The corset try on.Monty gets drunk?!Monty has voices in his head!(6/30)

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The next day they all went to the plex except Monty. Monty found a corset in the lost and found and then he walked to the plex. His plan was to put it on the other at different times so they would not suspect what was gonna happen. When Monty got to the plex he creeped up on sun and grabbed his. " Ack" sun yelled and he was surprised. " stand still and put your arms out!" Said Monty. Sun didn't think and just did as he was told. Then Monty put the corset on sun. " are you ready?!?!" Asked Monty, but before Sun could reply Monty pulled the strings tight. " AUH!" Sun moaned as he fell to the floor then Sun realized what sound he made and covered his mouth with his hands. Sun's chest looked bigger to Monty since his waist was smaller now. Monty started to die laughing from sun's moan, he was laughing so hard he fell on one of the tables. "Mooooon~ HeLp Me!" Said sun as he could barely move from the tightest. Moon then got sun up and unleashed the strings. " can you breathe ok?"said moon worriedly. " I can a lot better now" said sun as he held his sides. " I'm gonna look at me in a mirror now..." said sun as he walked towards the bathroom to look in the mirror. Monty stopped laughing and got up then he saw moon walking to him " don't do that to sun, idiot!" Yelled moon as he jumped on Monty still yelling at him. " You'll be next one to try this one on, since you yelled at me~" said Monty as he pushed moon off him and then walked to moon with the corset. Moon used his wire but was panicking so much he got tangled in his wire, and he was stuck in the air with his arms up from trying to grab a bar on the roof. Moon's legs were not tangled so he walked on the celling, but his wire untangled a bit and now he was closer to the floor. Monty then grabbed moon's leg and pulled him closer to the floor, as moon kicked his legs trying to get free, but moon failed to get free. Monty then put the corset on moon. " any last words~" said Monty as he pulled the strings tightly before moon could answer. " NGHMM" moon moaned trying to not moan loud as he blushed. "I-I know that sunny likes to hug me so hard the most because I'm his favorite! SUNNY!" Yelled moon as he kicked Monty in his balls. Monty fell to the floor as he cried, but sun came running to moon as fast as he could not even looking and ran into moon as he gave him the biggest hug ever. Sun then saw the corset on moon and heard his moan from the bathroom so he knew that moon was in pain, so he took it off him, and untangled moon. The other looked at Monty and saw what all just happened to sun and moon. " Karma always comes back!" Said Roxy and Chica. " yea, BUT HE DIDN'T HAVE TO KICK ME IN THE FUCKING BALLS! YOUR NEXT YA'LL!" Said Monty as he got up and ran towards Roxy. " oh fuck! I'm sorry! Please nooo!" Yelled Roxy as she backed up but she hit a wall. Monty jumped on Roxy and put the corset on her. " oi mate any last words?" Asked Monty, before Roxy got to reply he tightened the strings. " AU!" Moaned Roxy, as her chest popped out and her waist srunk. Chica blushed from Roxy's moan but then she ran to Roxy and pushed Monty out the way, she picked Roxy up and took the corset off her and then she put Roxy down on the floor. Then Chica ran at Monty and she kicked him in the balls. Monty then got mad and put the corset on Chica and pulled it tight. "NHM..." moan Chica quietly as her chest popped out a bit. Chica took off the corset easily. " God Damn! If you're gonna do something the do it right bitch!" Said Chica as she jumped oh monty and put the corset on monty. "THIS IS HOW YOU DO IT ASSHOLE!" Yelled Chica as she pulled the strings. " AUHM!" Moan Monty. "GET OFF ME NOW!" Yelled Monty, as Chica got off him. Then Monty got up and took off the corset. " Damn your good at using that!" Said Roxy. "You think I wasn't once insecure?I know how to use it well." Said Chica. " why would you need to be insecure!?!? Your perfect!" Yelled Roxy as she picked up Chica in her arms. Freddy was zoned out leaning his side on a wall thinking about moon's kiss, but little did he know Monty creeping up on him. Monty then got