The new animatronics.  (11/30)

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The next day everyone woke up. "Everyone co  lo e to my office!" Said Vanessa over the speakers. Then everyone when to her office. Then they got to her office. "Hello y'all! I would like y'all to meet!..."said Vanessa as she moved out the way and 2 animatronics walked out and 1 twirled put. "Lunar! Eclipse! And Glamrock Ballora!" Said Vanessa. " y'all practice introducing yourselves!" Said Vanessa before she went back into her office. "Clipsy I want uppies!" Said lunar, lunar was short (4ft) and looked kinda like moon but cuter. The eclipse picked up lunar, eclipse was 10ft tall and had 4 arms. Eclipse picked lunar up in his 2 arms and used the other 2 to wave at the others. Everyone was excited about the new people. "Hi...I'm lunar..." said lunar as he pulled his hat over his face. "I'm... umm.. Eclipse"  said eclipse and he blush and his legs shook from this being new. "Hi! I'm sun!" Said sun. "I'm moon" said moon. " I'm Roxanne wolf!" Said roxy. " I'm Chica!" Said Chica. " I'm Freddy!" Said Freddy. " and I'm Monty gomery gator!" Said Monty. " it's nice to meet y'all!" Said sun. " umm... are you and Moon the daycare attendances?" Asked eclipse. " yes, why" Said moon. The eclipse looked at lunar since he has done most the talking. " umm... we're supposed to work with y'all..." said lunar. "Vanessa said you can say that we're your brothers"said eclipse. "Ok! That's wonderful news!" Said sun. Then everyone looked at Ballora since she had been standing on the tips of her ballet shoes. "Hello! What do you do?" Asked sun as he took a step toward Ballora. Then Ballora took a few steps back since she was being cautious and because she does not know them well. " oh, sorry I will give you space!" Said sun as he backed up. " you only walk on the tips of your.. ballet shoes?... umm... are a dancer?" Asked moon. Ballora then looked into moon's eyes then she walked towards moon slowly still being cautious ( she can only walk on the tip of her ballet shoes and she is 9ft tall. So her, and eclipse are the tall ones).  Then moon looked at her as she walked towards him. Then Ballora stoped and while standing up she bowed at moon for getting it correct. Then she stepped back a bit. Then she stood straight up. "Here let's go to a party tables by the stage so we can figure this out more" said moon as they all followed him. Then they made it to the party tables and everyone sat down except eclipse, Ballora and lunar. Then eclipse put lunar down since lunar was pointing down. Then lunar sat on the chair and kicked his legs back and forth and watch his legs move. Everyone thought that was cute. The eclipse sat on the chair next to lunar ( sun, moon, Monty, Freddy, Roxy, and Chica were siting across from them so they could make eye contact with them). " hey! Ballora you know can sit if you want" said moon as he pointed at a chair. Ballora just stood there and then blushed. " why is moon so cute and nice, maybe I have a crush on him..." Ballora was thinking. "She is cute! But she isn't talking... I think I have a crush on her tho... I mean she bowed down to me which I think is good or kind!" Thought moon. Then him and Ballora made eye contact causing them both to blush a little. "Can you tell us about yourself?" Asked moon. Ballora blushed we but her eyes just looked to her left side. "Umm... are you not ready to talk yet?" Asked moon kindly. Ballora nodded her head yes. " ok take your time"said moon nicely. Then Ballora looked behind her and saw a bathroom. The Ballora looked at them and did a 'wait' sign with her finger pointing up. Then she walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. She saw that she was blushing. Then Ballora touched her face and her face felt warm from the blush. Then her face panels sprung open from feeling the heat. Then her face panels closed after she closed her eyes and calmed down. Then Ballora walked back to the others. "You good?"asked moon. The Ballora nodded her head yes.  "soo... why did you go the bathroom?" Asked Roxy. Ballora just looked at her and pointed at herself with her thumb. Then Ballora looked and saw the stage. Then she pointed at the stage and twirled and then pointed at the Glamrocks. " what does that mean?" Asked Roxy. "Are you asking if they dance?" Asked moon. Ballora then gave a thumbs up. "Oh! No we do not dance a-lot on stage, it's mostly music and singing!" Said Freddy. "Where do you work?" Asked Chica. Then Ballora looked at sun and moon, then see pointed at them. "Ohh so the daycare!" Said Chica. " oh! Since all three of y'all work at the daycare then I can show y'all around!" Said moon. Then everyone went to the daycare with them. Then they got inside the daycare and stood by the desk ( security desk). " wow! It's... so big in here!" Said lunar. Then Lunar's saw some bean bag's. " BEANBAGS!" Yelled lunar as he ran and jumped onto the beanbags. Then lunar rolled off the beanbags backwards and kinda hit his head. Then lunar put his hand on the spot that his head hit. Then eclipse went and grabbed lunar. " what's your favorite color?" Asked sun. Then ballora pointed at her blue hair and her purple skirt. "Blue and purple! Cool!" said sun. Then moon was going to sit on the chair but tripped over sun's foot. The Ballora quickly grabbed moon's waist so he wouldn't hit the floor but also so she didn't hurt his stomach. Then Ballora put him down and stood him up for balance. Moon and Ballora were blushing. Then moon sat in the chair and pulled his hat over his face a bit. Everyone looked at Ballora and moon since of what just happened. Then Ballora walked to where she was behind moon. "Are you ok?" said Ballora. Then moon fixed his hat quickly and looked at her. Everyone looked at her because she just talked for the first time. Moon heard her voice, her voice a little in the middle of deep and high pitched, her voice sounded like it had 
some short echos were in the background. "Y-yes! You talked!" Said moon as he blushed even more. Ballora blushed more and covered her mouth with her hand. " hey, Ballora! Can I tell you something?" Asked Roxy. Ballora noodles her head yes. " I think moon has a crush on you! He never acts like this around anyone!" Said Roxy. As soon as moon heard what Roxy said he jumped up from the chair and pointed at Roxy. " I- shut up roxy!" Said moon. Then moon sat back down and put his head on the desk. " ok moon! No need to get mad! I was just saying!" Said Roxy. Then Ballora stoped blushing and took her hand off her mouth so they wouldn't know how she feels about moon. Then Ballora looked at moons arm and saw bandages from the day before. Then she grabbed his arm and poked his cut with her thumb to see if  how  bad his cut was. The moon's arm flinched and he almost pulled his arm away from her but he didn't want to make her think that he didn't like her. Ballora saw that moon flinched and she knew that meant that the cut probably hurts, so the rubbed the cut with her thumb softly to try to comfort moon from the pain. The moon looked at his How are you arm then at Ballora eyes. When Ballora saw moon face she saw that he was a blushing mess. Then moon hid his face in his hat again. Then Ballora saw that moon had a flying hook. Then Ballora stoped rubbing moons arm, and then tapped on moon's shoulder. Then moon looked at her. Then Ballora poked his hook, then pointed at herself. "you can fly too?..." asked moon.  Ballora nodded for yes. Then moon got up and fixed his hat. "Can you eat or drink?" Asked Chica.  Ballora other raised her shoulders because she didn't know. " why don't you talk?" Asked Roxy. Then Ballora started to get sad because she started to remember what happened before she became Glamrock. Then Ballora's face showed that she was zoning out. Then moon tapped her on her shoulder to see if she was ok. Then Ballora came back to reality and quickly looked at moon then at Roxy. Then Vanessa came in with a rolling table that had stuff on it. Then she stoped by Ballora, then Ballora looked at Vanessa. " everything on this table is your stuff." Said Vanessa. Ballora just stood there and stared at Vanessa. "Umm... you gonna take your stuff?..." asked Vanessa. Then Ballora took a bag that had some of her clothes and hair stuff. "Except this!" Said Vanessa as she picked up the remote that could turn her off, on and shock her. Then Ballora realized that the remote could shock her so she covered her head with her arms and closed her eyes. "Are you glitching or?..." asked Vanessa.  