The love returned. Ballora's protective code. The dance (15/30)

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The next day, before everyone woke up Vanessa was still working on Ballora. Then Vanessa looked at Ballora's shocker because the cop gave the shocker and wrench back. Then Vanessa took the wrench that was in Ballora and unscrewed her knee panel. Then Vanessa welded her Endo skeleton. Once Vanessa finished with the Endo skeleton, then she screwed her leg panel shut. Then Vanessa unscrewed Ballora's arm panel and then unscrewed a cap that was on a pipe. Then Vanessa grabbed a big things of oil and poured it in the pipe. Then she put the oil down and screwed the cap back on the pipe, and then screwed her arm panel shut. Then Vanessa left the dome and then went to the computer and connected Ballora's profile and then hit the off then on button. And then she closed the profile and shut the computer off. Then Vanessa went back in the dorm and then after a few seconds, Ballora then opened her eyes. Then Ballora flinched and started to panic. "your ok! We got rid of that man!" Said Vanessa. "Is moon ok?!" Asked Ballora worriedly. "Yes he is ok. But I need to wrap your cuts because the welding needs to harden still. Then Ballora stood up. "Ok do a T pose" said Vanessa. Then Ballora did a T pose. The Vanessa grabbed a box on the table that had badge wrap in it. Then she wrapped Ballora's stomach and wrapped over her eye. And then she wrapped her leg halfway and then grabbed 2 rulers that were on the table and placed one on each side of her leg. Then she wrapped over the rulers to keep them in place. Then Vanessa finally finished. "Ok, take the wrap off before you sleep and also get someone to put the rulers back on this little table." Said Vanessa. Then everyone woke up. Then Vanessa went to her office. Then Ballora limped out of the dome quietly. Then Ballora stepped in front of moon. Everyone just woke up so they were still processing what was happening. Then moon looked around and saw a pair of legs. Then everyone but moon saw that it was Ballora. Then moon looked up and saw Ballora. Then moon got up so quickly he almost fell but caught his balance. Then he hugged Ballora and started cry happy tears. Then everyone else stood up. Then moon stoped the hug and then shook his arms because he was stimming from his happiness. Then Ballora took her leg wrap and took the rulers and put them on egg little table and then stood by moon again. Then Ballora bended her leg a bit to see if she could move her leg. Then Ballora hugged moon around his waist and then lifted him up. Then she spun around while hugging him. Then Ballora put him down and whipped his tears off. "are you ok?!" Asked moon. "Yeah I'm fine, but just don't tell Vanessa I took off the thing that she put on my leg!" Said Ballora. "Moon really missed you! He was crying so loud" said sun. "Aww~ moony missed me~" said Ballora as she smiled at moon. Moon then just blushed as he stood still. "Do y'all know when we go to the daycare entrance, and we see the other stuff too? Can we go there?" Asked Ballora excitedly. "Sure" said moon. "Yay, k see y'all there!" Said Ballora. Then Ballora quickly picked moon up and started running to the stage lift. Then everyone followed Ballora as fast as they could. Then Ballora waited on the stage lift for the others. Then the others got on the lift. Then the stage went up. Then started to run to the escalator as everyone ran behind her because she was really fast. Then she got of the escalator and the other got onto the escalator. Then she got in the elevator and went down to the first floor. Then everyone else got in the elevator and went down. Then Ballora got out of the elevator and took a few steps and put moon down. Then the others came out of the other elevator. "How do you run so fast?!" Asked Roxy Shockingly. Then Ballora just raised her shoulders because she didn't know. Then Ballora walked down the stairs and everyone followed. "They have toy shops! Are the shops ope-" said Ballora before she turned her head. Then ballora walked over to the opening gates. Then everyone came to her, in confusion. "You good?" Asked moon. Then Ballora heard the noise