Roxy's girl problems (cramps)And Roxy's flash back of trauma and the song (2/30)

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"*Yaaaawn*" Both Roxy and sun let out while waking up. As Roxy got up to stretch she let out a "NGH!" Painfully. "Are you ok?!?!" Sun asked worries. Roxy fell on the floor "y-" Mumbled Roxy in so much pain she could not talk. " You are not ok! I'll take you to the others so all of us can help"Sun yelled. Sun picked Roxy up in his arms and ran fast to the others while yelling " security, alert, security alert wo wo wo wo!" To catch the other attention. When sun reached the others they asked "what happened!?!?". " IDK! Roxy just woke up in so much pain that she can't talk! But I was so worried I just went to get help fast!" Yelled sun. " c- an you p-p- put me down"whelped Roxy. Sun did as she said still holding on to her just waist to make sure she does not fall. Roxy tries to run free so she can reach the trash can but she could not talk from the pain so sun kept holding her. Roxy grabbed sun's hands and pushed them away, from that she fell on the floor. Roxy tried to reach the trash can but fell again, then Roxy got back up and was on her knees and hands , then " ageeuauu" came out of Roxy as she vomited on the floor. The other saw what happened and then Chica got the trash can for Roxy. " we have to find out what happened to her" said Monty. " I can use my injury scan" sun said. They all said " do it". Roxy herd that and thought " It might girl month... I don't want the boys to know that, or know what that is!". " No! Don't scan me!" Yelled Roxy. " we have to so we can help you. It's for your own good!" Said sun. " still No, don't scan me! I'm fine..."said Roxy as she turned away from sun so he couldn't scan her. "Your not fine! You can even walk!" Yelled sun. "No No No!I can walk watch!"yelled Roxy as she tried to walk. As soon as Roxy got up slowly, she tried to walk but as soon as she took a step, one  her foot wouldn't move because she was low on battery, so when she tried to walk she fell to the floor, and then she crawled dragging her dead foot. " that's it! Your not fine! I'm scanning you wether you like it or not!"said sun as he walked over to Roxy with a worried face. Roxy held her stomach and put her face down and her legs close to her face as she curled up hoping the scan wouldn't work in the way she was sitting. When sun got over to Roxy he tried to scan her but she kept moving away from sun. " she won't stop moving, someone sit on her like Monty did to me yesterday!" Said sun. Monty as strong as he is, he pulled Roxy's arms up as she tried to pull them down, but Monty got her arms up and he sat on her arms. Roxy couldn't move as she tried to wiggle free as she was in pain. "No get the heck off!" Roxy yelled as she kept wiggling trying to get free. As sun got closer to scan Roxy started to kick her leg, that stoped sun from scanning as he could not scan with a lot of motion. So sun sat on Roxy's upper legs so he could see her. "What hurts? so I know were to scan and so I'm careful to  not touch your
And make you hurt" Sun asked. "Nothing!!!" Yelled Roxy tho that was a lie. "There is only one way to find out now!" Sun said as he wiggled his fingers as Roxy. Sun started tickling Roxy's upper sides. "Nohohohooo Suhuhuhun stohohohop!"giggled Roxy loudly. As sun started to hardly but gently tickle Roxy's lower stomach, but then sun saw Roxy's face turn to a painful look. "NHGGG! OW OW OW!" Yelled Roxy as her face changed to pain. Sun stoped tickling Roxy as he said " so your stomach is causing you the pain is it?". "H-how do you k-know?!" Said Roxy trying to not let sun know she's having girl problems. "If you tickle someone where they hurt then they will show pain in someway" said sun. "Well, please don't s-s-scan me!" Yelled Roxy. "It's for your own good and you lied to me about something that could've kept hurting you! The scan won't hurt. Why are you saying to not scan, do you know why your hurting?" said sun. " N-no" said Roxy. Roxy closed her eyes hoping the scan would fail, as sun scans her. When sun scanned her up and down, he made a worried face at Roxy as he covered his mouth, when the scan told him what is happening to Roxy. The other looked at his face and asked " what is happening to Roxy?!?!"all at the same time. " one