Then Ballora slowly put her arms down, then she opened her eyes. "Oh! Also on the bottom I have yours and lunar's clothes" said Vanessa, as she grabbed and handed eclipse the bad. " lunar sand yours are in the same bag... now byeee...." Said Vanessa as she walked off. Then eclipse gave the bag to lunar to hold, but lunar played with the bag. Then Ballora placed her bag on the desk then she ran to the right playtower. Then she went crawled inside of the entrance and crawled up to the second floor of the playtower, then crawled through the tube and hid where all 3 of the tubes connected. Everyone was confused of why she left. " what happened?" Asked Monty. "I'm gonna go check on her" said moon, then he ran to the playtower. Then he crawled inside then stoped since she didn't know where she was. Then Ballora was getting worried and started to cry quietly. Then moon heard her crying and crawled closer to her voice and got to the second floor. Then he went through the tube and found Ballora. Ballora had her hands on her face so she didn't see moon. " umm... are you ok?" Asked moon as he sat by Ballora. Then Ballora looked at moon to see who was talking to her. Then her face panels sprung open. Then she turned away from moon so he wouldn't see her face and that he wouldn't get scared of her. "Are you hurt?!" Asked moon concerning-ly. "Wait! You can't tell anyone that I'm talking!..." said Ballora as she held the tears in because she doesn't want anyone to her crying. "Anything you say to me stays only with me, ok" said Moon nicely. "Wait! Don't look at me!" Said Ballora as she tried to push her face panels back to normal, but failed. "Here I will close my eyes and you can sit wherever you want, ok?" Said moon as he closed his eyes. Then Ballora sat close to moon and calmed down a little. Then Ballora's face panels closed. "You can look at me now..." said Ballora. Then moon opened his eyes and looked at Ballora and saw the tears that she was holding back in her eyes. "What happened ? If you don't want to answer anything you don't have to" said moon. "Are you gonna tell?" Asked Ballora. "I won't tell, you can trust me" said moon. "I got... scared... I didn't want to get shocked... again" said Ballora. " what do you mean 'again'?" Asked moon. "Before I got turned 'Glamrock' I used to dance on a stage but... there was a night guard... and sometimes I was off stage... and he shocked me...  he shocked me multiple times..." said Ballora. Then Ballora hugged moon around his neck and then started crying. Then moon hugged her back around her stomach and he started to rub her back with his hand to try to comfort her. "And I didn't want them to make fun of me like some of mean kids!... and I didn't want them to think I'm weird... and i used to mostly dance... I wasn't made to talk a lot... anytime I talked the kids didn't like me because of how I sound..." said Ballora as she cried. "Oh, we make fun of people. And we would never think your weird! And there's no need to feel embarrassed about anything! And we don't tell on our group. Everyone and especially me like your voice." Said moon. "I want to let you know... your my favorite even tho I have only been brought back for a few hours..." said Ballora as she pulled away from the hug and looked into moon's eyes. Moon saw her  tears and wiped them off with his thumb. "Are you ready to come out of here? I understand if your not" said moon. " I- um... want to spend a little more time in here..." said Ballora. "Ok, take as much time as you need. Do you want a pillow and a blanket?" Said moon. "Y-yes please... if you don't mind..." said Ballora as she laid her back on the wall and brought her legs up to her chest. "Ok  let me go get it" said moon before he climbed out. Then moon got out and stood up and the entrance and stretched. Then moon walked to the others. "So what happened?" Asked Roxy. " so... she told me, but... she told me to not tell anyone" said moon. "But I'm going to give her a blanket and a pillow, because she's not ready to come yet" said moon before he walked to and up the stairs to his room. Then moon got to his room and went in side. Then he grabbed a extra blanket and pillow that he had in his closet. Then moon got out his room and closed the door and then went back down the stairs. Then he walked back to the entrance and went inside. Then he got back to Ballora. Then he Ballora fell