Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

(Third person)

"Me too," Bakugou mumbled, his heart pounding so hard it was minutes from jumping out of his chest.

Deku looked at him with a shocked expression, not expecting that response, actually, not expecting a response altogether. It felt like his world had just stopped, like it was paused.

However, as Deku stared into space in shock, he failed to notice Bakugou shuffling from the bed and making his way into the bathroom. The slam of the door made him jump and that's when he had finally realised the absence of his friend.

Although he truly wanted to get up and check on Bakugou, he knew that wouldn't be best for the blonde. He knows his friend: he knows in situations like this, he just needs time to process -on his own. With this in mind, Deku sat patiently on his bed, awaiting Bakugou's return while also processing this situation himself.

(Bakugou's pov)

I clenched my chest as my heart raced. My breaths shaken and irregular, my whole body on edge.

I couldn't believe the words that came out of my own mouth. Even if I only spoke 2 vague words, it was enough to admit my feelings that I've hid for so long. The feelings I've hid from Deku as well as myself.

It's always been Deku, always.

Fuck! why has it taken me so long to realise! It's been him all along, it's always been him. I've always loved him.

I let him chase after me, I even pushed him away. I've been wasting my time running from him when I should've been running to him, all this time.

What's wrong with me?

I slid my hand up to my neck, trying to control my breaths. 1 2 3, 1 2 3. I counted. Eventually, my breaths were regularly paced and my body had relaxed.

I can't hide in here forever.

I bit my lip whilst glaring at the door. Gradually, I began to get up, approaching the door as I slowly lifted the handle, letting myself out. However, as I opened the door, I was met with a familiar set of green eyes.

"Fuck!" I yelled jumping.

"Sorry Kacchan, I didn't mean to scare you!" He apologised.

"Scare me? I'm not weak!" I yelled.

I silently cringed in my head. I wasn't actually mad I just respond on instinct, and every response I make, ends in me looking like a dick.

"I mean.. you didn't scare me," I mumbled, rubbing my neck.

Deku smiled before looking down at his hands -which he continuously played with. "I- I understand if you.. need time, but.. I think.. we really need to talk," he stuttered.

I was so thankful he was looking down because I could feel my face immediately flush. "Let's get it over with," I sighed.

I grabbed his wrist and brought him back to his bed. I sat him down before making myself comfortable in his desk chair.

"So.. just to confirm.. you- like me back," he winced.

"Yes, stupid," I breathed, looking away.

"Kacchan.." he whispered "thank you for telling me. Thank you so much."

"It's not like I ran a marathon for you," I grumbled "I only told you the truth."

My eyes immediately shot open after that sentence left my mouth. I was digging myself a bigger hole here. I heard a soft chuckle from Deku.

(Deku's pov)

I stared at Kacchan who sat opposite me but refused to look me in the eye, typical.

"So.." I began, "how long have you liked me for?"

There was a long pause. Kacchan still faced the other way, making sure not to accidentally glance in my direction. "All my life- I guess. It's hard to say," he mumbled, scratching his neck, awkwardly.

All his life?

"I just.." he sighed "I- I've. I've always been trying to get away from you, because honestly, I hated the idea of you surpassing me. It's not an excuse but I think I was so blinded by my own personal grudges I didn't realise how I truly felt about you. And.. I'm sorry. Im so sorry for everything. Im sorry for bullying you. Im sorry for hurting you. Im so sorry."

I watched as his face collapsed into his palms as his body shook. Was he crying?

"Kacchan. I forgive you. I've already forgiven you. I know you feel bad about everything. I can tell you're trying to better yourself for others and for me. It's okay," I whispered.

Instinctively, I got up and slowly walked towards him. I gently placed a hand on his neck while my thumb lightly caressed his jaw. I turned his face to mine where I saw streams of tears fall down his cheeks. His already red eyes appeared redder as his eyebrows furrowed into his eyelids.

"I don't deserve this. I don't deserve you," he sobbed.

I pulled his face into my shoulder, where he clawed at my arms and cried into the crook of my neck. "Kacchan, I love you," I whispered.

He dug his fingers harder into my arms. I couldn't care about the pain, all I cared about was him.

Kacchan calmed down after a couple of minutes: he had stopped crying and was now able to make out sentences. "How long have you liked me, then?" He asked, pulling away from the hug and began wiping away the tears from his cheeks.

"Ever since we were kids," I smiled weakly.

He looked up at me, his eyes still glazed with a thick layer of tears, but none trickling down his cheek like before. "It's taken us so long," he sighed, smiling slightly.

"Sixteen years," I chuckled.

He bit his bottom lip whilst smiling, causing dimples to crease on either side of his face. I really want to kiss him.

My hands traveled from his neck, down to his shoulders as I inched closer to his face. I continued making direct eye contact with him, until our lips finally met, that's when my eyes fluttered closed as I kissed him.

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