sec...get off Roxy" said sun. Monty got off Roxy and sun picked up Roxy and walked away a little bit. " do you want me to keep this secret? it's ok for boys to know, you know that right?"said Sun truthfully. "please don't tell anyone!"said Roxy. "Ok I will not tell anyone"said sun as he walked back to the other with Roxy in his hands still. The other ask "what happened?". " I can't tell you, Roxy wants me to keep it a secret. And y'all don't try to scan her yourself, she don't want anyone to know!" Said sun. Roxy tried to get out of sun's arms, but failed. " do you want down?"said sun. " y-e-e-e-e-e-e-s" Roxy said as she glitched out. Sun puts Roxy down carefully. When Roxy got down she glitched. Roxy twitched her body, but her head twitched  the most. " I NEX TO CHAR-" yelled Roxy before she turned off due to no battery. when she switched off her eyes rolled to the back of her head and then all the others saw was white, but then out of nowhere her eyes turned black, as her back bent up a bit, as her head looked down low, and her arms were pointed at each other and touching, the same happened to her legs. They all were worried by what had just happened. Sun picked Roxy back up as she became loose." come, I'm taking her to a charge station"said Sun. Sun started walking to a charge station as the others followed sun. When they made it to a charge station, then sun started to hold Roxy different, he held her by her upper arms close by her chest and then gently put Roxy into the charge station and closed the door. Freddy and Monty asked "was it Roxy's time of the month?". "Yes, but don't tell her I answered you! Just be nice to her, she hurts real bad..." whispered sun.  After a few minutes of talking, Roxy came out of the charge station dizzy.  Roxy came out wobbling and almost fell but caught herself.  "Your alright!" Said Sun happily. The others smiled that Roxy was not hurt. "Hey I can se-" said Roxy before she was cut off her eyes rolling back and overflowing  by black . The others were worried her pitch black eyes. Roxy was in a black room and could see  a little, before a  shadow figure jumped on her holding a chainsaw in their hand. Roxy (Only Roxy saw because she was imagining a flash back of how she was made again,but last time she was not insulted by how rude she which was a lie) The figure said "any last words?" While holding the chainsaw to Roxy's neck. " please! Don't hurt me!" Said Roxy.(the others could hear  and she her movements because she was talking to the figure that was not real and talking out loud and moving in real life.) "Your useless, your scary, mean, Ugly, stupid, you are nothing, your Hurt your friends and their feelings!  You are a mistake! You deserve to die"said the figure. " I'm sorry! Please don't kill me! I'm sorry for being useless, scary, mean, ugly, stupid, and for hurting my friends and their feelings and also for being  nothing, a mistake, I know so deserve to die! But let me say I'm sorry to my friends before you kill me! Please!" Yelled Roxy crying in her mind and out of her mind while backing up to a wall curled upon her mind and out of her mind. "No your need to be dead now! Your too bad! They don't want to see you!"said the figure. " they don't want to see me?"said Roxy while crying. "Now die!"said the figure. " AAAAAAAAAHHH" Roxy yelled being killed by the chainsaw in her head letting out a scream. Roxy could not see for a split second but then see saw again when she was not in her head. She saw the others looking at her with shock. " I'm sorry! please don't be mad I didn't say sorry before I died! The figure wouldn't let me say sorry! Please don't hurt me!" Said Roxy covering her head as she still thought she was in the moment. " what happened?" Said sun in a worried tone. "We aren't, going to hurt you! We are your friends" said Chica. "You are in the real world now! You are safe" said Monty. " we love you so much! We are not mad!" Said moon. "You are so useful Roxy!"said Freddy. Roxy got up slowly. "h-how do you know this world is real!?!?"said Roxy as she started running to her room as the others ran to her room too. Roxy ran into her room to hide and forgot to lock the door. The others went inside quietly her room and found Roxy. Monty grabbed both of Roxy's wrists in his one hand, and picked her up and pinned her against the wall. "No please don't kill me, I'm sorry!" Said Roxy trying to wiggle free. Sun started to walk up to
