Superboy & Clark (What If)

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Underneath the beaming sun of recent noon, tall fields of grass and wheat surrounding the lonesome family home somewhere in Kansas, was none other than the Kent's farm and two weary parents of an unusual boy. Why the concern? Well, their son - Clark - has a biological condition. No, he's not defective or sick. Just unique. Right now, that uniqueness was uncontrollable and stranding him high above the farm, out of reach of his parents' caring embrace.

"We have to do something, Jonathan! Last time I just barely held onto him by the ankle... He might actually fly off for good!" Martha, the farmer's wife, exclaims. Nearly on the verge of gnawing at her nails much like how the worrisome anxiety in her core was eating at her from the inside out.

"I know! I... I know. I'll think of something, okay? I promise... Maybe I can use the old plane in the farm to get him down." The husband suggests, trying to keep his composure while a similar anxiety nags at him, as well. Unbeknownst to the couple, there's a third set of eyes on the 7-year-old idly drifting in midair. However, there was no sense of worry from this particular stranger's body language or expression. No, quite the opposite in fact: without being able to fight it, his lips curve into a grin of amusement. This individual was a unique young man, himself. Not so different from the Kent's dear little Clark. You see, he was miles away from the boy and his family, though with his incredible hearing, it was as if he was standing in the same general area as the two. His innovative vision was just as otherworldly.

The young man makes a decisive decision before too long. With a quick survey of his surroundings, a gas station in the middle of nowhere, he scans for any signs of eyes looking his way. No one around besides the busy clerk back inside, lucky for him. The last car took off barely a minute ago, and there was no signs that traffic was going to pick up any time soon. Within a blink and a gust of wind, the young man vanishes completely. Mindfully, he slows down a few feet away from the Kent's farm, dust flowing pass him after immediately stopping in his tracks. He's something to behold, though nothing anyone would associate with extraterrestrials upon sight of him. He stands at 5'11, a head of onyx shaggy hair, tattoos adorning his torso where his simple tank top doesn't reach, fitted jeans upheld by a belt, and a pair of worn sneakers. One could mistake him for a runaway troublemaker, or some sort of model for cliché bad boy aesthetics.

He casually makes his way toward the couple standing outside the house, looking hopelessly up into the sky. With a tone and structure of words that matches his carefree strides, he greets them.

"Hey! Hey... Uhh.. kinda' heard you two back there." The young man informs, pointing a thumb over his shoulder, smiling all the while. The couple's attention shift toward him with shock, taken aback by the unfamiliar soul.

"I--.. You heard us? Heard what , exactly?" Jonathan questions, dreading the possibilities of a stranger catching wind of what they were raising on their farm, and word spreading to unfavorable people.

"E-everything is fine. You don't need to bother with u--" Martha began, though the young stranger chimes in with his hands lifting in a motion to show he comes in peace.

"Hey, it's alright. That's your kid up there, right?" He inquires, briefly shifting his sights skyward at the floating child. The two exchange stares for a moment before the young man's cyan hues settle back upon the couple before him.

"I can get him down from there if you're having trouble."

"Oh.. I-- We would appreciate any help we can get, but you have to understand something, stranger... We can't let this sort of thing get around. He's our boy, you know. He may be different, but he's ours. " Jonathan responds.

"We love him dearly. We're doing our very best to help him through this. We would never intentionally put him in harms way." Martha adds.

"I understand. I'm not here for gossip material or anything like that. Just wanted to help a few people in need, is all." The adolescent assures calmly, soon turning where he stands. Sights fixing upward again.

"Thank you. You got something that could reach him? Otherwise, we could--" Jonathan begins, and the stranger gently cuts in.

"All fine. I got this." He informs and begins lifting off the ground. Ascending at his leisure as the couple look upon him with shock. They're not the only ones, either. Wide blue eyes watch as that stranger ascend into the sky and approach. Soon the two boys were even level. Clark awkwardly floating at an near upside-down angle, while the stranger was upright like a natural. With a soft chuckle, the young man grips the other by the shoulders and turn him upright, as well. There, a moment of silence creeps in as the older of the two bask in the nostalgia of those all-too-familiar brilliant blue eyes. The stranger is the one to end it.

"You okay, kiddo'?"

"Y-yeah.. I'm okay. Who... are you?" The child asks with deep curiosity, his expression looks as if he's trying to figure out one of the seven wonders of the world.

"Connor. My name is Connor. Yours is Clark, right?"

"Yeah, it is. How did you know?"

"Heard your parents yelling it. How about we work on getting you down from here?"

"Yeah, I want to get down. Are you going to carry me down?"



"Yup. If I carry you down instead of teaching you how to get down, you'll just end up again when I'm not around."

"Oh. Okay... how do I get down?"

"It's not too hard. I guess it would be simple for you to use certain thoughts of things. To go down, trying thinking of a gentle river that flows down a slanted angle. It's slow and gentle." Connor advises, his hands retracting as his arms meet to cross over his torso. Clark heeds the advice and closes his eyes to envision the suggestion.

"A slow and gentle river..." He repeats softly.

"Imagine you're floating atop of that water and being carried down it. Down, down, and down a smooth cruise." Connor adds, while Clark heeds. Inhaling a deep breath, the boy exhales just as heavily.

"Down, down, down..." He repeats much like before.

"Oh my goodness! Clark, you got down!" Martha exclaims just a second or two before the two boys touch down on solid ground. She doesn't hesitate at all to come running, kneeling as she envelopes her son within a warm embrace. Relief soothing both parents.

"Huh, well would ya look at that? I can't thank you enough, stranger. You really got our boy down!" Jonathan speaks with evident gratitude as he joins the woman and child, his hand coming to rest upon Clark's shoulder.

"I was happy to help."

"Listen, if you need anything at all..." Jonathan attempts to offer, though Connor is well intending to decline politely.

"Seeing you three happy is reward enough, sir. I don't actually need anything at all."

"Are you sure? Not even a ride or something?" Martha inquires this time. With a subtle smile, the young man kindly declines again.

"Not a thing, ma'am. I'm good. Promise."

"Hm.. If you say so, but we won't forget the help you gave today." Jonathan makes known.

"Really, it's fine. You two don't owe me anything at all. Kinda' have to head back now, though. You three enjoy your evening." The male-in-black informs, already strolling off to take his leave; hands tucking into his pockets.

"Wait, who are you? You seem just like Clark... Do you know anything at all about him?" Martha calls out with a final question. Briefly pausing in his tracks, Connor peers over his shoulder to give an answer.

"Nah, never met the kid in my life. I'm just a boy from the big city. Be seeing you guys around, maybe." And with those words, the youth kicks off into the sky and flies off into the distance. With awestruck eyes, Clark watches from where he stands.

"Wow... That guy is super cool.."

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