Ballora's song. Spamer lcaller. The drunk idoits. The secret.(13/30)

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The next morning Ballora woke up first. Then Ballora gently got up so she wouldn't wake moon up. Then she crawled out of the playtower and stood by the desk. Then everyone else except moon woke up. Then Roxy, Freddy, Monty, and Chica came to the daycare and came in quietly and saw Ballora. Then sun, eclipse, and Lunar watched from the baclony. Then moon woke up and crawled out of the playtower and stood there not wanting to startled Ballora. "It seems like a lifetime a ago. That I saw the gold sunshine glow. No it doesn't reach down below." Sung Ballora before she sat on the edge of the desk. " Shadows become the light, here where monster hide. Normal is just a dream, for all the ghosts like me" sung Ballora, as everyone was trying to figure out what she meant. "I hate my metal bones, My bones and gears creak in my chest. My chest forever cold, a cold and maddening descent. Descending down so far. Far farther 'til there's nothing left. I'm left in the dark~ The dark~" sung Ballora before she took a sec to breathe. " I dance to forget!" Said Ballora. Then moon walked over the other at the door. Then moon turned the lights up, and Ballora saw the light get brighter and she got confused. The Ballora looked behind her and saw the other. When Ballora looked at them she squealed from getting startled and got of the edge and fell to the floor. Then her face panels sprung open. Then moon walked over to her first and saw that her face panels were open. Then moon gave her his hat to hide her face. Then Ballora grabbed the hat and pushed the hat against her face. Then Ballora stood up as sun eclipse and lunar came over to the desk. YThen eclipse picked up lunar, when they got to the desk with sun. Then Ballora stood up. "Why do you have moon's hat on your face? And why do you have his hat?" Asked Roxy. "Chill Roxy! Give her a sec! Y'all did startle her!" Said moon. Then Ballora calmed down and her face panels closed. Then Ballora have the his hat back. "Please stop sneaking up on me..." said Ballora as moon put his hat back on. "Sorry! what were you singing tho?" Asked Chica kindly. " her... My song... my old song..." said Ballora as it brought back bad memories. "Her? Your old song?..." asked Roxy. "We don't need to worry about that... how about we do something else!" said Ballora as she walked closer to Roxy and looked her right in the eyes. "Ok!... I'm sorry" said Roxy as she was getting nervous because Ballora was looking her in the eyes with a smug look. Then Ballora smiled and back up from her still staring her in the eyes. Then Ballora looked away from Roxy. " we can I play in the ball pit!" Said moon. "Ok!" Everyone said. Then moon was walking backwards so he could still see the others, but then he turned around and ran into a the Side of the playtower frame. Then he fell to the floor and curled up and cover his crotch. "Oh my! Are you Ok?!" Asked Ballora because she was confused but worried. "What did you hit?!" Asked sun. "MY FUC- MY FAZ BALLS!" Said moon as tears flooded down his face. Then moon rolled on his side and sun bent down and turned moon's filter on and then sun stood back up again. " FUNING GOSH! HOLY MOLEY, THAT HURT LIKE GLITTER GULE!" Yelled moon as tears continued to flow down his face. "Are you down now?" Asked sun. "... yes..." said moon. Then sun bent down and turned his filter off and then picked moon up by  poputting his arms under moon's arm. Then they both stood up. "Oh my! I didn't even know he knew he could cuss that much!" Said Roxy. "What did brother moon say?" Asked lunar cutely. "Umm... just some fun words..." said sun because he couldn't tell Lunar what moon said or he would get in trouble. Then sun stood moon up and let him go. Then eclipse pit lunar down, and lunar ran and hugged moon's leg. Everyone could imagine the pain that moon was in, so everyone felt bad for him. Then moon continued to walk to the ball pit with the others. When they got there everyone but moon, Ballora, and lunar went in. "Y'all gonna in?" Asked sun. As everyone stared at them. "I'm too short" said lunar. "I think I'm gonna lay here and wait for my dignity to come back" said moon as he laid on the floor. Then Lunar sat be besides moon. "Ok" said sun as everyone  