Chapter 41 (Old)

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Finally decided to leave the restaurant after paying for 1,080,000 Yen worth of ramen or roughly 8,070 USD, continuing the journey was the most obvious choice...

But, Jesus Christ, eating 90 ramen bowls in one sitting... Kiana's record is 87... I guess three more generations until they beat the old man's record...

Anyway, enough food bills talk, and time to start getting back on track.

I doubt that the others would mind if I were to meet up with them later than expected. MAYA is with them so, they should be fine from anything that's weaker than the guy in green armor who kills off demons in space.

Besides, it's not like MAYA would lead them to some weird or life-threatening places... Hopefully...

Said some weird or not life-threatening places as the trio was being chased by a horde of cinnamon rolls.

Now, that I've entered yet another Bubbleverse, and just as I expected, I found myself in the middle of fucking nowhere like always.

However, not only did I find myself in the middle of nowhere, but right after I walked through the barrier separating Bubbleveres, I immediately fell off of a cliff...

Just where the hell did this shitty luck come from?

Well, not like it matters anymore since I actually found the culprit who changed the coordinates when I was entering the Bubbleverse...

It was this damn girl sitting on the edge of the cliff that screwed up the coordinates...

"Either by chance or you knew of my arrival and sat there to screw up my coordinates," I said as I stared at the girl who still had her back face against me. However, as I got closer to her, the Stigma in my left hand was reacting to her.

"Who are you?" I asked as the black crystals that were coming off the Stigma slowly dissipate.

Yet the girl said nothing as she slowly get up from the ground she was sitting on before turning to face me.

Clad in Chiba Academy's uniform as she covered a black jacket on top of it. Both her hair and eyes were dark pink... Something that almost represents the Honkai... The unnatural air that was coming off her...

This girl was someone who was almost the same as me...

Someone who doesn't exist...

"Good evening." She simply greeted me as she barely bowed down to me. "I, Savior of Light, Houraiji Kyuusyou, had come to greet you, mister outsider."

Yet the moment she stopped bowing, her eyes immediately glow at a dangerous degree...

"You're... Celine's friend... aren't you? The owner of this Stigma?" Raising my left hand as all the black crystal had completely dissipated.

Revealing the broken black star Stigma on the back of my hand which is now glowing off a similar shade of the girl's eyes.

"Yes, and I do believe that is something that doesn't belong to you, sir." She said as I could see she was reaching for something behind her...

Oh hell no, I'm too fucking tired for another round of "Oh look, a person who I barely know. Let's beat them up." bullshit.

Yet fate decided to throw another curveball at me as the girl took out... A chocolate bar...?

"So, mister 'I do not belong here', how can I help you?" She said while taking a large bite of the chocolate... without unwrapping it...

"You... do know that you're supposed to unwrap them... right?"

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