The break up. The bisexual gang. Moon trying to be sexy.(4/30)

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The next day everyone woke up and went to the plex. Sun and Roxy both met up in a corner away from the other. " I-I need to tell you something... I found a new loved one, but I still want to be friends." Both sun and Roxy said at the same time and then they both went their separate ways. Then sun ran to Monty and gave him a big hug, as Monty picked sun up in his arms. Roxy picked Chica up in her arms and walked over to Freddy. Monty walked over to the others with sun still in his arms. Freddy showed confusion at their actions. Roxy, Chica, sun, and Monty talked " should we do a song about a our gender liking?"said sun. " sure" Roxy, Chica, and Monty, as they walked to the stage. When they got to the stage, sun grabbed the microphone. " Hey! We are going to sing a song about are gender liking!" Yelled sun on the microphone as Freddy and moon looked over to them all. " we are theeee... BISEXUAL GANG! And we are proud to be who we are!"yelled sun as he handed the microphone to Roxy. " This is the order we found out... first was the Gator who kissed sun, but I have no clue why!" Said Roxy as she handed the microphone to Monty. " second was sun 'cause he liked my kiss, also I don't fucking know why I'm doing this!"said Monty as he handed the microphone to sun. " Third was Chica, the caring chick!" Said sun handing the to Chica. "Lastly was the fastly wolf, and her name 'Roxy'  stands for she rocks!" Yelled Chica.  " we didn't and still don't care if you don't like us for who we are, because we all love each other!"They all said yelling on the stage. " And lastly we may be Sus but we dont care" They all yelled on the microphone at the same time. Moon and Freddy clapped as they looked at each other. " we the only ones single... you know what that means~" said moon as Freddy ran,and moon followed him. The other heard what moon said so they all cringed. Freddy ran to his room as mood followed, but he locked the door fast enough that moon couldn't get in his room, then he just sat there for a while, waiting for moon to forget. Then Freddy went out of his room to see the other think that moon and forgot. When Freddy saw the others and stared talking, but then moon pounced on Freddy. " get off me."said Freddy. As he picked moon up so he could get up. He then put moon down. Moon then tried it grab both Freddy's hands and pin his to the wall but Freddy did that to moon instead, moon was blushing as his arms were up and his hand were locked still. "H- hey that's my job! Let me go!" Said moon trying to wiggle free. " only if you stop trying to get me to be yours!" Said Freddy letting moon go. " ok~" said moon Sussly. Freddy walked to the others as moon creeped behind him. Moon then moon pounced on Freddy again, holding him to the floor. " Damn your feisty~" said moon as Freddy tried to get free again. " If I let you kiss me then will you stop being sexy!?!?"yelled Freddy. " yes~" said moon in a Sus voice, as he got off Freddy. " we'll be back" said Freddy, as him and moon walked behind a corner so the other couldn't see them. The other peeked over the corner. Moon then kissed Freddy on the lips. Then both of them walked back to the others. When they both got back to the others Freddy was whipping the saliva on his lips. " now, stop trying to be sexy!"said Freddy blushing. " not even this~?" Said moon as he walked up to a pole and started pole dancing. "WTF! Just because your good at that doesn't mean I want to see that!" Yelled Freddy as he is face turned blush red like a tomato. " ok then.Whelp I'm gonna sleep then!" Said moon as he used his wire to go up to the roof and laid down  on a big pole/pipe getting ready to sleep but then the other started to talk so he was listening. "That was gay as fuck~I may have a idea on what is going to happen!" Said Monty. Moon then jumped down in front of them and said " I going to sleep in my roooo-" said moon before he yawned and stretched his arms up. Sun saw this as a revenge moment, as he then started to tickle moon's side. " suuhuhunyy stohohop ihihim already tiiirrred!" Giggled moon as he closed his arms on sun's hands, while wiggling. " But how can I stop when my hands are stuck~" said sun. Moon started to fall over but sun stoped tickling him and caught his fall, sun then picked moon up in both his arms. " see y'all tomorrow!"said sun as he ran to the daycare. When he got to the daycare he pushed the door open  and when in and got on the wire and flew to the top of the tower. When he got to the top of the towers he when to moon's room and put him on the bed and slept on the bed with moon, even tho moon was already asleep.  Roxy walked slowly to her room.Monty also walked slowly to his room. Freddy went to his room but fast, so he could recharge. Chica slowly went to her room. Then they all when in their rooms and laid on their couch and then Roxy, then Chica, and Monty  went to sleep. But Freddy laid on his couch and kept thinking about the kiss moon gave him. " I kind of liked the kiss...but I can't tell moon that after what I said! Would that make me horny?!?!"  Freddy thought out loud, but only loud enough so only he  could hear himself speak. Freddy was thinking to hard and fell asleep forgetting to charge up, but he didn't know he was good on battery🔋.

Wow  I stayed up past my bedtime finishing this. But anyway it was worth it and it was 1058 words.

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