakugou moaned.

"D-does it hurt?" Deku asked frantically.

"No.. stupid. I want it hard," he breathed, gazing up into the set of emerald green eyes before him.

Deku chewed his tongue as he nodded in agreement. He placed a hand on Bakugou's side, flipping him over -so his chin rested on the pillow he was previously laying his head on.
"Gonna start, okay," Deku told him.

Bakugou grunted in reply.

"Speak up if it hurts," Deku added.

Like hell it'll hurt- Bakugou thought. However, his thoughts were interrupted when he was suddenly overcome by the sensation of Deku's ruthless pounding.

"Oh- fuck. Ah!" Bakugou moaned, burrowing his face into the pillow.

"Kacchan," Deku cried in pleasure, Bakugou's ass twitching around him.

Frequent noises of slapping and moaning filled the room: all the noises of pleasure. The two couldn't get enough of each other. "I wanna cum inside, Kacchan. Please," Deku pleaded.

Deku's pace quickened, pounding and pounding into the male bellow him.

"K-Kacchan, Kacchan. Gonna, cum!" He moaned, shoving his face into the dent of Bakugou's shoulder. Bakugou could only moan against the fabric of the pillow, too overwhelmed to make out a single word. He had already came 2 times, Deku's constant pace sending him over the edge.

Deku continued thrusting until he was seconds away from cumming. He thrusted sloppily, 3 last times till he finally came into Bakugou's ass.

"Ngh, fuck.. fuck," Deku groaned.

Deku pulled out of Bakugou, rolling onto the bed next to him -breathless. Bakugou rolled onto his side, facing Deku.

"Did you cum?" Deku asked, combing back the hair from Bakugou's eyes.

"Course I f'kin did, stupid," Bakugou answered, after catching his breath.

The two laid on silence for a couple of minutes, staring into each others eyes, until Deku finally asked "Would you like to marry me when we're older, after we graduated?"

"What are you asking?" Bakugou whispered.

"Would you want to marry me?" Deku repeated.

"Sure, if it shuts you up," Bakugou growled.

"Seriously." Deku said, sternly. Bakugou sighed whilst rolling his eyes. He lifted a hand to Deku's cheek, grazing a finger over his lips.

"If it makes you happy," he sighed "I'll marry you."

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