Unshead 2

29 1 1

Jasmine Stephen

I was singing to myself on the way home. Some people know I can sing. I don't keep it a secret. I walk into the house and there's a stench. 

I open the windows and teleport all the beer bottles and drugs to the Hudson River. I walk in and see my mother passed out on the floor but her eyes are open. I sigh and check her pulse. Dead....fuck. 

I lift her and walk to our fenced backyard and open the ground using my earth's ability, a hole opens I throw her in and go pack.

While I'm packing I'm thinking of where I'm gonna live. Maybe I have a dad out there. I'll check April's room for anything. 

I fold my clothes and put them nestled into the suitcase making sure I have everything, even my stuffed bear. I've always had it never left its side. It smells like a men's cologne and calms me so I just kept it.

I walk into April's closet and dig around for anything and find nothing. On my knees There was a crack in the wood. I pry it open and pull out a file. Antonio Stephen 8 kids woah and a wife Julia Stephan's birthdays picture aha.

 Ok, these are family members I have this man's eyes and women's hair just like April god I won't be talking to her. I look them up and find out they are mafia and chuckle at what mafia they are. Italian. Those people want me to work for them as they begged me to fight for them. 

I guess strength is their motto.

Well, I got their address and decided to go there first. They should have answers. Before I left I looked at all the kids there with their notes and photos. 

Noah oldest. Oscar is the second oldest moody. Christopher is gay damn.... Anyway, Steven has anger issues. Derek is funny. James is quiet, hmm. What I read next made my soul leave my body. Jasmine lab rat. Jessica is the replacement daughter.

Replacement, they replaced me. Their flesh and blood. Oh, I'm going to Italy and there's gonna be a rude awakening. I pulled up google maps and pulled up Italy Flying was going solo in this bitch. 

It's a seven-hour flight but not at the speed I'm going. I'm flying over the Atlantic coast and I have my phone in my hand so I know where to go. I land on the coast of Sicily and start walking. I Have to get caught so I tell them the address and they take me.

I tip large and teleport to the front doors away from the cameras I visibly see. I hear someone coming up behind me there gonna drug me fucking hell it won't work. 

I fall limp anyway. They take me to the... dungeons? They tie me up and I groan and they walk away from my restricted body. The door closes and I open my eyes.

The door has bars so I decided to sing to my fellow prisoners. Control that seems ok

Play song

The walls echoed as I sang and the guards came to my cell to shut me up but I kept singing, breaking bonds, and dancing snapping their necks. 

If they tried to touch me I was smiling the whole time and ended with a final verse. "Get Antonio and you'll stop dropping like flies." They rushed out and I just sat with 35 dead guards in my cell.

He was taking too long I was bored and hummed to myself.

A man with my piercing eyes came into the cell and glared at me. I glared right back and he looked surprised. "Well this greeting was far from friendlyfriendly... father." he looks bewildered.


I was sitting at dinner when I got notified that someone was going to knock on the door and got taken to the cells. I just brushed it off and continued my time with my family.

 I was just having small talk with my wife and kids and two guards burst into the dining room.''What do you need.'' I sat at the rude interruption.

 "Sir the n-new prisoner is killing everyone s-s-she's just smiling and singing while snapping the guard's necks and a-n-dd asked for you by first name, someone personal to you maybe." my wife raises an eyebrow at that.

"Ok I'm coming". My wife slowly lowers her fork. "Antonio I don't want to believe that you have been unfaithful but if that's another female claiming to be pregnant I'm leaving with my daughter.'' 

She speaks in Polish so our kids can't understand. I have never been unfaithful. I don't know where she gets this. "She's not and I will deal with it," I said back.

I'm walking down the basement corridor and hear a beautiful hum and harden my glare. I walk in and see a replica of my wife with my eyes and she confirms to my feeling when she says. "Well, this greeting was far from friendlyfriendly ..father." I gasp.

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