again, then she knew someone was breaking in. Then Ballora walked to the entrance to the whole place. Then everyone went to Ballora. Then moon stepped in front of Ballora and looked at her. " are you ok?"asked moon worriedly. Then moon cupped Ballora's face and tried to make her look at him but Ballora just kept looking at the door. "Are you ok?!" Asked moon worriedly. Then Ballora pushed moon away, and he bumped into the others which were standing to the side so they wouldn't be in the way. Then Ballora tried to hold the doors shut. "Ballora why did you push him?!" Asked Roxy concerning-ly. Then the door flung on and the impact hit Ballora in the stomach and then she held her stomach as she backed up a few steps. Then her eyes turned orange and she looked up and saw a man with a black mask on. Then she walked up to the man while holding her stomach. "Hello, umm... the Mega Pizza Plex is currently closed. You will have to leave this property or I will have to call security." Said Ballora. "Bitch you don't tell me what to do! I have a gun!" Said the man. "You can be in here, especially with a gun!" Said moon as he walked closer to the man. Then the man punch moon in the stomach, and moon fell to the floor while holding his stomach. "LEAVE NOW!" said Ballora as she blocked moon so the man couldn't hurt him. Then the man pulled out a gun from his pocket and pointed it at Ballora's head. "Do it and you'll regret it!" Said Ballora as she smiled with her sharp teeth and her eyes turn red. "I'm not leaving! And I will do it!" Said the man. "Do it! I dare you!" Said Ballora. Then the man shot the gun. When he shot the gun Ballora caught the bullet before it hit her head. Then Ballora snatched the gun and the man was so shock he didn't notice that she grabbed the gun. "Now who's got the gun? NOW LEAVE OR ELSE I WILL CALL THE COPS!" Said Ballora. Then man ran out side and ran away. Then Ballora snapped the gun in half and threw it out side. Then she slammed the doors closed and locked the door. Then Ballora looked at moon. "Are you ok?!" Asked Ballora concerned. " yes... are you?!" Asked moon. Then Ballora looked at the others. " are y'all ok?!" Asked Ballora. "Yes..." said everyone else. "Sorry I pushed you... I just panicked and didn't want you to get hit by the doors" said Ballora as she helped moon up. "I'm gonna go to the daycare..." said Ballora. Then Ballora went to the daycare and everyone went with her. Then everyone got in the daycare and stood by the desk. Then Ballora sat on the floor as moon sat next to her. Then Ballora grabbed moon's hand that was next to her. Then she interlaced her fingers with his but she kept her and his hand down so the others wouldn't see. Then moon started to blush as he started to get bricked up. Then moon crossed his leg and just looked at sun for help. Sun knew that moon needed help. "Ok umm... moon can you help me with something!" Said sun to make a excuse so he could help moon. Then moon got up and him and sun walked upstairs. "Ok, ummm...come to the bathroom" said sun. Then him and sun went in the bathroom. "What do I do?!" Asked moon in a stressful way. Then sun grabbed a box of condoms from a bottom sink cabinet. "Use this, and then put long pants on..." said sun as placed the condoms on the sink counter. "How am I supposed to use this?!" Yelled moon. " I don't know. Just put it on" said sun. "Ok, turn around!" Said moon. Then sun turned around and moon put the condom on and pulled his pants back up. Then moon went to hims room as Sun followed. Then moon picked up his 5 dirty clothes and put it in his laundry basket. Then he went in his closet and grabbed his blue stary pants. Then sun turned around and moon put the
