The things you taught me

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I learnt so many things
From you.

Who knew you were
Such a good teacher.

You taught me how
To love—but not just
to love.
But to love you.

You taught me all
Your favourites.

From food to places.
The color blue—and
Your favourite songs.

You taught me how
To love you,
How to care for you,
How to handle you.

You told me your
Favourite words,
And the reasons
behind them.

"Sky, my favourite word"
Your favourite word.

Which is what I have
began calling you.
Since it is your

And you are my
Forever favourite.

Now I have grown
Attached to you.

To the point where
everywhere I see you.

How strange that even
If I don't see you in a day.
You could still be seen

I see you in the places
I go.

Songs that play,
Play in your voice.

Everything seems to
Remind me of you.

You've taught me how to
Love you.
Now I'm fully attached.

When the wind began
To blow, why'd you
suddenly go?

Don't you think it's a
Little too cruel?
To leave me here
Waiting for you?..

Now my world is
Painted by memories
of you.

A Poet's Diary ( A Random Poetry Collection )Where stories live. Discover now