chapt.7/ movie night

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There will be smut at the middle to the end of the chapter . HUGE WARNING ⚠️

Alex Parker pov.

"That was fast, but you did a very good job" fury told us, right as we brought those motherfuckers into the cells and now sitting in the conference room to do the grieving about the mission.

Luckily we're almost done.. so I can finally go back to bed to Kris and cuddle with her.

"Parker?" Director fury asked me and suddenly everyone stared at me.

"Yeah, sorry" I apologized and tried to focus.

So fury went on and asked the others questions, me on the other hand failed extremely on focusing back to "work".

"So the conference is done, youre dismissed" he spoke up again and my head shot up and I jumped onto my feet, sprinted back to Kris.

She still laid in my bed and all cuddled up with her and my dog.

I quietly slipped under the covers and snuggled up against her back.

"You're back?" She whispered with a raspy voice.

I nod and fell asleep, it was a dream, I slept soooo good like I  haven't did in years.

-timeskip a FeW hOuRs LaTeR-

I felt light kisses  on my face and slowly opened my eyes, directly seeing Kris.

"Good morning" I whispered and pressed my lips against hers.

"Morning" she whispered back when I pulled away and put my head back onto the pillow.. The sun was shinning through the Windows and the birds were singing.

"How was the mission?" She whispered and let her hand slid over my chest, I felt my heart warm up at that gesture and smiled. "Pretty good" I mumbled and placed a kiss on  her hair temple.

She nodded and softly sat up, I did too, even tho I was still tired, but I was hungry  as a bear.

"Should we go make breakfast?" I asked and she nod again. So I practically jumped up and waited for her at the door to come with me.

I then noticed that she firstly went to my bag, I slightly furrowed my brows out of confusion but when she grabbed herself a pair of sweats and a shirt, I weirdly smiled.

I felt truly happy. As if she made my heart jump in happiness, but then there is Natasha, she's won't leave my mind. I shouldn't be thinking of her, when Kris is laying next to me. Right?

As if she would've heard my thoughts, she looked at me and let her hand slip through my short hair. I chuckled and placed a little kiss on her cheek.

"Okay, let's go, I'm kinda starving right now" she finally said and I nod, agreeing.

We both walked in the bathroom, right next to my room and brushed our teeth, let the dogs out in the backyard and saw Wanda already standing behind the stove and probably making breakfast.

"Good morning" Kris and I said, which let Wanda jump in suprise, she held the place that carried her most important organ, her heart.

"Morning, I'm making breakfast, can you please get the others? It's almost done" she said, we nod and turned back around.

On our way to get the rest of the team, Natasha walked across our path, her face grumpy and I think there was still  something I quite don't understand.

"Wanda made break-" she cut me off with a attitude, which kinda hurt my feelings, because I haven't done anything to her.

"I don't care, I have to work" she was now around the corner, out of my sight and I left out a deep breath and put on a smile again.

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