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The night has come
Where I no longer have to
fight, My heart can't cease
this feeling of excite;

A strum of music
As she finally comes,
Quite a grand entrance
I must say,

A dress as pink as tulips,
a dreamy sight indeed,
Tonight, My heart just
wants to ignite,

The night has finally come
Where I invite her to dance;
"Well shall we?"
As I take her hand;

I gaze upon her eyes,
a beauty so seraphic, a
Coiffure only a connoisseur
Could make,

"Swathe me around your
arms" She says,
As the music begins, we
Started to sway,

How I wish I could stay in
This moment forever,
Because I truly love her,
How I wish she knows;

Tonight, I could see your
Smile so bright, as white as a
light, this night—dancing with
you, has truly been a delight.

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