Roxy and then he pinned Roxy up to the wall instead of Monty now. Sun got really close to Roxy's face and then kissed her. Everyone in shock since they saw them kiss. "Do you see that this is the real world now?" Asked sun. "Y-yes?"said Roxy nervously, trying not to cry. "Is that a question or an answer?" Said sun. " both?" Said Roxy holding the tears in her eyes. Sun could she the tears, so he said " do you want to go by the charge station in the other room and cry for a bit and then talk? I can see the tears forming.". " y-yes"said Roxy almost crying. Sun in pinned Roxy and she ran straight to the other room. " you and Roxy are DATING!?!?"said the others. " yes"said sun as he put his head to the wall and listened to what Roxy was saying. " You deserve to die- No! Controlyourself Roxanne!- I can't do it anYMOOOOOORE!" Roxy yelled so loud even the others that were not listening heard it. *CRASH* they all hear, they didn't want Roxy to hurt her self so they went in. When they went in they saw Roxy breaking stuff and banging her head on the wall. When Roxy saw them she ran to her elevator as the other followed but she closed the doors to soon so only Monty could get on before the elevator left, but the other knew where the elevator when so they took a other route to her elevator. When Monty saw Roxy on the floor curled up he took her arms and pulled them behind her back and used his other arm to block Roxy's waist so she could barely move. " Let me gooooo!" Roxy complained. " No can do pretty girl, can't have you hurting yourself."said Monty. The elevator stoped and the doors opened and they both get out of the elevator. They see the others blocking the other door. "I'm gonna vomit"said Roxy as she lied, Monty let her go so she could. Then Roxy saw there was a hole at their feet where the other where standing, Roxy then ran and then slid on the floor then under through Freddy's legs where there was a gap and got up and started running. The other followed Roxy, then tried to catch up to her, but no one was as fast as Roxy except Monty, as he ran the pasted the others and caught up to Roxy. As Monty was caught up with Roxy, he then came closer to her sides and started tickling her. Roxy was slowing down and then she was falling. "Oh Crap I'm done for!" Said Roxy. Monty then
Sat on her upper leg and held up her hands tightly after she fell so she couldn't escape. Then the others caught up to Roxy and Monty. " D-damn, why do y'all want me so badly!?!?" Roxy rasaswwwwqsaid nervously. " we don't want you to get hurt!"said Freddy. "We don't want you to be scared of us." Said Chica. " we will help you" said sun. Moon when over to the side and grabbed some rope and then walked back over. " I'm good at tying stuff since I have ribbons that I have to tie, I can tie her up so she doesn't run away." Said moon showing the rope. "That's actually a good idea!"said Monty getting off of Roxy. Moon then started to tie Roxy arms to her stomach as Roxy tried to get free. " don't get my hair tied!" Said Roxy. Moon then pulled the rope super tight the he finished the rope in a bow on the back. "EAK!" Yelled Roxy from the sudden  aightness without a warning. Roxy then is olaying on the floor kicking her legs trying to get up, But she failed and stopped kicking. Then she rolled and her stomach and then pulled her legs under her so she could get up and run. The other looked at her as she saw them too and started running so they couldn't get her. Roxy started to run but then "*BANG!*" she ran into the wall since she was not paying attention, she then fell to the floor, as the others came over to her. " Fuck, ow ow ow" she whispered as she had just been hit by a wall and took a hard landing on the floor. The others herd her whispers, so Monty picked Roxy up in a tight hold so she couldn't escape and then hurt herself again, then all of them went to Roxy's room. When they went inside Monty sat Roxy on the couch, then Moon and Sun blocked the doors so she couldn't escape. "It's ok, you safe with us!" Said sun. " let me out! I don't want y'all to see me like this!"Yelled Roxy. "Why?"asked Monty. " because I-I... I'm bad, disobedient, I'm acting weird, and-" Yelled Roxy before she was cut off by Monty doing the