asleep so he put the blanket over her legs and arms and he put the pillow on the floor so she can use it if she wakes up. Then moon looked at Ballora eyes. " she is so Beautiful~" moon said to himself out loud. Then moon crawled out of the playtower and walked up to the others. "She's asleep now so..." said moon. "Also when she comes out don't talk to her about 'why she ran'" said moon before he yawned and stretched. "Wait!... Eclipse and lunar! Do y'all know what glitter glue is?!" Asked sun excitedly as he opened one of then desk drawer and grabbed a glitter glue bottle. Then sun closed the drawer, and walked up to eclipse and handed him the bottle. "SUN NO!" Said moon as he tried to grab the bottle from eclipse. "Don't give it to him!" Said sun. " SUN WHY DO YOU DO THIS?!" Yelled moon as he was still trying to get the bottle. " what am I supposed to do with this?" Asked eclipse. "Here I will tell you later because moon will keep trying to get the bottle. Here give me the bottle" said sun, then eclipse gave sun the bottle. Sun smirked at moon since moon didn't get the bottle. Monty your his boyfriend, so you get the bottle!" Said moon. Then Monty walked up to sun and put his hand out, but sun just stared at him. "Sun give me the bottle!" Said Monty. "Nooo!" Said sun. Monty looked looked at sun surprised and  mad but mad in a play way. " how dare you say no to me!" Said Monty as he put his hands on his hips and stood there. "I love you, but you can't have my glitter glue for free! If you want the glue you gonna have get it out my hand!" Said sun. Then Monty walked behind sun and wrapped his tail around sun's waistline.  Then sun put the arm with the glitter glue up to keep it away from Monty. Then monty trying to get the glue but couldn't reach so he pulled sun's arm and tried to pull the glue but sun was holding it to strong. Then monty let go of sun's arm and then waited. Then Monty rubbed sun's side and then sun quickly pulled his arm looked down and smiled then monty snatched the glue. Then Monty handed the glue to moon. Then sun tried to move so he could get the glue, but Monty held sun with his arm so it would be harder to move. "Gimme" said sun as he struggled. "YOU CANNOT EAT THIS!" Said moon. " wait what? Sun why you want to eat it?" Asked Monty. " it's good!" Said sun. "every time you eat glue you end up having to reboot!" Said moon. "Fine I won't eat it!" Said sun. Then Monty let sun go. Then sun sat in the chair. " it's getting late... I think we should go to bed." Said moon. "Ok! Eclipse and lunar I can show you a room with some beanbags and it's cozy!" Said sun. " ok" said eclipse and lunar. Then sun and eclipse and Lunar went up the stairs. Then sun showed them a room with a blue and orange beanbag. "Do y'all want to sleep here?" Asked sun. " sure" said eclipse and lunar,as they walked inside. " y'all can decorate it and I can give you some stuff!" Said sun. "Ok thanks! But I think we're gonna sleep for now." Said eclipse. Then sun closed the door. Then eclipse and lunar laid down on the beanbags and fell asleep. Then sun walked to the edge of the balcony. "Monty I'm gonna sleep so... yea!" Said sun. Then sun went in his room and went to sleep. "Bye" said Roxy, Chica, Monty and Freddy before they left and went to they're rooms. Then they fell asleep in they're rooms. Then moon dimmed the lights just in case Ballora woke up and she is light sensitive. Then moon went inside the playtower and sat with Ballora while she was sleeping. Then Ballora woke up but didn't move so she wouldn't startle moon. Then moon looked at Ballora and saw that she was awake. "Hello starlight~" said moon. "Hello moon..." said Ballora before she yawned. "I feel tall next to you, do I scare you?" Said Ballora. "I'm not scared of you, your perfect and being tall is good!" Said moon. "am I too skinny?" Asked Ballora. "Your perfect! Don't ask about how you look" said moon. " can I hug you?" Asked Ballora. " you never have to ask me for a hug" said moon kindly. Then Ballora scooted closer to moon and hugged him around his stomach. Then moon squeaked because Ballora squeezed his stomach. Then Ballora stoped the hug and looked at moon. "What was that?" Asked Ballora. "Oh sorry! Umm you squeezed my stomach when we were hugging and when someone squeezes my stomach it catches