Superboy: Kingdom Come III

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There was a hesitation. A moment of unsettling silence all around as Superboy tries his voice again. He does, eventually and just barely.

"I'm–.." The youth pauses to swallow a lump in his throat.

"I'm Superboy. A Superboy of another Earth!" He finally gets his answer out, doing his best to keep his sudden anxiety in check. No immediate answer came. However, the imposing band of veterans do descend to touch down upon the street.

"Flash." Superman gently calls out, and said Speedster comes within a gush and blur. No further explanation needed; the sprinter simply takes the apprehended offenders away one by one to the nearest police station. Only when the last one was taken from this Earth's Hal Jordan baseball glove construct, did the pure blooded kryptonian return his attention to Kon-EL. Solemn in expression and posture as he approaches. His companions, however, stay where they stand. Watching. Hal bears a grin as he observes.

"Oh, this'll be good." The Lantern comments.

"None of that now, Hal." Diana shoots him a brief look.

All eyes lock upon Superman as he passes Red Robin, and soon comes to stand two feet before Connor. Towering a bit.

"You look a tad older than the Superboy I know. Taller, too. Are you..." The older man trails off, expecting the leather-clad youth to catch the cue.

"A clone? Yeah. I'm in a permanent state of looking like an eighteen-year-old. Used to be way shorter until... stuff. Machines and moments of weakness."

"I see. How did you end up here, son?"

"Bad luck of being thrown into the multi-verse, sir. Been trying to get to my own world, but my way back is busted. I'm stuck here now." Conner answers. Then, another pauses creeps in. With judgment in his cold blue eyes, he studies the band of misfits in front of him. Vigilantes that he's made a mission to keep in line. In turn, the bunch, save Superboy, glare with resentment.

"Odd you somehow found your way to this lot. I don't know if you're telling me the truth, but I'd hope anyone who wears that S knows how to spot a bad crowd from miles away." Choice of words that inevitably ruffles some feathers.

"Oh, fact YOU, Superman! Think that hair gel is getting to ya brain and rotten it from the inside out, old timer. You got no right to look down on us!" Duster barks out. In reaction, Red Robin steps forward to stand at Superman's side, as well as in front of the gruff biker.

"We've got plenty, Duster. You've been a public nuisance for far too long. All of you have." Grayson retorts, glaring behind the Red Robin cowl.

"You can't peg everyone who isn't onboard with your insane monopoly of supposedly doing the right thing! Some of us feel we can do far more on our own without Justice League's help!" Ladybug chimes in.

"Lady, you guys are way in over your head. Too many innocent people get caught up in this asinine superhero gang war! There HAS to be some form of order for the sake of civilians." Red Robin counters. Just as Duster was about to speak up again, Superman raises a hand and firmly speaks up.

"Enough. We didn't come here for a pointless debate. This is the end of the line for your old ways. A change must be enforced."

"Yeah? Well, we ain't goin' without a fight, old man." Duster informs. He, along with the rest of his crew readies themselves for a fight. Connor finds himself stumped while digesting the opposing views, not quite sure what he got himself involved in.

"So be it, then. You're coming with us one way or another." Superman tells him in a rather aloof tone. His focus shifts to Superboy again.

"And what about you? Are you apart of the solution or the problem?"

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