quiet sign with his hand. " You are not any of those things" yelled Chica. " we'll let you go as long as you don't say bad things about yourself and you don't hurt yourself self." Said Sun. "I'll explain outside the room." Said sun, then Moon untied Roxy, and then they went outside the room to a part of Roxy's room window were they could see into. " Lets she what she will do when we're gone"said sun. They all watched Roxy from the window, then... "*SCREECH*". Roxy had scratched the wall super hard with her claws. " RAAAAHHH" Roxy yelled muffled as she screamed into a pillow. Then Roxy ran to her elevator, the other went to where her exit door by the elevator was. Roxy came out of the elevator and went out the door and saw the others and fell on the floor and curled up saying " Please don't hurt me again!" She yelled, as she thought the other were the figure since she saw black. Roxy looks again and see's the others and got up slowly and said "S-sorry I thought you were the figure..." she said embarrassedly. Then Roxy tried to walk past the other to go to the plex but sun grabbed her arm and pulled her back hardly. " Who is the figure?!?!" Said Sun angrily. " N-no one." Said Roxy. NO! Tell me! Who is the figure?!?!"yelled Sun angrily, as he squeezed Roxy's wrist harder. " The figure is the one who killed me a long time ago! So if you don't want this to happen again then don't sneak up on me, and then touch me or yell at me out of nowhere!" Yelled Roxy, as she yanked her arm back from sun and walked off. "So she was traumatized and didn't tell us!" Yelled sun. Then they all follow Roxy to the plex but Roxy didn't know they followed. When they got to the plex they hid so Roxy didn't see them, Roxy was on the stage. "*GRRRRRR*" Roxy's guitar made as she played her guitar. "Why?... oh why? Why you mysterious figuuuure! You really make me hate myself, make me want toooo hurt my-SELF! You know everything, make me feel dumb and guilty, even tho I did nothing... Who says I can keep my feelings calm and happy? Tho you're smart, you don't need to insult me to make me feel bad! I'm sorry if I can apologize or say bye before I go away foreveeeerrrrr. Just try to remember me and that I love you, and tho I have to say goodbye don't let it make you cry 'cause I will always be by your side to keep you company and taunt you happily. I may never come back BUT... WHO REEEAAALLY CARES?!?!"sung Roxy on Freddy's microphone and played on her guitar and she slid across the stage on her knees as she cried. Roxy then got up and put Freddy's microphone back and put her guitar back down by the stage where it was from her last show. As Roxy was putting her guitar on the floor the other snuck up on her. " AAAAAH" yelled Roxy as she fell on the floor. " I told y'all not to sneak up on me!" Yelled Roxy, as she got up off the floor. "I didn't know you like to sing"said Chica. " wait... how long did you listen?!?!" Yelled Roxy. "Whole song"said Moon. "Y'all weren't supposed to hear that song!"said Roxy looking down. " we thought you sung good tho!"said sun. "Well sorry about today and what you saw..."said Roxy. " why are you saying sorry? You did nothing." Said Freddy. "Let's just go to sleep" said Roxy yawning and stretching. They all walked to their rooms but then... Roxy's eyes turned black and she ran in to the wall and then she fell to the floor. " Ow WTH did I run into?!?!" Yelled Roxy, as she felt the wall and the floor with her hands and got up. Then Sun picked up Roxy. " EAK!" Yelled Roxy as sun started walking to their rooms. " Warn me before you touch me!" Said Roxy. "Sorry. Do you want me sleep at your place?"said sun. "Sure"said Roxy. When they get to the main area to their room the other said " goodnight!" But before they when the saw Roxy sleeping. "Why the hell is she so cute sleeping!?!?"they all said since Roxy was sleeping, then they all when in side their rooms. When sun got in Roxy room he layed Roxy on the couch carefully so he did not risk waking her. Then sun sat on the floor by the couch, as he slowly fell asleep with black filling his eyes as he closed them and drifted to sleep.

I worked so hard!I worked on it as soon as I got out of my classroom to go to the library cause my aunt takes me home cause a I'm staff kid!!! 3378 words!

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