CHAPTER 4 Sandeep and Vikrant

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9 years ago

When Vikrant's phone rang, he answered it to hear Mr. Bakshi on the other end.

"Vikrant, we've got information on a possible terrorist strike in Alibag. We need you and your team to investigate and prevent this from happening."

Vikrant promptly assembled his crew and led them to Alibag. Sandeep and his team, which included Priya, Arjun, and Anjali, joined them.

Sandeep was a seasoned RAW agent. He was a bit of a lone wolf, but his skills were unrivalled, and Mr. Bakshi had expressly sought his assistance for this operation.

Priya was a hacker, Arjun specialised in firearms, and Anjali was a sharpshooter. Vikrant's team had similar skill sets, but this was their first time working with Sandeep and his team.

They landed in Alibag and started looking into things. They rapidly realised that the attack was aimed at a high-profile political gathering taking place at a resort near the seashore. There plan was to eliminate politician Mr Mhatre who is being trouble to peoples of Murud especially fishermans because Mr Mhatre owned 27 fishing trollers along side with peoples from alibag support him and fisherman from Murud cannot get near the international border as Mr Mhatre's boats were there always, because of this drugs supply from Murud has been affected as Mr Mhatre's extended his fishing territory in the Ocean.

This information was provided from the local associate of NIA who is working to track them for them when they get news from alibag man caught with cocaine factory in farm.

Vikrant relays this information to Mr Bakshi and requests that he arrange a meeting with Mr Mhatre since they must remain hidden in the resort in order to save the politician and his party members. Mr Bakshi then called Maharashtra's Chief Minister and described the gravity of the issue and the state of Murud.

Vikrant was at the seashore of Kihim beach, which was on the resort's back side, and the team members were debating what action to do. Sandeep approached Vikrant nodded, interested in what Sandeep had in mind.

"I believe we should split into two teams," Sandeep suggested. "One team will remain at the resort to protect the politicians, while the other team will go after the terrorists."

Vikrant paused for a while, assessing the benefits and drawbacks of Sandeep's proposition. It was a hazardous decision, but they didn't have many options. To avoid the terrorist assault, they needed to act fast and aggressively.

"All right," Vikrant finally said. "All right, let's do it. Stay with the politicians, Priya and Arjun. Anjali, please accompany me and Sandeep."

As anticipated, the crew broke up, and Vikrant's team began their search for the terrorists. They proceeded cautiously into the dense woods, looking for any signs of the enemy.

Anjali and Sandeep keep a close eye out for any threats as they moved forward. They were surprised to see a group of armed guys moving in the opposite direction.

Sandeep gestured for the squad to take cover without delay, and they promptly positioned themselves behind some adjacent shrubs. As the armed guys approached, they understood it was the terrorist gang they were seeking for.

Sandeep kept an eye on Anjali and Vikrant as they took aim with their firearms. The terrorists then saw the team and began firing at them. The team retaliated with similar ferocity, resulting in a heated gun war.

Despite being outnumbered, Vikrant's men held their ground and eventually defeated the terrorists after many minutes of fierce fighting. After the struggle, they inspected the area and discovered evidence connecting the terrorist group to a bigger terrorist network.

Vikrant and his crew were successful in preventing the terrorist attack while also ensuring the safety of the political gathering. Mr Bakshi and the Chief Minister praised their efforts, notably Sandeep's excellent skills and tactical approach.

The success of this operation signalled the start of a long-term relationship between Vikrant's and Sandeep's teams. They collaborated on multiple key missions throughout the years, becoming one of the intelligence community's most efficient and effective teams.

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