right behind Freddy and put the corset on quickly and carefully so Freddy wouldn't know what was happening. Then Monty pulled the strings and then Freddy came back from zoning out. " AUNM! Dadd-"maimed Freddy before he covered his mouth, every one was laughing at Freddy as he fell on the floor. Then Freddy got up and started grabbing Monty's hands and pinned him against the wall. " H-hey now, we don't do that to me because that's sexy but unprofessional, and unpleasant!" Said Freddy, Monty nose started to bleed as he squeal like a baby as the other started laugh harder and fall into stuff. Then Freddy put Monty down as he sassily walked to the boys bathroom to take the corset off. As Freddy went into the bathroom the strings on the corset got caught on the hinges of the door and now he was stuck but the fall  from trying to get unstuck made him hit his head. The others heard a "BANG!!!" Come from the boys bathroom      then moon went running to the bathroom. When he got there he saw Freddy. "How did this happen?!?!" Yelled moon as he laughed was to hard, as he untied Freddy and Freddy fell to the floor. Then they both walked back as moon kept laughing so very hard. When thay made it back to the other moon fell on the table and kept laughing. The other were confused why moon was basically during of laughter. Freddy was getting mad and embarrassed and that was unusual for him and he was showing all his emotions on his face. " bro if you don't stop ima lose it!" Said Freddy as he looked seriously at moon, but moon though his face was funny so he couldn't hold in his laughter. " I'm going to the bar!" Yelled Freddy as he walked and limped to the parent bar. The other were confused but moon kept laughing harder and harder that he over heated and stared to glitch out from over heating. Moon then fell to the floor as he over heated then he walked on his hands as his feet were over his shoulders. " WTF!HOW YOU DO THAT!!" Yelled Monty as he pointed at moon. Moon could then stand up and walk again so he got up and used his wire to get up to the pipe at the roof and lay down on it. Then moon got up to the pipe and unhooked himself and laid down. Ima go to the bar as well" said Monty as he walked to the bar that Freddy was at. When Freddy got to the bar he asked the staff not to I get him a beer, then the staff bot gave him a beer and Freddy started drinking the beer. Then Monty got the to Freddy and started drinking with him. A little later it started to get late so the other went to get them both so they could all sleep. Then they got to the bar and saw Freddy fell asleep on the bar's table, as Monty was screaming and punching the wall. As Monty was punching the wall he saw the others looking at him. "AGH! GO! IT'S NOT SAFE TO BE AROUND ME RIGHT NOW!" Yelled Monty as he held back his fist from punching something again. Monty fell to the floor as he violently punched the wall and violently vomited on the floor. Sun ran to Monty to make sure he was ok and not hurt. " MHGR! My chest hurts!" Said Monty as he walked away, before sun stoped him. " why do you drink if it hurts you!?!?"said sun as he grabbed Monty's face so he could have eye to eye contact with Monty. "Because all I have been told when doing my job is... oh... NEVER MIND!" Said Monty as he punched the wall and started to walk to his room, but sun followed trying to get a answer from him. Then Monty started running to his room but he looked back to see if the others were still following and hit his head on a wall and fell backwards on his back. The other caught up to Monty since he fell, Monty tried to get up but he was trapped in a corner. " If you move or lie to me I'm going to tickle you!" Yelled sun, as Monty got nervous. " I-I ain't t-ticklish! S-so that won't work!"said Monty nervously. Sun saw Monty's face, his face showed he was nervous. Sun knew Monty lied to him. "Ok let's go somewhere more private so we can talk" said sun as he let Monty get up but when Monty got up sun grabbed Monty's waist, the other looked at sun for grabbing Monty like that. "EHM!" Squealed monty from sun touching him there since he was in fact ticklish. Sun started moving his hand on Monty's waist a little faster. "S-sun plehease don't