Six Week Wait

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Summary: Anon request on Tumblr - "Could you maybe write about the first time after their daughter is born? Like reader is 6 weeks postpartum and Niall cannot wait to get his hands on her?? But she's insecure and he's very comforting? Thank you!!!"

Summary: Anon request on Tumblr - "Could you maybe write about the first time after their daughter is born? Like reader is 6 weeks postpartum and Niall cannot wait to get his hands on her?? But she's insecure and he's very comforting? Thank you!!!"

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"Hello, y/n. I'm Dr. Griffin." She shakes your hand, "How are you feeling?" she sits down on the rolling stool, "Any pain?"

You shake your head, "No."

"How have you been doing these last six weeks? Are you getting enough sleep, enough to eat?"

You smile as you think of Niall, he's the best person you could have had a baby with, "I have the best help at home, her dad is phenomenal with us."

She smiles, "That's good, really good. It's important that you take just as good of care of yourself as you do this little tiny blessing."

She peeks in to the car seat that holds your sleeping daughter, "Oh she looks like her daddy."

You roll your eyes and laugh, "Tell me something I don't hear every time someone sees her."

The doctor talks to you for a little bit before examining your belly, pushing down on it to make sure things are going back to normal.

"Okay. So I am clearing you to go back to your basic everyday activities."

Your heart kind of sinks, "O-okay. That's good right?"

She nods, "You're healing very well, that doesn't mean go and lift a couch by yourself, but you are cleared for sex if that is what you're getting at."

You laugh nervously, "Okay. Great."

You knew Niall couldn't wait to get his hands on you.

You knew he was secretly hoping you'll be in the clear.

You were too, but the aftermath of having a baby keeps body slamming you every time you start to feel good about yourself and think that maybe you can let it happen.

"You can check out at the desk and we won't need to see you back for another few months but that doesn't mean you can't reach out if you have any questions or concerns, okay?"

You nod and she walks out of the room, closing the door.

You take in a deep breathe, covering your mouth as all of the feelings you were holding in hit you like a train. Tears spill from your eyes and you glance over to make sure your daughter is still asleep.

You pull it together and pull out your phone, giving Niall a quick text, checking out, be home soon.

You put your phone in the diaper bag and grab the car seat, making your way to check out.


As you drive home, all of the thoughts you were dreading seemed to be coming to life.

Niall has mentioned sex, but he wasn't nagging you about it. You know that waiting six weeks was a huge change for the both of you, yeah you have thought about it, but you've been so tired and so focused on making sure your little girl was okay that it just wasn't thought of as a top priority.

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