started to play with the ball pit balls. Then Ballora sat down by moon's head. Then she lifted him on her lap and propped him up on her lap while sitting up. Then Ballora put her arms around moon's stomach and gave him a behind hug. "sit In front of me but face me" said Ballora as she let go of moon. Then moon sat on his knees like Ballora was sitting, and sat in front of Ballora but facing her. Then Ballora looked moon in the eyes. Everyone looked at them. Moon was blushing but had a nervous face because he didn't know if she was gonna do something that revealed they're relationship. "Are y'all gonna kiss?" Asked Roxy as she waited for them to kiss. Then Ballora looked and moon looked at them as they looked at them back. " no..." said moon trying to not get caught. Then Ballora started to blush. Then she looked at moon. "can I kiss you right now?" Asked Ballora but she whispered it to moon. " lunar come here!" Said Ballora. "What? Asked lunar cutely as he stood by Ballora. " go jump in eclipse's arms. "Ok!" Said lunar. Then lunar walked over to the edge of the ball pit. "Clipsy! Catch me!" Said lunar before he jumped. Then eclipse caught lunar. "Can I kiss you now? That will distract them!" Whispered Ballora. " umm... wait till later!" Whispered moon kindly. Then Ballora kinda got sad and her face showed it. "I'll let give you extra kisses!" Whispered moon. Then Ballora got happy and smiled a little. "I'm bored" said Ballora. "Well... we can go in the ball pit.... Or we can color... basically anything!" Said moon. "Does that mean y'all are gonna kiss?" Asked Roxy as everyone looked at Ballora and moon. "Hold on!... just let me do something real quick" said moon as he walked back. Then he ran and lunged towards Roxy but landed a bit in front of her. "Wait where'd he g-"said Roxy before moon pulled her down under the ball pit. Then they were face to face under the ball pit. " listen! Your my friend and I'm not trying to be rude but... STOP ASKING IF WE ARE GOING TO KISS! Or I will... uhh ... turn your nice filter back on!"said moon. "Ok I'm sorry!" Said Roxy. Then Roxy and moon went back up. Then moon got out of the ball pit and sat by Ballora. "What happened?" Asked sun. "I think I'm just gonna stop asking him if they're gonna kiss..." said Roxy. "I handled it" moon whispered to Ballora. " are you ok... from earlier... when you got hit?..." asked Ballora. " yeah..." said moon. " do you want to try a drink?" Asked moon. "Sure! How about fizzy faz?" Asked Ballora. "Ok! Just let me see if the other want to come." Said moon. "Hey! Do y'all want to get some fizzy faz?!" Yelled moon. "Sure" everyone said. Then everyone got our of the ball pit and stood up. Then everyone everybody went to the fizzy fax vending machine by the daycare doors. "Hold on let me put a code to open it!" Said moon, then he entered the code '356021'. Then moon got blue berry, sun got pineapple, Monty got sour lime, chica got pink lemonade, Roxy got grape, Freddy got orange, eclipse orange, lunar got pink lemonade, and Ballora got blue berry. Then everyone went to the desk inside of the daycare. Then Freddy, Chica, Roxy, Monty,  moon, and sun started to drink the fizzy faz. Then lunar and eclipse started to drink the fizzy faz slowly because they didn't drink before and didn't want to choke. Ballora just stared at the fizzy faz because she doesn't know how to drink anything. "You gonna drink it?" Asked moon. "...i realized... I don't know how to drink or eat..." said Ballora as she looked at moon. "Just pour some in your mouth and swallowing it" said moon. Then the phone on the desk that Ballora was standing by. Then Ballora picked the phone up and put it on speaker and held it up to her face. Then ballots sat on the desk by the phone box thing. "Hello?" Asked Ballora. "Umm... hello... uh your car insurance needs to be updated!" Said the spam caller. "Ok so-" said Ballora before she took a sip of her drink. Then Ballora waited to swallow her drink. "I-I know you have a car!!" Said the spam caller. Then Ballora started to laugh because the spam caller said it in a funny voice. Then quickly the laugh turned into a cough because she started to choke a bit on the drink. "*ahahahahahah* I don't *Ehk* oWN A CA*hek*CAR!" said Ballora as she continued to laugh and choke at the same time. Then Ballora covered her mouth. Then see fell