Dad Mode

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Summary: Anon request on tumblr- "Could you please do one on Daddy Niall???"

Summary: Anon request on tumblr- "Could you please do one on Daddy Niall???"

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"Daddy! Daddy look!" You daughter yells as they up up to Niall, "Look."

"What'd ya find, sweetheart?" Niall says leaning over and holding his hand out under hers, "Oh wow."

"It's a cap-a-per-ler."

You smile and chuckle quietly at your daughter who tried to pronounce caterpillar, "Yes, honey. A caterpillar."

"That's a pretty one, you know what. This caterpillar will eventually turn into a beautiful butterfly." Niall looks up at your daughters face.

She smiles and jumps up and down, "butterfly! Butterfly!"

"Yes, now why don't you go and gently set it down on that big leaf over there, I'm sure they're super hungry want some of that yummy green leaf." Niall points and leans back against the wall as your daughter runs away chanting "butterfly".

"She's so you." He says looking over at you, "I love her so much."

You smile and shake your head, "She's the perfect mix of both of us."

You and Niall sit on the ground, watching your daughter run and play. Your eyes move to Niall and you can't help but feel so turned on by him.

He's so gentle and caring, but also stern and assertive when needed and let's just say,

Niall in dad mode is whole other mood.

You pull out your phone, quickly snapping a picture of Niall as he leans back against the wall. His arms are rested on his thighs, hands perfectly placed in his lap. A smile stays plastered on his face as he watches your little girl jump and pick flowers from the ground.

"You taking pictures of me?"

Niall's voice catches you off guard as you realize you had been caught lusting over him, "Maybe." You smirk, "You just might have to come over here and find out."

He smirks and shakes his head, letting out a sigh as he heaves himself up from his leaned back position, "Maybe I will."

He crawls over to you, reaching for your phone but you extend it backwards, laughing as he moves further up your body, "Not going to make it easy are ya?"

"Do I ever?" You fall back onto the grass, laughing as Niall kisses your neck playfully, his arm still reaching to try and grab the device.

"Niall." You laugh, "Don't you do-"

You let out a yell, laughing as his fingers dig into your sides. He tickles you, "Just drop it." He laughs and pulls your arm.

You can't speak, you're laughing so hard until Niall falls off of you, rolling onto the grass.

"Don't tickle mommy!" Your daughter yells as she leans down at Niall.

Niall tries so hard to hide him wanting to laugh so you divert her attention, "Hey, baby girl. Did you save mama?"

Dirty Oneshots - Niall Horan Where stories live. Discover now