Chapter 1: Jovita's Escape

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"Are you ever going to die?" I screamed angrily. As long as Cas was alive, I'd never be able to rule. Cas pressed his lips together to keep in a laugh. We were in my stupid cell. I'd been locked up beneath the castle since the day of the battle, and I'd been hoping he was dead.

"He's immortal," Galo said, stepping off the stairs behind Cas. "I guess you didn't hear."

It had been nearly a month since I'd returned to the castle on the day of the battle, and he hadn't improved at all.

"I'm sending you to the fortress," Cas said, stepping forward and pulling out the key to the cell. "Guards are waiting at the top of the stairs. They'll escort you to a carriage, and then south, to the fortress."

She regarded him suspiciously as he pulled the door open.

"And then what?"

"And then you may do whatever you want, in the confines of the fortress. You'll be given a room, not a cell, and you'll have full access to the grounds. But you'll be guarded at all times."

I laughed. It was short and loud, and not at all amusing.

"You're lying. You're going to send me away so you can kill me without getting your hands dirty."

"No, that's what you would have done. The guards have been ordered not to harm you." He swept his arm toward the stairs. "Go. We may come up with a different arrangement in the future, but for now, you will live in the fortress, and I will live here, and with a little luck, we will never see each other again."

I stood slowly, never taking my eyes off him as I walked to the cell door. I stepped out of the cell and darted quickly past Cas and ran up the stairs at full speed. Four guards followed quickly behind me. I trip one and as he falls, I grab his sword and disarm and knock out the one next to him. One to my left lunges for me and I quickly stab him in the chest while the other one grabs my elbow, and I punch his nose with it and run through my secret passageways and don't stop until I'm miles away from the palace hidden in the woods. I had no one left. The only other group who doesn't like Emmaline and Casimir is King August. Maybe he'll let me join his kingdom.

August was in his sitting room thinking about how Olivia was dead, and it made his life easier but less fun. Suddenly the door slams open, and behind it stands a panting guard,


"What? Why?"

" you...about an...alliance.... shall I let her in?"

"Is anyone with her?"

"No, your Highness."

"Let her in."

The guard quickly leaves and comes back with her.

"Hello. August," she says with a laugh.

"What do you want?"

"To join your kingdom and in return ill kill Casimir and Emmaline for you."

"Sure. Guards have a guest bedroom prepared for her. We'll talk about the details in the morning.

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