Superboy: Gone, But Not Forgotten

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Despite finding his world had been rebooted, a process he was excluded from, business as usual was still just that. Over the course of a day and some hours, SUPERBOY had found himself caught up in an unlikely team-up with none other than Gotham City's very own BATMAN , working together in order to foil an evil that threatened Metropolis City . The culprit's plans, as well as the climax of the case, was coming to an end as the two closes in on the point of interest. Sprinting through the Lex Corp building's hallways.

Batman: "Readings are picking up on a tremendous source of radiation that matches the strand of unusual fear gas we found. The abundance of kryptonite is spiking it... I'm not quite certain what Scarecrow has planned, but this unique variation could be lethal, even to you and Superman. We have to stop here." Batman informs as his high-end cowl studies the perimeter, pinpointing almost every bit of detail he could possibly want to know about area. Room temperature, body heat signatures, and of course the radiation readings. Meanwhile, Connor was scanning around, peering through layers to get an idea of just how many set explosives had been setup throughout the building. From what he was just told? Over three dozen too many for even a slither of comfort.

Superboy: "He has this place littered with dirty bombs... They're not active, but there's a lot of them. Should I--"

Batman: "No. We find Scarecrow, we stop them from ever activating. We'd only be wasting time. Or worse... they may detonate from contact." Bruce chimes in firmly, just before the two made a sharp turn into the widest hallway they've seen yet. A short distance away from a set of mechanical double doors. Prepared for just about any occasion, Bruce swiftly plucks out a decoding device and with a push of a button, the two are given clearance -- entree into the impressive laboratory inside. It's within stumble upon busy bodies moving objects about, and some armed and patrolling, but all them donning matching rags with an obvious theme behind it. With such linear passage, as well as the far from subtle noise from the doors, attention quickly falls upon the duo.

Thug No.1: "We got company, boss!"

Scarecrow: "Well, don't just stand around gawking, you dolts.. SHOOT them!!" The head-man himself bellows, and iron sights taking aim follows. In the midst of such, Bruce & Connor were preparing to deliver a traditional beatdown. The bat drawing batarangs, the kryptonian posture by clasping a fist into an open palm several times. Both glaring without a trace of worry.

Superboy: "Alright, all aboard the Ass Kicking Express. Get ready to get your tickets punched!" And with that, bullets went flying and the room began filling with the ratatatat's of gunfire. Connor used his telekinesis as a net-shield to catch the flying barrage of lead and moved in to take the majority focus, in addition to protecting and providing a window of opportunity to Batman. Seconds passed and bodies had gone flying every which way. A result of the unusual team punching, or even kicking, out every foot soldier that stood between them and Scarecrow himself.
Knowing his numbers were quickly dwindling, he prepped a last ditch effort. The heinous sociopath just barely managed to finish before Batman got hold of him.

The side of Scarecrow's face was harshly introduced into the nearest surface.

[Countdown initiated. T-Minus 10 seconds...]
Batman: "Shut it off, now! Or so God help me, I'll--"
Scarecrow: "Ha! You'll what ? Waste valuable time? Ten seconds, Bats!"


Superboy: "I got it!" The powerhouse clad in black assures and rushes up to cut the device free with his heat vision, take hold of it, and smash through the closest wall. All done within a 1.1 second. The young man ascends into the night sky with determination on his face.

Batman: "SUPERBOY!" After properly cuffing and securing Scarecrow, Batman hurries to peer out the Superboy-made hole in the wall. By the time he does, a distant, yet thunderous explosion erupts overhead. Illuminating the dingy sky with a vibrant and momentary green. Unknown of what had became of the kryptonian, nor having any means to contact him, Bruce instinctively calls out in concern. Leaping out into the city as he glides to ease his way to the city streets.

Minutes later...
Connor's consciousnesses began returning, albeit gradually. The trace of kryptonite had taken its toll on his body.

"Connor? Connor, can you hear me? You have to open your eyes.."
Though somewhat muffled by his struggle to gather himself, that all-too-familiar voice came through clear enough. Through blurry vision, he studies where the source of the voice hails from -- a masculine figure clad in a suit that resembles his own in pattern, though it's a much more colorful variation.
Superboy: "Kal.. haah.. Kal-EL?" The youth breathes out, fatigued and nauseous. A side effect from the considerable amount of kryptonite he was exposed to. He makes an effort to sit up, but a sudden sharpness of pain cuts through his body and puts the notion on hold. All he could really do was lie there, grimacing and groaning pitifully in unusual pain.
"It hurts so much. . ."

"I know. You're hurt.. pretty badly. Just focus on breathing for now, Connor. Keep your eyes open for me."

With his vision clearing up, he was finally able to make out the face of a beloved lost companion. A brother, and a father in a sense. A stream of blood trickle down from his lips, though the sight before his very eyes was all it took to bring a smile to his boyish face. Without any thought, any realization to question what he was seeing, the youth lifts a hand to reach for the other. Desperation, joy, and sadness drive his need. Suddenly, the man kneeling over him is outlined with a vibrant shade of crimson red. The formerly deceased Kal-EL reaches to take hand in his. Firm, yet compassionately. Kal stares with concern, but all he's consistently met with is that weak smile.
"It's really you. It's really you. . . "

"Yeah, it's really me."

A response that warmed the boy's heart to an emotional crumpling point. Sniffling, his brilliant blue eyes began tearing up. A sharp inhale joining the fray of subtle weeping. Evidently, by the apologetic look on Kal-EL's face, it pained him to see the adolescent spilling tears so freely. It was clear as day Connor had been bottling up his struggles deep inside. So compelled, Kal-EL careful delves a hand underneath Connor's head, lifting and supporting him at a short angle. Then, leaning down, the symbol of hope places a kiss at the center of the other's forehead, following up by pressing Connor's head underneath the crook of his neck.

"It's fine. You did nothing wrong."

"I'm just happy to see you again."

"I couldn't even begin to express how much seeing you again means to me..."

"I missed you so much."

"I missed you more, kiddo'."

Yet another response that drew an even brighter smile across Connor's face. In the next moment, the two embraced one another. Staying as such for quite some time.. remaining so until the young man lost consciousness again.

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