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unique robyn fenty
atlanta, ga

4 days later

"i'm walking out now mama dang." unique rolled her eyes hanging up the phone. today was officially kaniyah's birthday and everyone was meeting up at granny mae house.

unique was of course an hour late since she had to do kaniyah makeup and then find herself something to wear.

but she was always late to things. that was her job. parking on the side of the street, unique got out the car with gifts for kaniyah and a water bottle along with her personal things.

she locked the door and walked towards the house. glad no one was in the front, she walked right into the house seeing little kids running around, pre teens sitting on the couch on their phones and loud music playing. "juicyyy!" unique baby cousin hugged around her legs.

"hey jj." she picked him up and kissed all over his face making him giggle. "where yo ugly daddy at?" unique asked putting him down.

"outside wit his girlfriend." he pointed towards the back door. unique said a simple 'ok' before walking into the kitchen where her grandma was drinking a coroner while making the baked beans.

"hey granny." unique smiled hugging her grandmother. "wassup boo." she said turning back around to put the bake beans in the oven.

though she was 45, granny mae was moving like she was 20 something. she still went to clubs and stuff with her kids. got drunk with her kids, and even smoked with her grown grandkids occasionally.

"can i get some cookies?" unique asked opening the closet. "yeah, ion even eat that shit i just buy it for y'all when y'all come over here chile." she waved her granddaughter off.

unique walked outside seeing her mother and her aunt's and uncle's sitting together talking, a friend of the family cooking on the grill, and the other family members just spreaded out everywhere.

"there go dat heffa." nina spoke drinking some wine. they chuckled and unique smacked her teeth. "girl boo." she said sitting down beside her uncle jr. "hey auntie junnie." unique smiled at her uncle. "fuck you." he said flicking his cigarette.

uniqu laughed drinking her water. out of all of her uncles, jr was her favorite. even though when she turned 12 he stole all her birthday money, he's done worst but how could you not love him.

he was funny and smart. non of granny mae kids finished high school but they all had good money coming in. nina worked at an county club, erika had her own shop, mia, tj mother owns two restaurants one in atlanta and one in texas. and jr worked at river edge behavioral health center for kids. those jobs bring in lots of money.

"fcccc!" kaniyah ran towards unique and hugged her. "i know you didn't smoke without me niyah." unique mugged her.

"it wasn't my fault." she said grabbing onto her cousin hand. "mhmm, whatever bitch." unique said rolling her eyes.

"yeah yeah bitch shut the fuck." kaniyah told her, opening the door that kaniyah had when she would spend the night. 

unique walked in and seen tj, marc, dee, asia, asia two other friends, and of course, quan. "bruh what the fuck." she mumbled under her breath.

out of all her cousins, unique hated asia. she was a 'pick me' her whole life. once when they were in middle school, someone had sent unique a video of asia and one of unique's old boyfriend kissing in the middle of the library.

unique was devastated so she went into the lunch room fought asia. unique went home with only a scratch while asia went home with a busted nose, two cuts on her lip and one black eye.

since then, unique had never spoke to asia. unless her mother told her to. but she still hated her guts.

"hey cousin." asia smirked waving at her. unique fakly smiled, shooting a bird at asia. she rolled her eyes and proceeded to talk to one of her friends.

unique wasn't planning on arguing with anyone today since it's her cousin birthday. but if asia comes at her side ways, she's not gonna play nice.

__ __

it's been a couple of minutes now and asia had been touching all over quan but he didn't do nothing about since he was too busy staring unique.

unique was too busy talking to kaniyah about orange crush. "after orange crush you wanna go to florida with me?" unique smirked smoking the blunt.

"bitch never did you ask me that, duh hoe!" kaniyah said causing unique to chuckle, passing the blunt to tj.

"bitch why is quan ugly ass staring at you?" kaniyah asked whispering in unique's ear. she looked over at quan who was still staring at her.

he didn't even bother to look away once unique looked at him. she put her focus back on kaniyah and shrugged. "ion know chile." she mumbled.

"FOOD READY!" granny mae yelled from the stairs. since everyone in the room was high, they walked out slowly in a line.

erika and jr laughed. "them niggas high as hell." jr laughed eating a rib. "it don't make no sense how high y'all is man." erika said shaking her head.

when unique fixed her plate, she went and sat down by tj. "so why i ain't seen yo ass i'm bout 2 months and some change?" she asked eating some of her pasta salad.

"i had a baby dawg." he said causing unique eyes to widen. "terence what the fuck." she whispered yelled. "does anybody else know?" she asked. he shook his head no.

"well you could have told me. you know i don't run my mouth." unique said pouting. "yeah i know, it's just i needed time and shit. i was gon wait and tell everybody together but i couldn't wait that long to tell you." he stated.

"what gender is it?" she asked. "a boy. lil nigga look just like me." he smiled showing her a picture. "awww oh my god he do." unique said looking at the picture in awe.

"imma let you come see him one day." he told her closing his phone. "i can't wait." unique said as she continued to eat her food.

"what y'all over here talking bout?" asia came in the living room with her friends right on her tail. "non of yo concern." unique said the continued to eat her food.

asia scoffed before sitting down. "bitch you gon let her talk to you like that?" one of her friends asked. asia made a noise waving her off as she smacked on her food.

unique became irritated with her smacking so she went to sit down in the dining room. when she looked up from her phone, she seen quan staring at her.

she rolled her eyes before speaking. "daquan why won't you just leave me alone?" she asked. "because ion want to." he shrugged.

unique smacked her teeth before she went back to her phone. "i miss you juicy." quan stated. "don't call me that." she told him, feeling his eyes on her once again.

"youn miss me?" he asked standing up. her breath hitched once he touched her face. she removed him hand from her face and stood up. "please leave me alone daquan." she told him before she left.

unique went outside and told everybody bye before she finally left out the house. she got into her car and drove straight home, constant bullshit playing in her car.

ion even know what that last scene was about but... yeah

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