do*HIC* t-this" said Monty as he wiggled a bit from the tickles. Monty then picked sun up on his back and held sun's legs so he wouldn't fall off his back, but that made it easier for sun to tickle Monty. Then sun started tickling Monty a lot more and faster. " SUHUHUN IM GOHONNAU FAHAHLL!" Yelled Monty as he laughed, as he walked wobbly trying not to fall. When Monty made it to his room with the other he put sun down. Monty tried to open the door but punched the wall instead, he did this a bunch of times. " GODDAMN WHERE IS THE FUCKING DOOR!?!?" Yelled Monty as he punched the wall lol kk z "0 thinking the wall was the door from his dizziness from the beer. " STOP! Why are you doing that?!let me open the door!" Yelled sun, as he opened the door. "I didn't know which door to grab!" Said Monty. " what do you mean?" Asked sun as he and Monty stood by the door before going in the room. " There are like ten door!"yelled Monty. Then sun and Monty went is Monty's room, the other just went back to the plex to chat. " first of all, how many drinks did you have?!?!" Asked sun. "L-like 20" Said Monty as the beer started to kick in a lot more. "HOLY SHIT THAT IS WAY TO MUCH! But why do you drink if it hurts you?!?!" Said sun as he looked at Monty. " because... never mine I don't want to say..." said Monty as he looked down at his hand making it a fist. "TICKLES FOR HIDING STUFF FROM YOUR BOYFRIEND!!!" Yelled sun as he tickled Monty a lot. " STHOHOP SUHUN PLHEHEHAS IHTS NOHOT FHAIR!" Yelled Monty as he laughed. " not till you tell me why!" Said sun, still tickling monty. "OHOHK ILL TEHELL YOHOHU!" Yelled Monty as he laughed, then sun Stopped tickling him and Monty gasped for air. " Um... so I starting to hear voices in my head that's... telling me it's my fault..." said Monty trying to keep the tears in. "What's your fault? Who are the voices?" Asked sun as he rubbed Monty's back. " That Bonnie... died. The kids keep saying I killed him and i should've died instead. And now I have voices in ieasy yes, pmy head that say it is my fault. I drink 'cause it stops the voices. But I feel like a dramatic baby telling people how I feel because they I'm supposed to be the tough one. I feel like no one cares and I don't want to make them feel like I'm trying to get all the attention." Yelled Monty as he held the tears in but it was hard and he was yanking at his hair. Sun hugged Monty and rubbed his back and then Monty started crying. " It's not your fault, no matter what anyone says! I care about you and the other do too! Your not a dramatic baby! You can trust me and the others too. It was vanny's fault that Bonnie died, she did it! And you can cry and tell people your feeling, tough people can be sad too!" Said sun as he kissed Monty for a moment. " now lay down I will be back!" Said sun as he when to the plex to tell the other something. Monty didn't want to be alone so he followed a little after sun left. Sun made it to the plex and a little later Monty did too. Sun was talking then Monty poked him. " ACK! W-what I thought I told you to stay in your room!" Yelled sun. " OK AND... OH FUCK WE FORGOT FREDDY!!!" Yelled Monty as he tried to run but he could only limp, but he want to Freddy. When Monty got to Freddy he was drinking a beer then he got up and walked to Monty. " let's go to the *hic* others" said Monty as he limped back, but Freddy could walk normally. Then they made it back to the others. " why are you * hic* walking like that?!?! How many drinks did you have?!?!" Said Freddy as he was a little drunk but not a lot. " I HAD *HIC* LIKE 20 BEERS! WHAT ABOUT YOU?" Said Monty as everyone heard how many Monty had and looked at him. " HOW THE HELL! I ONLY HAD LIKE 4!" Said Freddy. " A-are you ok?!?!" Asked Roxy as she was concerned. " I think so... 