I'm ants on and put his shorts in the basket. Then moon and sun went down the stairs. Then they went or the dad fed lol others. "I thought you went to help sun... so why did you change your pants?" Asked Roxy because she was suspicious of moon. "Uhh... because I was cold!" Said moon trying to get away with a lie. Then moon stood by Ballora. Then Ballora stood up and put her arm around moon's waist. "ok we're gonna go to our rooms" said Freddy. Then him, Roxy, Chica, and Monty went outside the daycare. Then Eclipse and lunar stood by sun behind the desk. Then eclipse picked up lunar so he could see up higher. Then Ballora walked a few steps away from moon. Then Ballora pointed at moon and the bent her finger since she was signaling for moon to come to her. Then moon walked to her. Then Monty, Freddy, Chica, and Roxy walked back in quietly because then need to ask something. " dance with me... please?" Said Ballora. Then moon and Ballora started to slow dance. Then moon swung to Ballora to the and she twirled. Then he swung Ballora to the left and she twirled. Then sun, and eclipse walked to the others. Then moon held Ballora's back, then Ballora bent her back and leg. Then moon put his hand behind her head. Then they kissed for a sec. Then they stood up straight and then turned around to go sit at the desk bye saw the others. "Did y'all just kiss?!" Asked Roxy excitedly. "No!" Said both moon and Ballora. Everyone was shocked except sun. Sun just crossed his arms and smiled. "Yes y'all did!" Said Roxy excitedly. "Nooo... umm... we're just best friends... annndd... best friends don't kiss each other?" Said Ballora nervously, then she nudged moon's shoulder. "Oh... yeah frie- best friends don't... kiss each other!" Said moon nervously. "Umm... sure... but we we're gonna go to our rooms but I wanted to know if we could stay and have fun with y'all!" Said Freddy. "Sure!" Said Ballora. Then everyone went upstairs and then went inside moon's room. Then moon sat on his bed, and everyone except Ballora sat on the floor. "Oooo! Can see what clothes you have?!" Asked Ballora excitedly. " Sure?..." said moon. Then Ballora opened moon's closet and went inside since it had some room. Then Ballora jumped up and grabbed a crop top and a pair of tight jeans. Then Ballora came out of the closet and held the clothes up on top of each other. Then she closed one eye and out her tongue as she focused. Then she lined the clothes up with moon. "Moon you would look so good in this out fit!" Said Ballora. "Thanks... ummm... I have another pair of those so you can wear that pair of the outfit if you want" said moon. "Oooo... ok! Hold on!" Said Ballora excitedly before she walked out of the room. Then she closed the door and walked to the bathroom and went inside. Then she took her tights off. And then she put the tights jeans on. Then she took her shirt off and put the crop top off. Then she grabbed her clothes and then she saw the box of condoms. Then she walked back to the room and placed her clothes outside by moon's door. Then she opened the door a little so they wouldn't her outfit yet. "Ok! Y'all ready to see the outfit?" Asked Ballora. "Yeah" everyone said. Then Ballora walked in and placed her hands on her hips. "How do I look?" Asked Ballora. Then everyone except moon looked. "#slay gurl!" Said sun as he flicked his wrists. Then moon looked over at Ballora, and looked at her for a sec. Then moon's nose started to gush blood. Then moon's started to blush as his ode continued to gush blood. Them Ballora looked at moon. Then everyone looked at moon. "Uhh... moony, you good?" Asked Ballora. "Ooooo! Moon likes Ballora!" Said Roxy. Then Ballora walked to moon and sat by him on his bed. Then moon touched his face and looked at his hand and saw blood. Then moon realized everyone was looking at him. Then moon grabbed his pillow and covered his face with the pillow. Then Ballora sat next to moon on his bed. "You... good?..." asked Ballora confusedly. "yessss" muffled moon from the pillow. Then Ballora's eyes turned white. Then Ballora heard a familiar voice. "Hello Ballora~ I see that you're alive... again... I will see you tomorrow... don't tell your friend that I talked to you... bye bye!" Said the familiar voice. Then Ballora's eyes went back to normal, and saw that moon was looking into her eyes. "You ok?" Asked moon as he held the pillow to his chest. "Yes? But did you hear that too?" Asked Ballora. "What voice?" Everyone asked. "Nothing..." said Ballora, as she closed her eyes. "Ok we should all go to bed now! So I guess we will have a sleepover!" Said moon. Then everyone except Ballora went to sleep. To be continued...

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