Con-Kon's Bizzare Endeavors

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"What? Man, are you serious...?:" The high school delinquent questions with a look of displeasure on his face as he combs through his luscious raven hair with his trusty steel flip comb with the upmost care and attention to his method.

"What, did you have something better to do today?" His elder, his 6'4 cousin in fanciful white, counters with a soft, yet skeptical grin. He moves his large right hand to rest it atop of the raven hair of head of his six-year-old daughter, who's wonder filled blue eyes shift between the two while gradually nibbling away at the chocolate chip she holds between her lips and teeth, before pressing further on his request of the young man.
"It's just for this afternoon, Kon. I'll be back by the evening to pick her up.

"I mean, I wouldn't usually mind, but I have company coming over today..." Is the youth's response as he gives his wavy locks one more guiding comb through, allowing the strand to bounce into place. His expression still harboring an air of bothersome.

"Oh? Good. It'll help you pass the time quicker, then. You won't even notice the clock moving." The father assures him confidently.It's then his attention shifts down to his daughter.
"Well, it's settled. I'm going to let you stay here with your uncle, okay? Just until I finish up some errands. Then, I'll come back to pick you up."

"Okay, Daddy." The child responds with barely just enough coherently with the cookie in her mouth muffling her words.

"Hey, wait a minute now... I didn't--" Connor attempts to clear up the assumption that the other imposes upon him, but the man would show him even more persistent in the matter. Or rathr, not keen on listening to a denial of his request.

"I trust you'll take good care of her, Kon. I'll be back soon, okay? Spending some time with family could help soften you up a bit." The older of the two interrupts, soon to turing to take his leave through the house's front door.

"But I don't need to--"

"Ciao." S H U T. The sound of the door closing behind the man is all that's left of him. The conversation was decided and over - something the teen proceeds to hang his head and sigh heavily at the realization of.

"So, just like that, huh?" Connor muses his thoughts softly out loud, as he places his hands upon his hips and bears an expression of nonchalant discontent.
"I get into a few fights and now he gets to but into my life? How long is this going to go on for?" He asks of no one in particular.
"At least he's nowhere near as judgmental as the others..." He adds amittedly, trying his best to spit in the face of his relative's kindness and support. Then, his eyes finally fall upon the young girl who was looking up at him with those bright blue and curious eyes of hers - still nibbling away at that cookie, as well. Shifting his lips to the side, he reaches a hand behind his head to rub contemplatively at his upper back.
"Ok, sooo... Do you want to watch something on the t.v.?"

"Mhmm." The girl answers with a nod of her head.

"G r e a t e. I'll put on some cartoons for you, then. Maybe we can get through the day with that keeping you busy for a while. Come on, then." Connor instructs just before tucking his hands into the pockets of his school slacks and moving to head into the living room. The girl follows along behind him. In just a moment, he uses the t.v. remote to flick the television on and sets the channel onto a kid friendly one.

"Noooo. Micky Mouse ; I want Mickey Mouse channel." The child practically whines in protest.

"Alright, sure. You can watch that one, instead. " He assures her and promptly changes it to her the program she prefers. Shortly after he does, just after a little tune, the first words he hears is 'We'll be right back with more Kim Possible in our Kimberly Marathon!', much to his dismay.

"Ugh, no way... A marathon of this? Seriously?" Despite his apparent protest, the little girl proceeds to sit in front of the large, square electric box. Reluctantly, Connor moves to plop onto the sofa further back. His arms raise in unity to cross one another, during, he also hooks his right leg over his left as he leans back into his seat. It's there he remains. Wearing a rather bitter frown as he watches several episodes with his niece. Just a little over an hour and thirty minutes pass. Then--


The bell goes off, swiping up his attention.
"Oh, must be him. I got it." He announces while raising up from the couch, and heads back into the other room to answer the door. He doesn't bother looking through the peekhole or asking for the name of the visitor - he simply undoes the locks and pulls the door open. On the other side stands a teenager just a year older than him. A young man who has even greater tendency to get into more trouble than him. A campion who grins at him while wearing bandages around his right hand, baids on his left hand fingers, and a square medical patch on his left cheek. Not to mention an identical black uniform to his.
"Yo, Jason."

"S'up, Connor? Oh, by the way... This package was sitting in front of your door when I got here." The fellow delinquent informs him and hands over a rectangle, hand-sized box wrapped in thin, browin wrapping paper.

"Huh? Weird... Come on in, though, and shut the door for me. I'm kind of stuck babysitting today, so I can't go out at all." Connor informs his friend while peeling the paper off and heading toward the living room.

"Seriously? That's kind of lame. I was thinking we could take it to those losers, Eren and Samuel. I know where they're hanging out today." Jason responds while following behind the other.

"Gonna' have to cool it for a bit, man. My folks are getting on my case about the school principal calling and the whole police report thing." He replies as he proceeds to untie the yellow string around the box that's keeping it shut tight. After he does and plucks the top off, he sees a thin white card resting on a cushy blue surface inside - and furrows his brows in confusion.

"That blows, but I get it." Jason shrugs his shoulders.

"...Look outside the living room window?" He mutters to himself lowly, citing the words he sees upon the card. With little hesitation, he obliges. He walks around the couch and toward the window behind it. There, he spares a hand to peel back one of the red curtains obscuring the view inside. He raises a brow and looks to his left, then his right.

"Hey, man. Whaddya doing? You expecting someone else?" Jason asks as he leans against the wall near the room entrance and tucks his hands into his pockets.

"Just checking something out..." He responds, though fails to spot anything obvious outside.
"I guess it's nothing, th--" Just as he was finishing that thought, the glint of light shining off metal in the distance flashes in the corner of his vision. However, before he can turn his head and get a proper look at the source, a roaring B A N G ! Suddenly goes off. A fraction of the window shatters, and the bullet hits its mark.

"Guak-k!?" Connor promptly drops the box and reach for his neck, clutching at the gushing wound that dispels large splurts of his warm blood onto his clothes and the carpet below.

"What the hell!?" Jason exclaims. Meanwhile, the startled girl merely snaps around to see what had just transpired. Sadly, it's at the moment Connor is stumbling back, flipping over the couch, and roughly landing atop of the coffee table in front of it. She screams just as his collapsing body shatters the glass on impact.

"Uncle Connor!" She screams in horror.

Dude, what the hell!? WHAT THE HELL?" Jason shouts with that exact same tone of panic behind his words.
Laying there, Connor's body begins involuntarily trembling as every inch of him begins to feel heavier and heavier. Just as his vision begins growing blurry - after he coughs up blood - he uses the last of his strength to speak what were likely to be his final words.

" C-... C-c-... Crim.. son... Umpire!" He fights out. On cue, a fire-like purple aura suddenly begins stirring around his entire body. Then? Darkness....

Then light. The sound of Connor the front door could be heard from the living room, where his niece is peacefully watching t.v. And seconds later, the sound of him opening it the door and greeting the visitor on the side can be, too.
"Yo, Jason." --


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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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