'cause a drunk person would only see 40 of y'all but there's only 20 of y'all!" Said Monty as he wobbled. " you are not ok! There are only 4 of us! You are way to drunk! I'm going to take care of you!" Said sun as he dragged Monty to his room, and the others followed. Sun gave Monty a piggy back ride because he was hard to drag. Then they all went inside of Monty room because sun said too. " MY ASS HURTS FROM YOU DRAGIN' ME!" Yelled Monty as he collapsed on the couch. " I'm gonna need your help if he doesn't take the medication to help with his drunkenness" whispered sun so Monty couldn't her him talk. " sun pulled out his built in med syringe in his hand that he could give any medicine. "Monty, will you take this medicine?" Asked sun. "Medicine is * HIC* baby's! So I'm not taking it cause, I ain't no baby!" Said Monty as his head hit the hard part of the couch, and he groaned in pain. "Hold him down, I have to force it down him!" Said sun as he pulled  Monty off the couch onto the floor, then the others held Monty still. "Can y'all get the heck off me?!?!" Yelled Monty as sun sat on Monty's upper legs. " Open your mouth now!" Demanded sun as he held the syringe in front of Monty's face. Monty just looked at sun in the eyes and Monty shook his head left to right to signal 'no'. Sun pride open Monty's mouth and shoved the syringe down his throat and squeezed out the medicine. Then sun took out the syringe of Monty's mouth and told everyone to let Monty go and they did as sun said. Monty then sat there and crossed his arms and got up  Monty just walked out his room and to the plex as the other looked at him as he left the room. Then other waited a moment and then followed after Monty. Monty then made it to the plex, then his eyes went black and he couldn't see anything, then he ran into a wall. The others but moon didn't let sun go check on Monty. Monty then got up and put his arms out so he could feel stuff so he wouldn't run into stuff. The other then went up to Monty but didn't talk since they didn't want to get caught. Monty then saw someone chasing after him in his head but he thought the person was real so he tried to run but he only got a few inches away before his leg froze. He then punched his leg to make it move again and the he started running again. Then he hit a wall again then the person got closer and he saw that it was the kids yelling at him for Bonnie's death.  Monty then started run away as the kids follow him yelling, but then he saw into the fake thought that he will get mad and then hurt or kill a kid by accident, then he  looked down at his hands and saw blood and a dead kid, as he was still in his head but he can run outside of his mind. He then saw more dead kids on the floor as he walked slowly looking at his hands, and said "Did I do this? I... did! AH STUPID GATOR! I'm going to be... decommissioned..." he said outside his head so the other heard him, as Monty grabbed his hair.Then in his head he turned a corner and staff bots grabbed him and ripped him apart but he couldn't scream, as he backed in to a corner outside of his head. Then Monty's eyes went back to normal as he saw the others as he was in the corners, then he ran to Vennsa's  office as the other ran after him. H when he got to the office he slammed the door open and Vennsa jump from being startled by the slam. "CAN THE STAFF BOTS DECOMMISSION US?!?!" Yelled Monty. " MONTGOMERY GATOR DON'T SLAM MY DOOR! But no they can't do that to you." Yelled vennsa. Then Monty ran to his room but ran into the others and he grabbed sun before he could fall to the floor the he let go and continued running to his room. When he got to his room he ran inside of his room and locked the main door, then he turned on his jukebox on and started to blast music. Then he he sat on his couch and his leg started shaking up and down from his anxiety. He was playing the song 'snowfall' as his lights dimmed  down. Then the other tried to open his main door but it wouldn't open. Monty then realized that he needed to lock his other door so then he locked it. Then he laid back down on the couch. Then it got later and later so the others went to their rooms but sun sat outside Monty's room in front of his door. Then sun fell asleep laying on the door. Then everyone fell asleep but Monty woke up and went to his mirror and started coloring on his face and clothes. Then he drew sun on his chest and wrote im gay on his forehead then he fell to the floor and fell asleep on the floor.

Wow 3323 works! I really liked this part! It was fun to write, but all the parts are fun to write but this one was really fun!

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