me off guard and I can't control it..." said moon as he blushed because he was embarrassed. Then Ballora pulled moon over and sat him on her lap. Then Ballora softly squeezed moon's stomach, then he squeaked cutely. "That's so adorable!" Said Ballora. The Ballora laid the middle of moon's back down on her lap in a way that his stomach was open to Ballora( he was laying in a way that they made a cross shape). Then Ballora rubbed moon's stomach. Then moon was blushing so much that he couldn't talk right. "W-whatt arrre y-you doiinggg?" Asked moon the best he could because he was blushing to much to even talk. "are you ok?" Asked Ballora as she continued. Moon then covered his face with his hand because he was blushing so much and didn't want Ballora to know that he had a crush on her. Then Ballora pulled her finger down the side of moon's stomach then she did it with her whole hand over and over. Moon was trying to hold back his giggles. "What a-are y-you doing?!" Asked moon as giggled. Then Ballora stoped and stared at moon. "Did you just giggled?!" Asked Ballora. "Nooo..." said moon trying get away with a lie. "Do it again!" Said Ballora as she continued to 00rub moon's sides. "Stahahap" giggled moon. Then Ballora stoped. "Why?" Asked Ballora confused. "Because I-I'm ticklish and your tickling me" said moon as he stoped giggling. " your ticklish?!" Said Ballora since she was amazed. Then Ballora continued to tickle moon but on the middle of his stomach which he is most sensitive at. Then moon couldn't hold back the giggles anymore and let his giggles out. Then moon tried to cover his stomach with his arms but then Ballora used one of her hand and grabbed both of moon's wrists and lifted his arms up. Then after a few minutes Ballora let go of moon's arms. Then moon held his stomach and smiled and blushed. Then moon sat up and looked at Ballora in the eyes. Then moon laid back down and looked at the roof. "Who is dating who? Just so I don't accidentally steal someone's lover." Asked Ballora. "Ok, so Sun is dating Monty. Roxanne is dating chica. And Freddy is single..." said moon as his blush went away as he calmed down. "Are you... single?" Asked Ballora as she blushed a little. "I'm single, why?" Said moon trying to see if she has a crush him. "Umm... uhh... n-no reason" said Ballora as her whole face filled with blush. Then moon started to blush, then Ballora covered her face so moon wouldn't know that she liked him. "don't hide your beautiful face~" said moon as he pulled Ballora's hand away from her face. Then Ballora sat on her knees and moon did the same but he sat in front of her. Ballora was looking into moon's eyes, so moon looked away or he wouldn't be able to make his blush go away, but then his blushed went away. Then Ballora used her hand to grab moon's face and turn his face towards her so she could see him face. When Ballora did that moon blushed so much, and he bit his lip hoping that biting his lip would help the blush go away. But the blush didn't go away, then moon got bricked up. Then moon looked down and saw that he was acting up so he laid his hands over his croch. Then he looked back at Ballora. "Do you want to talk at the desk?" Asked Ballora. "Sure" said moon. Then Ballora and moon crawled out and then went to the desk.  Then moon sat on the edge of the desk top and crossed his legs so Ballora wouldn't see that he was bricked up. "I'm gonna tell you something, but you tell anyone what I'm about to say or do!" Said Ballora. "Oh uh ok, what are you going to-" said moon before Ballora cupped his face with her hands and then quickly kissed him on the lips. Then Ballora quickly stoped the kiss and ran to the left playtower and hid against the wall because she was embarrassed and didn't want him to be mad or something. Moon head to shoulders were filled with blush. "are you mad?" Yelled Ballora. "n-no" said moon. Then Ballora came back and saw that moon was in love shock. "I think your cute..." said Ballora. "I like you..." said Ballora. " I like you too..." said moon. "Will... um u-uh... you be... mine?" Asked Ballora. " y-yes!" Said moon. Then moon looked at Ballora, and Ballora saw that moon had hearts in his eyes. Little did they know they stayed up till the morning.

4049 words.

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