Quiet in the Library

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Summary: anon request on tumblr - "Hey could you do something like angry/hate sex with niall where the reader and niall hate each other...in like a library against a book shelf and maybe squirting too?"

You stand up straight and roll your eyes, sighing in annoyance as you can't find the book you're looking for

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You stand up straight and roll your eyes, sighing in annoyance as you can't find the book you're looking for. You knew college was going to be rough, but not asshole professor who sets a dead line for the next day hard.

You walk up to the desk and set your books down, "Hi, do you happen to have the book Witches of Pennsylvania?"

The lady types on her computer, "We only have one copy and it looks to be currently checked out." You sigh and nod, "Okay. I guess I can ju-"

The book you just so happen to be looking for gets slammed on the desk.

"Are you returning this, sir?" The lady asks pushing up her glasses.

"Yeah, I am."

Your blood instantly boils and you close your eyes, internally swear every curse word known to man.

Niall Horan.
Number one asshole of the senior class.

"Miss. You can check out this book now."

You nod and swipe the book off the desk without making eye contact with him, quickly making your way to the back table and sitting down.

You can feel his eyes on you. The way they burn holes through your skin pisses you off to no extent. You ignore him as you sit down and get your note book out of your bag.

You and Niall had a run in at one of the parties you decided to go to. He was majorly drunk and wouldn't let you alone, so you told him off, even slapped him, which then made you the talk of the school for a while.

So from then on, you and Niall have been, what many would call, enemies.

You feel the presence of someone walk up and sit down in the chair across from you. You continue to keep your nose in the book and turn the page, moving your head with it.

"You're welcome."

You continue to look over your book, writing down notes.

Niall lays his hand down on your notebook and you snap your head up, "Excuse you, asshole."

He laughs slightly, "Whoa, easy tiger."

You roll your eyes, "Get away from me, Horan."

"Mm. Last name basis, okay y/l/n."

You huff and throw your pen down, "What." You state as you tap the table with your finger, "Clearly you need something."

He shrugs and leans back in the chair, "I just came over to collect my apology with a side of 'thank you'."

You tilt your head, "thank you for saving the day Niall, really means so much to me." You say in a sarcastic tone. You roll your eyes, "As if I would ever apologize to you. You deserved being smacked, acting like a total ass like that."

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