Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

(Third person)

"I still can't believe Bakugou AND Midoriya have girlfriends!" Mina exclaimed.

"Well they never said they were in a relationship.. just that- well you know.." Ururaka mumbled.

"Why so sad, Ururaka? Jealous much?" Mina grinned, resting her chin on her hand.

"Whaa? J-jealous, why would I be jealous?" Ururaka stuttered.

Mina giggled but quickly shut up when Mr Aizawa entered the classroom. Along with Mr Aizawa, Bakugou and Deku walked along behind him.

"Alright class," Mr Aizawa mumbled "It's come to my attention that some of yous are beginning to have sex. Honestly in none of my business but as a teacher I have to teach sex-ed at some point in the school year, and what better time to do it than now."

"Way to go Midoriya, Bakugou! I really don't want to have to sit through this!" Denki whined, hiding his face in his palms.


"Oi Sparky! You're just mad you can't get anyone!" Bakugou yelled, interrupting Deku.

Aizawa stared at the two bickering, unamused.

"I'll expel yous both if you don't shut up," Aizawa sighed "Denki don't point out names but if it makes you feel better I'm not looking forward to teaching this either. Bakugou, maybe you should pay attention to what I'm about to teach."

Denki groaned and Bakugou smacked his lips.

(Bakugou's pov)

I stared at the board which displayed a diagram of a dick and vagina. I couldn't believe we were learning this so late into the year.

Aizawa then pulled out a cucumber and condom.

"Does anyone want to show us how to put a condom on?" He asked.

"Maybe Bakugou can show us," Sero chuckled.

"Midoriya can tell us what lube to use," Denki giggled along.

I couldn't believe I was being made fun of for having sex. In middle school people got praised just for getting a kiss. All people would talk about was sex and jerking off!

"You extras were so interested in our business last night, why is it suddenly so amusing now?" I growled, standing up and snatching the cucumber and condom away from Aizawa. I unwrapped the condom and pinched the top of it, before rolling it onto the cucumber.

I handed it back to Aizawa to then sit back down. "if anyone else mentions my sex life I'll kill you," I threatened, sitting down.

"I'd prefer if you didn't threaten your classmates but you have a point. If anyone else mentions or jokes about Midoriya's and Bakugou's business I'm giving you a detention. It makes it uncomfortable for them and VERY uncomfortable for me," Aizawa sighed. 


The class finished and it was now lunch. I sat at my usual table, surrounded by fucking extras.

Denki and Sero sat opposite me, still taking the piss.

"Guys I don't get why it's a big deal. I mean it is but you don't have to keep mentioning it in front of everyone. Anyways isn't it cool that Bakugou's in a relationship," Kirishima said, telling them off.

At least someone got my point.

"It's not the fact he's having sex, it's how he actually managed to get a girlfriend," Denki giggled.

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