off the desk and quickly got up and took her hand off her mouth and grabbed the chair so she could have support to stand up. Then Ballora stoped coughing. " Are you laughing at me? Why are you laughing at me?" Asked the spam caller in a smug tone. "" said Ballora in a giggly tone, while holding her laughter and tears in. Then Ballora looked at the others then back at the phone. "I need your address and credit card number so I can fix the insurance!" Said the spam caller. "Ok... so my address is... 911 but when you search it up hit call on so I can tell you where to go because... uh... it's underground!" Said Ballora trying to trick the caller. "Wait addresses are longer!" Said the caller. "Uh... it's in Ohio so it... is 3 numbers..." said Ballora. Then Ballora mouthed the word "what do I say?!" As she looked at moon. Then moon just raised his shoulders because he didn't know. "Bitch you live in Ohio?!" Said the caller. Then moon walked over to the Ballora and snatched the phone. "Ayy... sup man! Did you know... your being recorded on the national spam caller channel!" Said moon. "Oh FUC-"said the caller before they hung up. Then moon placed the phone back on the phone box. Then moon and Ballora looked at each over and then they both smiled. Then they both bursted out laughing, then Ballora put her hand on moon should so she wouldn't fall since she let go of the chair, and moon put his hand on the desk so he wouldn't fall either. "y'all good?" Asked sun. Then both Ballora and moon shook they're head for no but in a good way. Then they stopped laughing after a sec. Then they stood up straight and looked at the others. "Ok we good now!" Said Ballora. Then everyone finish they're drinks and and put them in the trash can. "Do y'all want to eat?" Asked Chica. "Yeah" said everyone. "Y'all go without us... I want to talk to moon real quick" said Ballora. Then everyone walked out side the daycare. Then Roxy looked in the window. "You coming?" Asked sun. "Yeah in a sec! Go without me! Go to el chips so I can find you!" Said Roxy. Then everyone except moon, Ballora, and Roxy went to el chips. Then they got to the el chips and waited for Roxy, moon, and Ballora. Then Roxy kept watching moon and Ballora. "I can't wait anymore~" said Ballora before she grabbed him by his waist and kissed him and held the back of his head. Then Ballora stoped the kiss after a sec and walked out the daycare. Then they saw Roxy. "Where you spying on us?!" Asked moon as him and Ballora started to blush. Then Roxy started to run and moon and Ballora started to chase her. Then she went to the elevator to go up the to the floor. Then moon and Ballora went on the other elevator. Then Roxy got up on the second floor and got out and started running. Then as soon as Roxy started running moon and Ballora got out of the elevator and started to chase her. Then they chased Roxy up the elevator stair (idk what they called). Then Roxy ran turned the corner and started to run faster as moon and Ballora kept running the same pace so Roxy was fast then them. Then got to the last corner till they got to the el chips. Then Roxy started to run to the others, that's when Ballora started to run faster. She ran so fast that she was 3 feet away from Roxy. Then Roxy got to the others but before she could say anything thing, Ballora covered Roxy mouth. "WHATEVER SHE 'BOUTA SAY IT A L-" said Ballora before Roxy pulled her hand off of her mouth and cover Ballora's mouth. Then moon caught up to them. "HER AND MOON KISSED!" Said Roxy. Then Ballora to Roxy's hand off of her face and walked forward a step, then moon stepped beside Ballora. "NO WE DIDN'T!" Said both moon and Ballora. "YES YALL DID!!" Said Roxy as she turned to face Ballora as she put her hand on her own hips smugly. "NO WE DIDNT!!" Said Ballora as she turned to face Roxy as she put her hands on her own hips and blushed but she was also mad at the same time. "I SAW YALL!" Said Roxy. "YOUR LYING!" Said Ballora. "I think they're having embarrassment fight because they're to prove something that's embarrassing, and not a mean fight..." said Freddy. Then Chica stepped behind Roxy and pulled her away from the fight, as moon did the same with Ballora. Then both of them stoped talking. "Sorry..." both Ballora and Roxy said because they felt bad. "Go in without me and Roxy... I need to tell her