Superboy's Re-Assessment

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"Oh, you're serious?" Realization finally struck Tony. The kid really wasn't joking. The stern expression looking him in the face was very evident of that. Still, he felt the adolescent before him didn't really understand the magnitude behind such a request. Either Superboy was crazy, or thought a little too highly of himself. To build a machinery capable of emulating the weight of Earth itself just seemed incredibly ludicrous.
"You want to bench-press the Earth. Without causing catastrophic earthquakes, that is."

"Yeah, that about sums it up pretty accurately. I just want to see how much I've grown since the day I started, and I can't really get back to my own time... Err... universe? To make use of the resources I had." Connor informs, his hands idly resting at his hips. It was true, the young kryptonian came to whom many considers to be one of the greatest minds on the planet - which Connor has no real reason to doubt. During his short time here, Tony has certainly put on display his keenness and clever innovation in just about anything related to tech. The man's weaponized suit belittled the efforts of a handful of capable mutants and meta-humans alike, and there wasn't even one bit of mutation in his dna at all. Tony was the most ideal, and possibly the only individual lax enough to humor the idea.

"This won't be cheap, you know. I mean, I'm not asking you to write a check, but even for me it's a big check to write."

"I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine. I could promote everything Stark Industry if you want. I'm actually somewhat of a connoisseur in not only marketing, but in the entertainment business, too. I was a sensational star back on my world; I'm young, relate-able, and pretty. People will wanna' know what I think is worthwhile and 'cool'."

"Hmmm, you know?", Tony said, waging a thoughtful finger in his metallic gauntlet.
"If you're so strong, honestly that's an assest in itself. We could get some megaproject lifting done. You'd save Stark Industries a fortune on crane rentals or lifting costs to just heft some big heavy things into place for us once in a while."

"That works, too!"

{Some days later.}

Test of Strength

"So this is it, huh?" An inquiry from the curious boy who was circling the machine before him, studying its design and the material it was constructed from all around. It looks to be something that would test both his ability to lift and push the requested mass - how so, Connor hadn't the slightest clue behind its inner mechanisms. Being who he was, it didn't look to be anything remotely heavy, but this was one of Tony's creations. It was why he was currently eager to start the trial. His faith was considerably strong in Tony.

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