something!" Said PBallora. Then everyone went inside without them. "Roxy! Listen... I don't want them to know... please..." said Ballora. Then she walked inside with Roxy. Then everyone when to the chief bot. "Monty can you order a apple juice in a cup for me?" Asked sun. " yeah go stand at the table" said Monty. Then sun stood at the table. "Can get a beer and a Apple juice in a cup?" Said Monty. Then everyone else ordered the fizzy faz that they drank earlier. Then everyone went to the table sat down. Then Monty place his cup of beer and apple juice next to each other. Then sun grabbed the beer but he thought it was the apple juice. Then sun took a BIG sip. Then sun took another big sip because it tasted weird but wanted to see if it was just his mind tricking him. Then the affects hit him. Then sun put his drink down and started to get dizzy and moon saw that he was getting dizzy. "You good sun?"asked moon as everyone looked at sun. "What did you drink?!" Asked moon as he took sun's drink. Then moon took a big sip but didn't think. "Did you just drink out of his cup?!" Asked Roxy because she was weirded out. "It's fine! We're brothers, we used to be in the same body!" Said moon. Then the affects hit moon and he got dizzy too. "I.... Don't think that Apple juice..." said moon as he put the drink down. Then Monty took a sip of the apple juice thinking that is was his beer. "OH FU- fudge! This is apple juice! THEY ARE DRUNK NOW!" Said Monty. Then sun and moon got up because they were at the front of the table. Then Ballora got up because moon was out of her way and she could get up now. Then Ballora grabbed both moon and sun. "We can get food later, come to the daycare!" Said Ballora as she walked out as the others followed. They they eventually got to the daycare and went inside and stood at them desk. "Monty hold them I'm need to get something!" Said Ballora as she handed the to Monty. Then Ballora went to the stuff for the kids in the store closet once found the closet. Then she looked and found 2 kid leashes for crazy kids.then she found her way back to ten others. "give me moon and hold sun straight" said Ballora, then Monty did as she told him. Then Ballora put the kiddy leash on moon and clipped the back and she put the handle over her wrist so she could put one on sun. Then she took sun out of Monty's hands and put the did the same with the leash like she did to moon. Then she held both the leashes around her wrists and held a little of the rope in her hand so she could have a good grip. "Ok do y'all still want to eat?" Asked Ballora. " maybe tomorrow... but we can go to the party table so they can't make a big mess!" Said Monty. Then they went and eventually got to the party tables. Then everyone but Ballora, moon, and sun sat down on the chairs. Then sun started to run forward, and moon started to run backwards, so one of her arms were over her head. "MONTY COME GET YO MAN!" Said Ballora. Then Monty took the leash and held it like Ballora was holding it. Then she got spun around by moon's pulling. Then Monty just stood there while watching sun and moon act crazy. "Moon chill out bud!" Said Ballora. Then moon tried to run past Ballora but she grabbed him around his stomach with her other arm. Then Ballora walked back to the others since moon and sun pulled her a few feet away. "I HEAR COLORS!" Yelled moon as he wiggled in her arm since he was trying to get free. "Monty?... do me and moon have a mom?!" Asked sun as he clinged to Monty leg ( his arms and legs were wrapped around Monty's leg). Then monty walked up to Freddy. "Help me! He making me rethink life! Answer his questions!" Said Monty as he gently shook his leg to see if sun would leg go but sun didn't leg go. Then sun bit Monty's knee. "AHH FRICKING! HE BIT MY KNEE CAP! FREDDY TAKE THE LEASH FOR A SEC!" Said Monty as he handed Freddy the leash and held it the same way. Then Monty held his arm and leaned on a party table by using his elbow. "Umm... no y'all do not have moms" said Freddy. "WE'ER ADOPTED?!" Yelled sun. "No?..." said Freddy. Then sun smiled with his sharp teeth while looking at Freddy. (they can have both sharp and flat teeth). "Wanna see what I can doooooo?" Asked sun as he got closer to Freddy face. "Umm... sure?" Said Freddy worriedly. "There's a rainbow inside my head!" Said sun before his eyes started to shuffle to all the colors of the rainbow. Then sun backed up and pointed at his eyes. Then Monty came back and stood behind sun. Then he tilted his head upward and saw that his eyes were rainbow. "WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS EYES?!" Yelled Monty as he let got of sun's face. "He said he had a rainbow in his head and then his eye at to turn rainbow..." said Freddy. Then Monty took the leash and held it the same way. Then sun made his eye back to normal. " can we go to the daycare?..." asked moon as he trying to got out of Ballora's arm. Then everyone when to the daycare and stood by the desk. "I have a story!" Said sun as he looked at everyone. "K... tell us..." said Roxy. "So one day I was playing in the ball pit me this bitch called me. He said "bitch come and fight me!". Then I got up and I didn't even wipe the dirt off of my pants. They I went to this drunk abusive bitch. He said "Fight me bitch!". And I was like OK. But first I rolled my pants up a bit, because THIS SHIT WAS 'BOUTA GO DOWN! Then that bitch tried to hit me but failed. Then I beat the shit out that bitch's ass! His drunk abusive wife was there too.  Then I beat her ass too. Then I took them to a security bot and then they got thrown out and went to jail for being abusive!" Said sun as he crossed his arms and looked kinda mad. Everyone except moon was shocked. "Let's not get to worried because he couldn't be lying since he's drunk..." said Freddy. "Sun... I think you need to sleep!"
Said Monty. "Ballora how do get moon to sleep?" Asked Monty. "I don't know he just sleep when I'm with him..." said Ballora. " how don't you know?! Your a daycare attendant!" Said Roxy rudely because she was kinda mad. Then sun and moon weren't drunk anymore because they only took a few sips and a few hours have passed so the affects were gone. because she was kinda mad. "CAN YOU STOP GETTING MAD AT ME ROXANNE! DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT WAS SINCE I HAVE EVEN DEALED OR SEEN MY KIDS! NO YOU DON'T SO STOP TALKING TO ME LIKE THAT!" Yelled Ballora. Then Ballora snatched the leash from Monty. "Eclipse and Lunar can y'all go to y'all's room please?" Asked Ballora kindly. " yes ms. Ballora!" Said lunar. Then lunar and eclipse went to they're room and sat on the bean bag chairs. Once Ballora saw that they were no longer in sight, that's when she looked at the others. "Leave..." said Ballora as she looked at the floor. "I'm so-"said Roxy before she was cut off. "LEAVE! ALL OF YOU!" Yelled Ballora as she looked up at them and pointed toward the door. Then Roxy ran out and ran to her room first because she felt bad. Then roxy got to her room quickly. "Ballora I'm-"said Freddy before he was cut off. "OUT NO-" said Ballora before she got cut of. "Are you ok?" Asked moon as he and sun looked at Ballora. Then Ballora dropped the leashes and ran to the right play structure. Then she went to her and moon's spot and sat down. "Can y'all please leave?" Moon asked kindly. Then everyone else went to they're rooms. "C'mon sun you have to follow me..." said moon as he went to the same play structure and sun followed. Then moon went to his and Ballora place and sun followed. Then moon sat on the left side of Ballora so he was in the corner. And sun sat on her left side. Moon saw that Ballora was crying but silently with her head down. "What's wrong love?" Asked moon as he hugged Ballora. "Roxy... I just... got mad... I'm sorry..." said Ballora. "You don't have to be sorry! Your aloud to feel mad, and it's not good to keep your emotions in! If you want someone to talk to you can talk to me!" Said moon. Then Ballora pulled moon on to her lap and hugged him from behind. "Can I kiss you but tell sun not to tell anyone?" Whispered Ballora to moon. "Yes"said Ballora. Then Ballora lifted moon face upwards and kissed him. Sun saw and was shocked. "Sun you can't tell anyone that we're dating!" Said moon after the kiss stoped. "OK! I'm so happy for y'all!" Said sun. Then moon wiped her tears off. Then Ballora grabbed moon by the waist and flipped him the other way so they could be face to face. Then Ballora hugged him tightly. "Ok sun, I'll see you tomorrow. I have to sleep now..." said moon. Then Ballora fell asleep and sun when to his room and then everyone was asleep.    

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